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epicondyle surface marking
attachment points bove condyle for ligaments and tendons
angular extension movement
increasing angle between bones
muscle tone
muscles are always in state of mild contraction stabilizes joints
angular movement
changing the angle between bones
gliding movement
simplest form of movement
angular flexion movement
decreasing angle between two bones
wedges of fibrocartilage between bones provides cushioning in weight-bearing areas
band of CT binding bone to muscle
band of CT binding bone to bone
synovial joint (components)
joint cavity more movement hyaline cartilage articular capsule synovial fluid ligaments
synchondrosis joint
cartilage that exists between ribs hyaline cartilage cartilaginous joint
cartilaginous joint
cartilage no joint cavity
gomphosis joint
fibrous joint peg and socket joint
syndesmoses joint
fibrous joint amphiarthosis joint bones connected by ligament
suture joint
type of fibrous joint lines in skull
fibrous joint
fibrous CT no joint cavity probably a synarthrosis joint
synarthrosis joint
joint with no movement skull bones
joint definition
point of contact between bones or between bones and cartilage
angular adduction movement
moving bone towards midline
endochonral ossification
begins with a hyaline cartilage template close to shape of bone - blood vessels accumulate in center
-osteoblasts form bone collar around outer diaphysis - bone collar moves deeper and secretes matrix (center of ossification) - same process as intramembranous (spreads to each epiphysis) - blood vessels arrive at epiphysis (secondary center of ossification) - ends of bone and epiphysial plates remain hyaline cartilage
angular abduction movement
moving bone away from midline
angular circumduction movement
distal end of bone moves in circle around stationary proximal end
angular hyperextension movement
overextension from anatomical boundaries
spine surface marking
sharp extension for attachment of ligaments and tendons
os coxae components
illium pubis ischium
fissure surface marking
space between two parts of the same bone for blood vessels and nerves
pelvic girdle function
attaches lower extremities to appendicular skeleton forms pelvis from 2 os coxae and sacrum
joint bursitis
inflammation of bursae due to trauma
joint dislocation
displacement of bones at joint damages connective mechanisms
joint sprain
forceful twisting of joint damages attachment points
ball-and-socket synovial joint
head and socket triaxial
saddle synovial joint
two saddles laying on top of one another diaxial
condyloid synovial joint
condyle and cavity diaxial
pivot synovial joint
rounded portion bound to ring of another joint uniaxial
hinge synovial joint
concave and coven bones uniaxial capable of only flexion and extension
gliding synovial joint
planar joint bones move on no axis
opposition movement
special movement touching thumbs to other digits
pectoral girdle function
attaches upper extremities to axial skeleton includes clavicle and scapula
rotational movement
movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis
medial rotation
rotating a bone towards the middle
special movements
occur only at specific joints
lateral rotation
rotating a bone towards the outside
special movement sole of foot turns toward ankle
special movement sole of foot turns outward
special movement lowering mandible or shoulders
special movement elbows bent
special movement lifting shoulders
special movement elbows bent
special movement mandible or clavicle pull back
special movement mandible or clavicle push forward
Line surface marking
crest surface marking
deep ridge for attachment of ligaments and tendons
trochanter surface marking
bumps on femur for attachment of ligaments and tendons
diarthrosis joint
freely moveable joint
tuberosity surface marking
larger rounded area for attachment of ligaments and tendons
fetal fontanels
soft spots in between incomplete skull bones at birth
articular capsule (components)
fibrocapsule extension of periosteum of bones dense irregular CT synovial membrane areolar CT lines cavity secretes synovial fluid
amphiartrosis joint
slightly moveable joint
articular capsule that cushions and reduces friction
gouty arthritis
accumulation of sodium urate salts in soft tissue of joint
tendon sheath
wrapping of articular capsule around tendon reduces friction
rheumatoid arthritis
bilateral autoimmune disease attacks synovial membranes
unilateral wear and tear accumulates over time
joint tendonitis
inflammation of tendon sheath due to overuse
tubercle surface marking
small rounded area for attachment of ligaments and tendons
facet surface marking
head surface marking
large articulated portion atop of a constricted portion (neck)
condyle surface marking
rounded extension used for articulation
fossa surface marking
large depression that only houses muscle
groove surface marking
depression that houses various components aka sulcus
paranasal sinus function (3)
lighten skull warm and humidify air for lung use gives voice its tonal quality through sound resonation
sinus surface marking
air-filled space
meatus surface marking
tunnel-like tube nothing passes through
inflammation of joint
foramen surface marking
hole for various components such as blood vessels
intramembranous ossification
fibrous sheets to bone - mesenthyme tissue accumulates osteoblasts (center of ossification) - osteoblasts secret matrix - osteoblasts die when matrix hardens around them - spaces filled with blood vessels - mesenchymal cells become periosteum - forms spongy bone which may be remodeled to compact bone
mineral salt - majority of bone mass
connects lacunae - side streets
cell in compact bone CT
house for cell
volkman's canals
connect rings to central canal - perforated canal
haversion canal
large opening - holds blood vessels and nerves
each concentric ring - made of bone matrix
functional unti of compact bone - full ring
irregular bone
does not fit into any category
flat bone
relatively flat and thin - compact outside - spongy inside
sesamoid bone
bone forms w/in tendon (patella)
short bone
wider than long
spongy bone CT
plates of bone (trabeculae) - red marrow in cavities - produces all blood cells
compact bone CT
arranged in haversion system - rings of bone surrounding a canal
osteogenic layer of long bone membrane
inner layer - osteoblasts (build up) - osteoclasts (consume)
fibrous layer of membrane in long bone
outer layer of dense irregular CT
membranes of long bone
periostea - covers outside of bone - fibrous and osteogenic layer
epiphysial line/plate
-border of diaphysis and epiphysis - plate = before puberty - line = plate shrinks during puberty
epiphysis of long bone
end of long bone - spongy bone with layer of compact bone surrounding - hyaline cartilage lines ends
diaphysis of long bone
-shaft of compact bone - hollow cavity (marrow cavity) - sheds weight - stores yellow marrow (adipose tissue)
long bones
longer than wide - all bones of limbs
appendicular skeleton
everything else that attaches to axial skeleton - locomotion
axial skeleton
axel of body - skull
interstitial cartilage growth
chondrocytes internally divide and secrete matrix