A jog key that moves the spindle along the X-axis in the positive direction.
minus (-)X
A jog key that moves the spindle along the X-axis in the negative direction.
A jog key that moves the spindle along the Y-axis in the positive direction.
minus (-)Y
A jog key that moves the spindle along the Y-axis in the negative direction.
A jog key that moves the spindle along the Z-axis in the positive direction.
minus (-)Z
A jog key that moves the spindle along the Z-axis in the negative direction.
A jog key that rotates machine components around the A-axis in a positive direction. Not all Haas mills are equipped with a fourth A-axis.
minus (-)A
A jog key that rotates machine components around the A-axis in a negative direction. Not all Haas mills are equipped with a fourth A-axis.
A jog key that rotates machine components around the B-axis in a positive direction. Not all Haas mills are equipped with a fifth B-axis.
minus (-)B
A jog key that rotates machine components around the B-axis in a negative direction. Not all Haas mills are equipped with a fifth B-axis.
An override key on the Haas control that increases the current feed rate in 10% increments.
minus (-)10 FEEDRATE
An override key on the Haas control that decreases the current feed rate in 10% increments.
An override key on the Haas control that sets the feed rate back to 100% of the programmed value.
An override key on the Haas control that increases the current spindle speed in 10% increments.
minus (-)10 SPINDLE
An override key on the Haas control that decreases the current spindle speed in 10% increments.
An override key on the Haas control that sets the spindle back to 100% of the programmed value.
An override key on the Haas control that limits rapid traverse to 5% of maximum.
An override key on the Haas control that limits rapid traverse to 25% of maximum.
An override key on the Haas control that limits rapid traverse to 50% of maximum.
100% RAPID
An override key on the Haas control that allows the machine spindle to move at its maximum rate of travel.
Alarm 176
An alarm code on the Haas control that indicates the machine is experiencing an overvoltage condition. Alarm 176 initiates auto-shutdown after 4.5 minutes.
Alarm 177
An alarm code on the Haas control that indicates the machine is experiencing an overheating condition. Alarm 177 initiates auto-shutdown after 4.5 minutes.
The display key on the Haas control that shows the current alarms when pressed once and messages when pressed twice.
alpha keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to enter letters and special characters into the control.
In zero return mode, the key that returns and initializes all axes to machine zero.
Auto Power Off Timer
Setting 1. A setting that indicates how many minutes of idle time must lapse before the machine is automatically turned off.
A jog key that turns on the Through Spindle Coolant system when in MDI mode. Pressing this key again shuts off the system.
block delete
A machine control that provides the option of skipping a predetermined series of program blocks. A block delete allows the operator to run two versions of the same program.
[ ]. Punctuation marks used to separate CNC program commands from user comments.
A key on the Haas control that backspaces the cursor to delete the last character entered or cancels any program block that is highlighted during a block edit.
An override key on the Haas control that starts the spindle in the counterclockwise direction.
chip auger
A rotating shaft with a helical blade that removes chips from the machine.
chip conveyor
A moveable belt that helps to remove chips from the machine.
A jog key that causes the chip auger to remove chips from the machine.
A jog key that causes the chip auger to move in the opposite direction.
A jog key that causes the chip auger to stop.
A machining calculator that helps an operator calculate points of intersection between two circles or points.
A machining calculator that helps an operator calculate points of intersection where a circle and a line meet as a tangent.
CIRCULAR calculator
A machining calculator that helps an operator solve problems involving circular motion.
A jog key that causes the coolant nozzle to move one position lower.
A jog key that causes the coolant nozzle to move one position higher.
CNC control
A combination of software and hardware that directs the operation of a CNC machine.
control keypad
The main part of the Haas control panel consisting of nine areas of keys that allow an operator to input information into the Haas control.
control panel
The group of controls on a CNC machine that run, store, and edit the commands of a part program and other coordinate information.
A substance that is used to prevent a workpiece from reaching excessively high temperatures during machining.
Coolant Override
Setting 32. A setting that controls how the coolant pump operates.
The display key on the Haas control that shows fifteen lines of the current program, modal program values, axis positions, and the position during runtime.
cursor keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to move through various screens and fields in the control, edit and search for CNC programs, and move the cursor up, down, left, and right through the program or screen options.
An override key on the Haas control that starts the spindle in the clockwise direction.
The control button used to begin a program or continue a program that has been previously stopped.
Information that is vital to routine machine maintenance.
Direct Numerical Control
The direct control of CNC machines by a large central host computer. With DNC, the program is run directly from the memory of a host computer and is not stored in the memory of the machine's own control.
display keys
The area of the control keypad that allows the operator to show different information, such as offsets, machine settings, and the current program.
display screen
The main screen of the machine that displays important information for the operator.
An operation mode key that allows manual editing changes in a program or the creation of new program in memory.
Used for emergencies only, the control button that automatically shuts down all machine functions.
A cursor arrow key that moves a program quickly to its end or moves to the bottom of most displays.
End of Block. A key on the Haas control that signals the end of a program block. EOB is represented by a semicolon on the display screen.
The rate at which the cutting tool and the workpiece move in relation to one another.
The control button used to pause a program. FEED HOLD pauses tool feed but does not stop spindle movement.
function keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to perform different functions depending on which display and mode are selected.
A rotating knob on the Haas control panel that moves the machine components along the axes. The handle "clicks" in controlled, measured increments that an operator selects on the keypad.
An override key on the Haas control that allows the operator to adjust the programmed feed rate at 1% increments using the HANDLE.
An override key on the Haas control that allows the operator to adjust spindle speed in 1% increments using the HANDLE.
An operation mode key that allows for the manual operation of tool movement via the handwheel or jog buttons.
Information intended to answer operator questions and solve common problems with machine function.
The display key on the Haas control that brings up an information manual when pressed once and various machining calculators when pressed twice.
A cursor arrow key that moves a cursor quickly to its beginning or moves to the top of most displays.
home position
Another name for machine zero, the position located at the farthest possible distance in a positive direction along the machine axes. This position is permanently set for each particular CNC machine.
input buffer
A temporary location at the lower left corner of the computer screen that holds all incoming information before it continues to the CPU for processing.
Jog Handle to Single Block
Setting 104. A setting that, when activated, allows an operator to use the jog handle to single step through a program.
jog keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to move a selected axis.
A jog key that, when pressed simultaneously with a specific axis jog key, moves the axis in a continuous motion without the need to hold down the axis key. Another press of JOG LOCK stops jogging motion.
An operation mode key that lists programs and allows an operator to select, send, receive, and delete programs.
M codes
A code used to signal an action from a miscellaneous group of commands. M codes change cutting tools, turn on or turn off the coolant, spindle, or workpiece clamps, etc.
An M code that turns coolant on.
An M code that turns coolant off.
An M code that turns on high-pressure coolant through the spindle.
machine zero
The position located at the farthest possible distance in a positive direction along the machine axes. This position is permanently set for each particular CNC machine.
macro statement
A customized programming shortcut created by a programmer.
Manual Data Input
An operation mode that allows an operator to manually enter and execute blocks of programming code at the control panel.
An operation mode key that lets an operator either enter and execute program data without disturbing stored data when pressed once, or execute programs from a centrally located computer storage device when pressed twice.
An operation mode key that runs part programs from the control's memory.
A machining calculator that helps an operator calculate any of a number of variables, including surface feet per minute, cutter diameter, revolutions per minute, feed, thread pitch, chip load, and the number of flutes.
A function key that is used to select the next tool only after pressing TOOL OFSET MESUR while in the OFSET display and HANDLE/JOG mode.
numeric keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to enter numbers and special characters into the control.
The display key on the Haas control that shows the various programmed offsets.
A numerical value stored in the CNC controls that repositions machine components. Offsets are used to adjust for variations in tool geometry, part size, tool wear, etc.
operation mode keys
The area of the control keypad that allows an operator to choose a particular operating mode, which in turn indicates what tasks the machine will perform.
The area of the control keypad that adjusts a programmed speed or feed rate by a certain percentage during operation.
A cursor arrow key that changes displays or moves down one program page.
A cursor arrow key that moves one page up in the displays or moves up one program page.
The display key on the Haas control that shows machine parameters when pressed once and diagnostics when pressed twice.
One of the limits or physical properties that determine function and operation of a CNC machine.
( ). Curved brackets used to separate program text information from CNC program commands.
part program
A series of instructions used by a CNC machine to perform the necessary sequence of operations to machine a specific workpiece.
A function key that is used to automatically enter work coordinate offsets during part setup.
The display key on the Haas control that brings up different pages listing machine axis positions of the spindle.
power down
The act of turning off the machine.
The red button on the upper left of the Haas control panel that shuts off power to the machine.