An egg has been fertilized (cell division - 2 week period)
Developing organs & nervous system (2nd week to 2nd month)
Environmental agent that can reach the baby and cause harm
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Exposure to alcohol
Final stage of prenatal development: brain, bones, muscles (9 weeks - 9 months)
Rooting reflex
Touch the corner of an infants mouth and they will turn their head in that direction
Developmental norms
Universal sequence but not timing
Gross motor skills
Develop during toddlerhood; involves movement of large muscles (kicking ball, walking upstairs)
Fine motor skills
Less developed until school age; involves movement of smaller muscles (writing)
Start of adolescence
Involves in reproduction
Not involved in reproduction (body hair)
End of women's menstrual cycle
Prefrontal cortex
Responsible for planning, judgement, impulse control (not developed until 20s)
Erik Erikson
Famous for theory of psychosocial development
Emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregivers
Mary Ainsworth
Studied differences in attachment
Harry & Margaret Harlow
Did not believe attachment is formed due to nourishment
Diana Baumrind
Identified 4 parenting styles
Permissive Parenting
Low demands, rules don't exist
Neglectful Parenting
Low demands, low affection, not around to model good behavior
Authoritarian Parenting
High demands, strict rule, harsh punishments
Authoritative Parenting
Reasonable expectations, rules, and punishments
Rigid attachment (exp. Jacob Black)
Konrad Lorenz
Studied imprinting in ducks
Refers to a persons emotional disposition
Self concept
Understanding of who they are
Self esteem
Falls during adolescence
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Believed there were 5 stages to understanding death
Jean Piaget
Believed a child's mind was not a mini version of an adults
"Building blocks" of understanding (5 senses)
Interpret new information using existing schemas
When presented with new info, we change our schemas to match it
Birth-2yrs experience world through senses and actions
Object permanence
Awareness objects continue to exist when not perceived
2-7yrs symbolic thought (pretend play)
Inability to understand others point of view
Theory of mind
Sense of what others think/feel
Objects can be changed and returned to original form (water can be frozen, melted, and refrozen)
Quantity remains constant despite changes in shape
Formal operational
Understand inconsistencies in others actions/thoughts
Lev Vygotsky
Emphasized the minds growth through interaction with social development
Zone of proximal development
Space between what we can do with or without assistance
Lawrence Kohlberg
Conducted a study on moral development
Morals are based on social approval
Morals are based on rewards and punishments
Morals are based on personal definition of justice
Carol Gilligan
Criticized kohlbergs research for not accounting for differences in men and women
Classical conditioning
Type of learning where two or more stimuli are linked
Ivan Pavlov
explored classical conditioning
Unconditioned Response UR
Happen automatically without conditioning
Neutral stimulus NR
Will not produce a response
Conditioned response CR
Produces a response
Higher order conditioning
Neutral stimulus becomes a second conditioned stimulus
Moment where conditioning has happened
"Unconditioning"; breaking link between stimuli
Spontaneous recovery
Long break after attempting extinction
Conditioned stimulus CS
Response after learning has taken place
Unconditioned stimulus US
Unconditionally triggers a response (will say ow)
Stimulus Generalization
The greater the similarity, the stronger the response (instead of fear of the dog, fear of all dogs)
Stimulus discrimination
Ability to differentiate between conditioned response and other
Person exposed to harmless stimulus until fear developed
systematic desensitization
People are taught relaxation technique
Counter conditioning
Pleasant stimulus is paired repeatedly with a fearful one
operant conditioning
Organisms associate their own actions with consequences
Edward Thorndikes law of effect
Rewarded behaviors are more likely to occur
BF Skinner
Influential behaviorism approach
positive reinforcement
Adding a desirable stimulus
negative reinforcement
Removing an unwanted negative stimulus
Fixed ratio schedule
Reinforcement is given after a specific number of responses
Variable ratio schedules
Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses
Variable interval schedule
Reinforces a response after a random amount of time
Fixed interval schedules
Reinforces a response after a specific time has elapsed
Positive punishment
Adds an unwanted stimulus
Negative punishment
Removes an enjoyable stimulus
Form of operant conditioning where reinforces guide behavior closer to a desired behavior
Superstitious behavior
Proceed desired outcome
Preparedness Biological predisposition
How genetics show likelihood of survival
John Garcia
Challenged the idea that all associations can be learned equally well
Taste aversion
Prepared rats to learn taste aversion from toxic foods
Edward Tolmon
Researched cognitive effects on operant conditioning
Cognitive map
Mental representation of physical environment
Latent learning
Not using knowledge unless you need to
Insight learning
Learning that happens suddenly and abruptly
Number of responses
Applies stimulus
Removes stimulus
Increases the frequency of desirable behavior
Decreases frequency of undesirable behavior
Observational learning
Learning by observing others behavior
Imitating an observed behavior
Mirror neurons
Frontal lobe neurons that fire when we perform certain actions
Albert Bandura
Studied observational learning in his BoBo doll experiment; adults beat doll and child would mimic them
Social Learning Theory
People learn from each other through observation, imitation, and modeling
Antisocial modeling
Negative and harmful; numb to what many others consider wrong
Pro social modeling
Positive and helpful; lead to confidence and pro social effects on society
Behavior modification
Attempts to change behavior through various techniques