Combined pill -
Made with oestrogen and progesterone. Taken for 21 days then 7 day break (to have period)
Combined pill is __% effective if taken correctly at same time each day
Combined pill can…
lighten or stop periods
Combined pill doesn’t…
interrupt sex
Combined pill can protect against…
some cancers of womb and ovaries
Combined pill can have side effects like…
mood swings, weight gain and headaches
Combined pill isn’t effective if…
women vomits or has severe diarrhoea
Progesterone only pill (POP/mini pill) -
Made with progesterone only hormone. Its taken every day within 3hr window.
The POP works by…
thickening the mucus in the cervix to stop sperm
The POP is __% effective
The POP doesn’t…
interrupt sex
The POP can be used…
immediately after birth
The POP doesn’t protect against
The POP isn’t effective if woman…
vomits, has severe diarrhoea or takes medicine
The POP can have side effects such as…
spot prone skin, tender breasts and irregular periods
Emergency contraceptive pill ISN’T a method of contraception as its used…
after unprotected sex
There are _ types of the emergency contraceptive pill
Type 1 of emergency contraceptive pill -
Type 2 of emergency contraceptive pill -
The Levonelle pill must be taken within…
72 hours of having sex
The Levonelle pill is at best…
in the first 24 hours
The Levonelle pill is __% effective then becomes less effective
The EllaOne pill must be taken within…
120 hours of having sex
The EllaOne pill is __% effective
The emergency contraceptive pill is available free of charge from…
a GP, walk in centre or in a pharmacy (if 16+ years)
The emergnecy contracpetive pill doesn’t…
protect against STIs
The emergency contraceptive pill can have side effects such as…
sickness, diarrhoea or stomach cramps