Cell Differentiations
Cell becomes specialized to perform a defined function. Are Multicellular organisms
Stem Cells
Cells without a defined function. Can learn to do any “job”. Copies/Mimics what surrounding cells are doing.
Heart cells, stomach cells, skin cells are example of what?
Cell Differentiations
Moral and Ethical issues that stem cells create is
“sacrifice” of an unborn(Abortion)
Regenerative Medicne
Using stem cells to repair diseases/illnness
Heart attack - portion of heart dies- insert stem cells and let them how to be heart cells. Is an example of what
Regenerative Medicine/use of stem cells
cells with limited potential to develop into many types of diffrerentiated cells
cells that are capable of developing into most, but not all, of the body’s cell types
cells that are able to develop into any type of cell found in the body (including cells that make up extraembryonic membrane and placenta)
Source of embryotic Stem Cell
fetal source, umbilical cord
is the developing stage of a multicellular organism
Becomes different from the first embryotic cell it was produced from. Perform task of photosythesis, contraction, and protection.
Mapping differentiation
a specialized cell’s progress in turning into its identity to a different cell. Such ass nerve or muscle, etc.
Differentiation in mammals
Differentiation is more controlled and can reach to a point were its complete
Fertilized Eggs called Zygote, and the first few cells in cell division of embryonic development are
early stage in mammals development which consist hallow ball of cells
Blastocyst starts to specialized, outer cells attach to the embryo, and inner cells becomes the embryo which is
Pluripotent/embryotic cells
Stem cells found in
early stages of embryo but can be find in some places in adult body
Adult stem cells produce new cells for cells that have a limited lifespan, like blood or skin cells. This is
Embryo develops to
Blastocyst attaching its self to the outer cell mass and the inner cell mass becomes the embryo. They are able to differentiated to any cell.
Adult stem cells can be found in
bone marrow
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS)
Is a new researched breakthrough that converts human fibroblast similar to embryotic stem cells