Two Pectoral Girdle
Two Pectoral Girdle
shoulder girdle
Accompany glenohumeral joint movement to increase ROM
shoulder girdle
To stabilize the scapula and clavicle during glenohumeral joint movements.
sterno-clavicular joint
Where is the only bony contact the shoulder girdle has with the axial skeleton?
superior angle
what is this?
superior border
what is this?
scapular notch
what is this?
acromion process
what is this?
coracoid process
what is this?
glenoid fossa
what is this?
infraglenoid tubercle
what is this?
axillary border
what is this?
subscapular fossa
what is this?
inferior angle
what is this?
acromion process
what is this?
coracoid process
what is this?
scapular notch
what is this?
superior border
what is this?
superior angle
what is this?
supraspinous fossa
what is this?
spine of scapula
what is this?
infraspinous fossa
what is this?
vertebral border
what is this?
inferior angle
what is this?
axillary border
what is this?
neck of scapula
what is this?
infraglenoid tubercle
what is this?
glenoid fossa
what is this?
sterno-clavicular joint
Classification: Ball & Socket
Ball - Sternal end of clavicle.
Socket – Clavicular notch of the sternum.
ball and socket
classification of sterno-clavicular joint
How many planes can this joint move in?
What movement can this joint do?
sterno-clavicular disk
Attached to both ends of the joint. Divides the joint cavity into 2 parts. Fibro-cartilage
sterno-clavicular disk
Prevent superior dislocation of the head of the clavicle.
sterno-clavicular disk
Absorb compression stress.
sterno-clavicular disk
Improve bony fit.
ant/post sterno-clavicular ligament
two ligaments
costoclavicular ligament
two ligaments
costoclavicular ligament
Attaches from the clavicle to the costal cartilage of the first rib.
sterno-clavicular joint
Movements of the shoulder girdle complex occur around the…
acromio-clavicular joint
Classification: Planar, synovial, non-axial.
acromio-clavicular joint
Medial edge of the acromion process attached to the lateral end of the clavicle.
A lateral blow to the… joint will dislocate the clavicle superiorly to the acromion. This is a “shoulder separation”.
coraco-clavicular ligament
Composed of
Conoid Ligament
Trapezoid Ligament
Coraco-clavicular ligament
Similar to the ___________ lig.
very strong, doesn’t cross joint
Why are the coraco-clavicular ligament and costo-clavicular ligament similar?
Injury or trauma to the Clavicle
the most common…
movements at shoulder girdle at what joint?
Anterior wall: formed by pectoralis major & minor.
Medial wall: formed by the serratus anterior.
Posterior wall: formed by shoulder mm. – latissimus dorsi & teres major.
Lateral wall: formed by intertubercular groove of the humurus
upward rotation
downward rotation
internal rotation
protraction 1
external rotation
retraction 1
horizontal adduction
protraction 2
horizontal abduction
retraction 2
what is this?
what is this?
adduction and flexion
what is this?
horizontal adduction (protraction)
what is this?
external rotation (retraction)
what is this?
internal rotation (protraction)
what is this?
horizontal abduction (retraction)
what is this?
what is this?
shoulder girdle
Accompany glenohumeral joint movement to increase ROM.
shoulder girdle
To stabilize the scapula and clavicle during glenohumeral joint movements.
shoulder girdle
Scapulo-humeral rhythm
The importance of muscle function in…
proximal stabilization
Movements associated with joint motion require…
Proximal attachment, generally considered the least movable part
the part that attaches closest to the midline or center of the body.
Muscles can only exert force and cause limb movement if one end remains…
The distal attachment, generally considered the most movable part
the part that attaches farthest from the midline or center of the body.
…muscles primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements
6… primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements
Do not attach to humerus & do not cause shoulder joint actions.
Essential in providing dynamic stability of the scapula so it can serve as a relative base of support for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, batting, & blocking.
dynamic stability
muscles are Essential in providing… of the scapula so it can serve as a relative base of support for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, batting, & blocking.
muscles are Essential in providing dynamic stability of the … so it can serve as a relative base of support for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, batting, & blocking.
base of support
muscles are Essential in providing dynamic stability of the scapula so it can serve as a relative … for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, batting, & blocking.
There are 6… muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Shoulder girdle muscles primarily innervated by cervical & brachial plexus
Shoulder girdle muscles primarily innervated by … & brachial plexus
brachial plexus
Shoulder girdle muscles primarily innervated by cervical & …
serratus anterior
Anterior muscles of the shoulder girdle
pectoralis minor
Anterior muscles of the shoulder girdle
Anterior muscles of the shoulder girdle
upper 9 ribs
serratus anterior
origin: superiors surfaces of ….
serratus anterior
Superior surfaces of upper 9 ribs.
medial border of scapula
serratus anterior
insertion: costal aspect of ….
serratus anterior
Costal aspect of medial border of scapula.
long thoracic nerve
serratus anterior
innervation: …. arising from the ventral rami of C5, C6, C7, before the brachial plexus.
serratus anterior
innervation: Long thoracic nerve arising from the ventral rami of C5, C6, C7, before the brachial plexus.
Primary role of Serratus Anterior
…. of the shoulder girdle