Animal Kingdom Intro Summary
animals are efficient consumers of other organisms
Most have adaptations that help them detect, capture, eat, & digest other organisms
There are exceptions to nearly every criterion for distinguishing animals from other life-forms
Animal Kingdom Characteristics (5 characteristics)
Animals are heterotrophs that ingest their food
Animals are multi-cellular eukaryotes
Cells are supported by structural proteins such as collagen, rather than cell walls
Most animals reproduce sexually, with the diploid stage usually dominating the life cycle
Most animals have at least 1 larval stage
Larva Definition
A sexually immature & morphologically distinct from the adult; it eventually undergoes metamorphosis to become a juvenile
Juvenile Definition
An individual animal that resembles an adult, but is not yet sexually mature
The common ancestor of all living animals
Group of protists called choanoflagellates
Invertebrate Characteristics
-Animals that lack a backbone -account for more than 95% of known animal species -are morphologically diverse & occupy almost every habitat on Earth
Phylum Porifera General & IMPORTANT Characteristics
-Level of organization: cellular (no tissues, just cells) -Asymmetric **-**No germ layers **-**No body cavities **-**Most sponges are MARINE
Phylum Porifera Trivial Characteristics
Sessile sponges are filter feeders
Porifera means "pore-bearing"
bodies perforated by many pores
Skeleton is composed of spicules
Sponges can regenerate
Few sponges live in brackish water & fresh water
Many species are brightly colored because of pigments in dermal cells
Some stand erect, some are branched, & some are encrusting
Cell types of Sponges
Choanocytes & ameobocytes
Choanocyte Definition
Flagellated collar cells & generate a water current through the sponge, & ingest suspended food
Totipotent cells found in the mesohyl that play roles in digestion & manufacture skeletal fibers
digest food → transfer food to other cells → make skeletal fibers (they help the sponge stand upright)
The mesohyl of the sponge
A gelatinous noncellular layer between 2 cell layers
holds the two layers together
Hermaphrodite Sponges
Each individual functions as both male & female (they produce both sperm & egg)
3 classes of the Phylum Porifera
Demospongiae classes are separated by their skeletons (which are made by amoebocytes)
Calcrea Class of Sponges (Calcispongiae) Characteristics MEMORIZE
Typically have calcium carbonate (calcareous) spicules with 1, 3, or 4 rays -spicules are straight or have 3 or 4 rays
Most are small with tubular or vase shapes
Many are drab in color, but some are bright yellow, green, red, or lavender
Asconoid*,* syconoid*, &* leuconoid body forms
Hexactinellida Class of Sponges MEMORIZE
Glass sponges with 6-rayed siliceous spicules
Nearly all are deep-sea forms
Most are radially symmetrical
Stalks of root spicules attach them to substrate
Demospongiae Class of Sponges MEMORIZE
Have siliceous spicules, spongin fibers, or both
contains 80% of living sponge species
spicules are siliceous but NOT 6 rated
absent or bound together by spongin
Leuconoid body form
All marine except for Spongillidae (genus), the freshwater sponges
freshwater sponges are widely distributed in well-oxygenated ponds & springs, they flourish in summer & die in late autumn
Previously a subgroup of Demosphongiae but pinacoderm has a basement membrane
Pinacoderm of Sponges
the outer layer of a sponge body made up of pinacocytes (equivalent of the epidermal layer of other animals)
Types of Canal Systems for Phylum Porifera (NEED TO MEMORIZE)
Asconoid canal system of Sponges (memorize)
-Flagellated spongocoels -simplest body form -Small & tube shaped (has a center cavity) -Water enters a large cavity, the spongecoel -Cavity is lined with CHOANOCYTES -All calcarea are aconoids -leucosolenia & Clathrina are examples
Large central cavity of sponges
water enters the spongecoel through hundreds of tiny pores, ostia, & exits through the large opening, the osculum
osculum (singular) & oscula (plural)
an excretory structure in the living sponge, a large opening to the outside through which the current of water exits after passing through the spongocoel
Syconoid canal system of Sponges (memorize)
Resembles asconoids but larger with a thicker body wall
Wall contains choanocyte-lined radial canals that fold back & forth to make canals, & then empty into the spongeocoel
Water enters the radial canals through tiny openings, called prosopyles, & then to radial canals, then apopyle to spongeocoel
Apopyles of Syconoid Canals in Sponges
One of the openings by which the water passes out of the radial canal or the flagellated chamber of a sponge
Prosopyles Syconoid Canals in Sponges
a pore through which water is drawn from the outside into one of the saclike chambers formed by the evagination of the body wall
Spongocoel of Syconoids
Spongeocoel is lined with epithelial cells rather than choanocytes
Leuconoid Canal System of Sponges
Flagellated Chambers
Most complex & larger with many oscula
Clusters of flagellated chambers are filled from incurrent canals, & discharge to excurrent canals
most sponges are leuconoid
Leuconoid system, MEMORIZE
evolved independently many times in sponges
system increased flagellated surfaces compared to volume
more collar cells can meet food demands
Sexual Reproduction of Sponges
Most are monoecious: male & have female sex cells in 1 individual
sperm sometimes arise from transformed choanocytes
the free-swimming larva of sponges is a solid parenchymula, or a zygote
Asexual Reproduction of Sponges
Can occur by bud formation or fragmentation
External buds: budding
Internal buds or gemmules
formed by archaeocytes that collect in the mesohyl -coated with tough spongin & spicules -survive harsh environmental conditions
Animal Architecture Components
Body Symmetry
Reproduction & Development
Body Cavities
Germ Layers 4a. Type
Animal Body Planes: Symmetry Definition
Balanced proportions of parts on opposite sides of a median plane
Types of Symmetry for Animal Body Planes
Radial Symmetry
Bilateral Symmetry
Asymmetrical Body Plane Definition
No plane through which they can be divided into identical halves
sponges (not a lot of animals are asymmetrical)
Radial Symmetry
Body divided into similar halves by more than 2 planes passing through the longitudinal axis
Usually found in sessile, free floating, or weakly swimming animals
no anterior or posterior end
Can interact with the environment in all directions
2 phyla (plural of phylum) are Cnidaria & Ctenophora
Bilateral Symmetry
Organisms can be divided along a sagittal plane into two mirror portions
Right & left halves
Much better fitted for directional (forward) movement
Associated with cephalization: differentiation of a head region with a concentration of nervous tissue & sense organs
Advantageous to an animal moving through its environment head first
Reproduction & Development
Most animals reproduce sexually, with the diploid stage usually dominating the life cycle
Sequence of inherited developmental begins after the fertilization of an egg to form a zygote
The zygote undergoes rapid cell division called cleavage
Cleavage leads to the formation of a multicellular, hollow blastula
Sponges & cnidarians lack a distinct cleavage pattern
Bilateral animals typically exhibit either radial or spiral cleavage
Cleavage Definition, with regard to reproduction & development
The rapid cell division, mitosis, of a zygote
1. a solid ball of cells resulting from division of a fertilized ovum, and from which a blastula is formed
2. A ball of cells made through cleavage
Blastula Definition
Multicellular hollow ball of cells
The embryo is a blastula
Invagination where gastrulation begins
infolding of cell sheet into embryo
invagination is the first step of gastrulation, which is the process by which the three germ layers of the embryo are formed. During gastrulation, the invagination of the blastula forms the archenteron, which will eventually become the gut of the organism.
the fluid-filled cavity of a blastula
The blastula becomes this 2 layered stage, with an endoderm & ectoderm layer
The inner body cavity that is surrounded by the endoderm
In animal development, a series of cell and tissue movements in which the blastula-stage embryo folds inward, producing a three-layered embryo, the gastrula.
Types of cleavage (cell division) that Bilateral animals exibit
Radial or spiral
Radial cleavage
The cleavage are symmetrical to the polar axis & produce layers of cells on top of each other in the early embryo
Spiral clevage
Cleaves oblique & typically produce a quartet that come to lie not on top of each other but in furrows between the cells
Definition & Functions of Body Cavities
a hollow space within the body that is lined by a membrane and contains bodily organs
Most animals possess a body cavity
A true body cavity is called a coelom & is derived from the mesoderm
Fluid in the cavities cushion the suspended organs
Fluid in the cavities acts like a skeleton against which muscles can work
The cavity enables internal organs to grow & move independently of the outer body wall
Coelom Definition
A true body cavity & is derived from the mesoderm
An animal that possesses a true coelom; a body cavity lined by tissue completely derived from mesoderm
A body cavity derived from the mesoderm & the endoderm
triploblastic animals that possess a pseudocoelom -round worms
Triploblastic animals that lack a body cavity
types of coelomates
Schizocoely Formation
Mesodermal cells migrate to the blastocoel
Entercoely Formation
Coelom comes from pouches off the archenteron, or primitive gut, that pushes outward into the blastocoel
Germ Layers
During development, 3 germ layers give rise to the tissues & organs of the animal embryo
Ectoderm Germ Layer
The germ layer covering the embryo's surface Develops into epithelial tissue & the nervous system
Endoderm Germ Layer
The innermost germ layer & lines the developing digestive tube, called the archenteron
The developing digestive tube
Mesoderm Germ Layer
the middle layer of cells -layer of cells & tissues between your skin & digestive system: muscles & bones
Diploblastic animals have which germ layers?
Ectoderm & Endoderm -includes cnidarians & a few other groups
Triploblastic Animals have which germ Layers
ectoderm, endoderm, & mesoderm -mesoderm is an intermediate tissue layer
Types of Triploblastic Organisms
MEMORIZE Deuterstome Development & Definition
the blastopore becomes the anus
The name means "second mouth," which refers to the formation of the mouth from the second opening in the embryo
3 phyla: Echinodermata, Hemichordata, & Chordata
MEMORIZE Protostome Development & Definition
The name means "first mouth" & refers to the formation of the mouth from the embryonic blastopore
The anus forms secondarily protostomes
MEMORIZE Characteristics of Phylum Cnidaria
Contain specialized cells: cnidocytes 1a. typically housing stinging organelles called NEMATOCYSTS
All are aquatic & mostly marine
Have Radial symmetry
Epidermis: outer skin layer → ectoderm
Gastrodermis: outer skin layer of the digestive tract → endoderm
Contains a mesoglea
No coelomic cavity
Two body types
free-swimming medusae: looks like a jellyfish
sessile polyps: non-moving
Incomplete gut or gastrovascular spaces
Hydrostatic skeleton
Nerve Net
Asexual & sexual reproduction
Special stinging structures on cnidarians that look like small harpoons
specialized organelles within cnidocytes that eject a stinging thread
Extracellular matrix (non-living) that lies between the ectodermis & gastodermis
2 Body Types of Cnidarians
Free-swimming medusae
Sessile polyps
Cnidarians having an incomplete means...
they only have 1 opening
Hydrostatic skeleton
A fluid skeleton in many soft-bodied invertebrates, including annelids, that allows an organism to change shape but not volume
a cavity filled with water; the water is incompressible, so the organism can use it to apply force or change shape
4 Classes of Cnidaria
Hydrozoa Class of cnidarians
Hydroids, Portuguese man of war
Scyphozoa Class of Cnidarians
Cubozoa Class of Cnidarians
Cube (box) jellyfish
sea anemone & corals
Cnidarians Capturing Prey
Cnidarians are carnivores that use tentacles to capture prey
The tentacles are armed with cnidocytes, unique cells that function in defense & capture prey
Nematocysts are specialized organelles within cnidocytes that eject a stinging head
Each nematocyst is covered by a little lid: an operculum
Except in Anthozoa, cnidocytes are equipped with a larger structure: cnidocil
After discharge, a cnidocyte is absorbed & another develops
Cnidaria Body Plan and Symmetry
They have 2 basic body plans: Polyp & Medusa
Polyp Body Plan of Cnidarians
Hydroid form
Adaptation to a sedentary life
Tubular body with the mouth directed upwards & surrounded by tentacles
Attach to substratum by pedal disc
Reproduce asexually by budding, fission, or pedal laceration
Medusa Body Plan of a Cnidarian
Bell or umbrella-shaped
Usually free-swimming
Mouth directed downward
Tentacles may extend down from the rim of the umbrella
Nerve Net
In the gastodermis & the epidermis layer
Class Hydrozoa (Phylum Cnidaria) Characteristics
Most are marine with both polyp & medusa forms
Hydra 2a. Polyp stage dominant 2b. Bottom end has a basal or pedal disc for attachment 2c. the hypostome: the mouth (oral end) on a conical elevation 2d. Ring of 6-10 hollow tentacles with cnidocytes encircling the mouth
Medusa contains Velum (shelf)
Hydras reproduce sexually & asexually
Asexual Reproduction: Budding
Most hydra medusa are dioecious
Class Scyphozoa (Phylum Cnidaria) Characteristics
Most of the larger jellyfishes belong in class
Medusa is the dominant stage
Nearly all float in the open sea
Bell varies in shape & sizes 4a. Composed mostly of mesoglea
Lack shelf-like velum found in hydrozoan medusae
Mouth located beneath the umbrella
Manubrium forms 4 oral arms
Tentacles, manubrium, & often the entire body may have nematocysts
4 gastric pouches lined with nematocysts connect with the stomach
Which class do most of the larger jellyfish belong to?
Class Scyphozoa
Dominant stage of Scyphozoan jellyfish
Class Scyhozoa Reproduction & Development
Sexes are separate
Fertilization is internal in the gastric pouch of the female; sperm is carried to gastric pouches 3.Zygote develops into a ciliated planula larva 3a.Attaches & develops into a scyphistoma
Schyphistoma undergoes strobilation 4a: Strobilation: Forms buds called ephyrae that break loose to form jellyfish medusae
The zygote of scyphozoans (cnidarians) develops into...
ciliated planula larva -free-swimming or crawling larva
what do planula larva attach & develop into?
Scyphistoma -the fixed polyplike stage in the life cycle of a jellyfish
Scyhistoma (scyphozoans) undergoes what process?
Strobilation -asexual reproduction; forms buds called ephyrae that break loose to form jellyfish medusae
Buds that break loose to form jellyfish medusae (immature medusae)
Class Cubozoa "Box Jelly," (Phylum Cnidaria) Characteristics
Medusa form is dominant
Polyp is inconspicuous or unknown
Umbrella is square (box-like) 3a. One or more tentacles extend from each corner
At base of each tentacle is a flat blade called a pendulum
Strong, fast swimmers
Highly venomous
Feed mostly on fish in nearshore areas
The sea wasp 8a. Off the coast of northern Australia can lead to respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, & death within minutes
Class Anthozoa (cnidaria) Characteristics
Flower animals: polyps are the dominant stage
Lack a medusa stage
All marine
Large gastrovascular cavity
No special organs or respiration or excretion
Sea anemones & corals
Dominant stage of anthozoans (cnidarians)
Sea Anemones (anthozoans) Characteristics
Polyps are larger & heavier than hydrozoan polyps
Attach to shells, rock, timber, etc by pedal discs. Some burrow in mud or sand
Crown of tentacles surrounds the flat oral disc
Slit-shaped mouth leads into a pharynx
Gastrovascular cavity is divided into 6 pairs of primary septa or mesenteries (tissues)
When in danger, water is rapidly expelled through pores as the anemone contracts to a smaller size
Sea anemone pharynx
the muscular part of the digestive system that serves to ingest as well as egest food
Sea anemone gastrovascular cavity
Divided into 6 pairs of primary septa or mesenteries (tissues)