Merchants emerged in towns - referred to as Burghers, became politically powerful
Towns often formed alliances with each other
Hanseatic League (1358): trade alliance though northern Europe to drive toward nationhood, increase social mobility and flexibility
Architecture: Romanesque to Gothic - especially reflected in cathedrals
Scholasticism: growth of education and knowledge - founding of universities for men; philosophy, law, medicine study; ideas of Muslims and Greeks - came in conflict with religion
Crusades (11-14th century): military campaigns by European Christians to convert Muslims and non-Christians, combat religious questioning
Trade exploded from 1200-1450
Improved with better transportation and monetary systems
Main Global Trade Routes:
Cultural diffusion - spread religions, languages, literature, art, idea, disease, plague
Bubonic Plague: started in Asia in the 14th century and carried by merchants - killed about 1/3 people
Islamic World | China |
paper mills | gunpowder cannons |
universities | movable type |
astrolabe and sextant | paper currency |
algebra | porcelain |
chess | terrace farming |
modern soap formula | water-powered mills |
guns and cannons | cotton sails |
mechanical pendulum clock | water clock |
distilled alcohol | magnetic compass |
surgical instruments | state-run factories |