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Chapter 1 - Introduction & Test Strategies


  • Read each question and all the answer choices THOROUGHLY

  • Choose the answer choice that FULLY answers the question

  • Make educated guesses

    • Skip questions if you can’t make an educated guess (5-6 maximum)

  • Process of elimination

  • Watch the clock and pace yourself

    • Write down time frame (separate into three pieces)

  • Be careful of changing answers (and trust your gut!)

  • Underline key words

  • Use 2-pass system - Answer all easy questions the first time and come back the second time to answer harder ones

  • Era-based thinking


  1. Read the question & connect the era

  2. Eliminate incorrect choices

  3. Assess remaining choices & translate into simpler terms

  4. Stop & reread the question

  5. (Last resort) Guess & move on


  • Quotes

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Read quickly to get a general idea

  • Except/Not/Least

    • Answer true-or-false (eliminate correct answer choices)

    • Which answer choices sticks out from the others?

  • Charts, tables, and graphs

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Don’t assume (use only information given)

  • Maps

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Read the title

  • Political cartoons

    • Connect to the correct era

  • Random facts

    • Answer is probably…

      • Vaguely familiar (won’t be something you’ve never heard of)

      • Famous person

    • POE & guess


Exploration & Colonization (1492-1763)

  • Vikings (Leif Eriksson)

  • Columbus

    • King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain

    • Columbian Exchange

  • Northwest Passage

  • New England

    • Plymouth

      • Pilgrims (Separatists)

      • Mayflower Compact

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    • John Winthrop

      • “City on a Hill”

    • Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson

      • Rhode Island

  • Subsistence farming

    • Indentured servants

  • Middle Colonies

    • Pennsylvania

      • William Penn

      • Quakers

  • South

    • Jamestown

      • Headright System

      • House of Burgesses

      • John Rolfe

        • Tobacco

  • Plantation systems

    • Cash crops

    • Indentured servants

  • Bacon’s Rebellion

  • Great Awakening

    • Halfway Covenant

    • Jonathan Edwards

      • “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

    • George Whitefield

Revolutionary Era (1763-1783)

  • Dominion of New England

    • Glorious Revolution

      • Salutary neglect

  • Zenger Trial

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • French & Indian War

    • Treaty of Paris (1763)

  • Taxes

    • Navigation Acts

      • Mercantilism

    • Proclamation of 1763

      • Ohio River Valley

    • Sugar Act

      • Vice-admiralty courts

    • Declaratory Act

    • Townshend Acts

    • Boston Massacre

    • Tea Act

      • Boston Tea Party

        • Sons of Liberty

        • Intolerable Acts

    • Quartering Act

  • Committees of Correspondence

  • First Continental Congress

  • Common Sense (Thomas Paine)

  • Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania (John Dickinson)

  • Second Continental Congress

    • Olive Branch Petition

    • Continental Army

      • George Washington

    • Declaration of Independence

      • Thomas Jefferson

  • Lexington & Concord

  • Valley Forge

    • Baron Friedrich von Steuben

  • Battle of Saratoga

    • France

  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

  • Forts Kaskia & Vincennes

    • George Rogers Clark

  • Loyalists

  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

A New Nation (1783-1816)

  • George Washington

  • John Adams

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • James Madison

  • Articles of Confederation

    • Shays’ Rebellion

  • US Constitution

    • Checks & balances

    • Great Compromise

      • Virginia Plan

      • New Jersey Plan

    • ⅗ Compromise

    • Bill of Rights

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Washington’s Farewell Address

  • XYZ Affair

  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

  • Revolution of 1800

  • Louisiana Purchase

    • Lewis & Clark Expedition

  • John Marshall

    • Marbury v. Madison

      • Judicial review

    • McCulloch v. Maryland

  • War of 1812

    • Chesapeake Incident

      • Impressment

    • Embargo Act

    • Non-Intercourse Act

    • War Hawks

    • Treaty of Ghent

    • Battle of New Orleans

      • Andrew Jackson

    • Hartford Convention

  • Reform Movements

    • Second Great Awakening

      • Charles Finney

      • Social Gospel

    • Transcendentalism

      • Henry David Thoreau

      • Ralph Waldo Emerson

    • Shakers

    • Mormons

      • Joseph Smith

      • Brigham Young

Pre-Civil War (1817-1859)

  • James Monroe

  • John Quincy Adams

  • Andrew Jackson

  • Martin Van Buren

  • William Henry Harrison

  • John Tyler

  • James K. Polk

  • Zachary Taylor

  • Millard Fillmore

  • Franklin Pierce

  • James Buchanan

  • Era of Good Feelings

  • Adams-Onis Treaty (Florida)

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • Erie Canal

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Tallmadge Amendment

  • Election of 1824

    • JQA, Clay, Jackson

    • “Corrupt bargain”

  • Indian Removal Act

    • Trail of Tears

  • Nullification Crisis

    • “Tariff of Abominations”

    • Force Bill

  • Bank War

  • Panic of 1837

    • “Pet banks”

  • Gag Rule

  • Industrial Revolution

    • Factories

    • Interchangeable parts (Eli Whitney)

    • Railroads

    • Telegraph

    • McCormick Reaper

  • South

    • Plantations

    • Cotton gin (Eli Whitney)

  • West

    • Manifest Destiny

      • Texas

      • Oregon

        • “54-40 or Fight!”

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    • The Declaration of Sentiments

  • Mexican-American War

    • Spot Resolutions

    • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

      • Mexican Cession

  • California Gold Rush

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    • Bleeding Kansas

  • Harper’s Ferry

    • John Brown

  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

  • Underground Railroad

    • Harriet Tubman

Civil War & Reconstruction (1860-1877)

  • Abraham Lincoln

  • Andrew Johnson

  • Ulysses S. Grant

  • Rutherford B. Hayes

  • Election of 1860

  • Confederate States of America

    • Jefferson Davis

  • Fort Sumter

  • First Battle of Bull Run

  • Second Battle of Bull Run

  • Peninsula Campaign

  • Battle of Antietam

    • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Battle of Gettysburg

    • Gettysburg Address

  • Battle of Shiloh

  • Siege of Vicksburg

  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

  • Appomattox Courthouse

  • 10 Percent Plan

  • Wade-Davis Bill

  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

  • 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment

  • KKK

  • Sharecropping

  • Jim Crow Laws

  • Election of 1876

Gilded Age (1876-1900)

  • James A. Garfield

  • Chester A. Arthur

  • Benjamin Harrison

  • Grover Cleveland

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Laissez-faire

  • Captains of industry/robber barons

  • Social Darwinism

  • Gospel of Wealth

  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

  • Whiskey Ring Scandal

  • Vertical & horizontal integration

Progressive Era (1890-1920)

  • James A. Garfield

  • Chester A. Arthur

  • Benjamin Harrison

  • Grover Cleveland

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Muckrakers & Reformers

    • History of the Standard Oil Company (Ida Tarbell)

    • The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)

    • How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis)

    • Hull House (Jane Addams)

    • A Century of Dishonor (Helen Hunt Jackson)

      • Dawes Act

  • Gov’t policies

    • Sherman Antitrust Act

    • Interstate Commerce Act

    • Pure Food & Drug Act

    • Meat Inspection Act

    • Federal Trade Commission

    • Clayton Antitrust Act

    • Federal Reserve Act

  • Labor

    • Knights of Labor (Terence Powderly)

      • Haymarket Square Riot

    • American Federation of Labor (Samuel Gompers)

    • Industrial Workers of the World

  • Temperance Movement

  • Women’s Suffrage

    • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    • Susan B. Anthony

    • Carrie Chapman Catt

  • Civil Rights

    • Plessy v. Ferguson

    • NAACP

    • Booker T. Washington

      • Tuskegee Institute

      • Atlanta Compromise Speech

    • WEB DuBois

      • Talented Tenth

      • Niagara Convention

    • Marcus Garvey

      • Back to Africa

American Imperialism (1890-1920)

  • William McKinley

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Spanish-American War

    • Yellow journalism

    • USS Maine

    • Rough Riders

    • Teller Amendment

    • Platt Amendment

  • Open Door Policy

    • Boxer Rebellion

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

  • Panama Canal

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • Dollar Diplomacy

  • Seward’s Folly

  • The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (Alfred Thayer Mahan)

  • Annexation of Hawaii

World War I (1914-1918)

  • Woodrow Wilson

  • Allied Powers vs. Central Powers

  • German U-Boats

    • Lusitania

  • Sussex Pledge

  • Zimmerman Note

  • Fourteen Points

    • League of Nations

      • Irreconcilables

        • Henry Cabot Lodge

  • Treaty of Versailles

Roaring 20’s (1920-1929)

  • Warren G. Harding - “Return to Normalcy”

  • Calvin Coolidge

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

  • Prohibition

    • 18th Amendment

    • Volstead Act

  • Flappers

  • 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage)

  • Red Scare

    • Palmer Raids

    • Sacco & Vanzetti

  • Immigration Act

  • Scopes Monkey Trial

  • Lost Generation

Great Depression (1929-1941)

  • Herbert Hoover

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Black Tuesday (stock market crash)

  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  • Hoovervilles

  • Bonus Army

  • New Deal

    • Hundred Days

    • Keynesian Economics

    • Alphabet soup agencies

      • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

      • National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA/NRA)

      • Works Project Administration (WPA)

      • Public Works Administration (PWA)

      • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

      • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

      • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

      • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

      • Social Security

  • Dust Bowl

    • The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)

World War II (1939-1945)

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Allied Powers vs. Axis Powers

  • Munich Conference

    • Appeasement

  • Holocaust

  • “Cash and carry”

  • Lend-lease

  • Atlantic Charter

  • Pearl Harbor

  • War Production Board

  • Rosie the Riveter

  • D-Day

  • Manhattan Project

    • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

  • Japanese Internment (Executive Order 9066)

  • Executive Order 9981

  • Nuremberg Trials

  • Potsdam Conference

Cold War (1945-1989)

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Ronald Reagan

  • George H.W. Bush

  • Yalta Conference

  • Iron Curtain

  • Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

  • Truman Doctrine

    • Containment

  • Marshall Plan

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Berlin Airlift

  • Korean War

    • 38th Parallel (split Korea)

    • Douglas MacArthur

  • Suez Crisis

  • Eisenhower Doctrine

  • U-2 Incident

  • Space Race

    • Sputnik

      • National Defense Education Act

  • Second Red Scare

    • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

    • McCarthyism

  • Taft-Hartley Act

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Bay of Pigs

  • Brinkmanship

  • Détente

  • SALT I


Postwar Boom (1946-1959)

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • Fair Deal

  • Baby boom

  • “White flight”

Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Warren Court

    • Brown v. Board of Education

  • 24th Amendment

  • Voting Rights Act

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    • Rosa Parks

  • Little Rock 9

  • Martin Luther King

  • Malcolm X

  • Sit-ins

  • Freedom Rides

  • March on Washington

    • I Have a Dream Speech

  • Civil Rights Act

  • SCLC

    • Selma March

    • Bloody Sunday

  • CORE

  • SNCC

  • Black Panthers

    • Black Power

Vietnam War (1954-1975)

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Dien Bien Phu

  • Geneva Accords

  • Domino Theory

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Tet Offensive

  • Pentagon Papers

  • Vietnamization

  • My Lai Massacre

  • Invasion of Cambodia

  • Paris Peace Accords

Era of Social Change (1960-1975)

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Peace Corps

  • Great Society

    • War on Poverty

    • Medicare/Medicaid

  • Counterculture

    • Hippies

  • “Silent Majority”

  • Anti-war protests

    • Kent State Massacre

    • SDS (Weathermen)

  • Women’s rights

    • The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan)

    • NOW

  • Environment

    • Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)

    • Environmental Protection Agency

End of the 20th Century (1970s-Present)

  • Richard Nixon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • George H.W. Bush

  • Bill Clinton

  • George W. Bush

  • Barack Obama

  • Donald Trump

  • Watergate Scandal

  • OPEC oil embargo

    • Stagflation

  • Camp David Accords

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Reaganomics (trickle-down)

  • Iran-Contra Affair

  • Persian Gulf War

    • Saddam Hussein

  • Contract with America


  • Lewinsky Scandal

    • Impeachment of Bill Clinton

  • Election of 2000

  • 9/11 attacks

    • al-Qaeda

      • Osama bin Laden

  • “War on Terror”

    • Afghanistan War

    • Iraq War

  • “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

  • Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)

American Legacy

  • Literature

    • Early American Writing

      • Cotton Mather - God’s shaping of events in MBC

      • John Winthrop - City Upon a Hill (MBC is role model)

      • Roger Winthrop - Separation of church & state

      • Jonathan Edwards - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Great Awakening)

      • George Whitfield - Great Awakening

      • Phillis Wheatley - AA poetry

    • Revolutionary Era

      • Benjamin Franklin - Poor Richard’s Almanac (American identity)

      • Thomas Paine - Common Sense (Support for independence)

      • John Dickinson - Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Support for independence)

    • 19th Century

      • Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Slavery & abolition)

      • Washington Irving - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (American short stories)

      • James Fenimore Cooper - Leatherstocking Tales (Frontier life)

      • Edgar Allen Poe - The Pit and the Pendulum (Dark side of US society)

      • Ralph Waldo Emerson - Self Reliance (Transcendentalism)

      • Henry David Thoreau - Walden (Transcendentalism)

      • Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass (Celebration of life & humanity)

      • Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mississippi life)

      • Henry James - The Portrait of a Lady (Old World vs. New World)

    • Early 20th Century

      • Stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage (Civil War)

      • Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence (Northeastern elite)

      • Upton Sinclair - The Jungle (Corruption in meat-packing industry)

      • Ida Tarbell - The History of the Standard Oil Company (Corruption in S. Oil)

      • William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury (Complexities of Southern life)

      • Robert Frost - Poetry about nature

    • Lost Generation

      • Gertrude Stein - Lesbian sexuality

      • F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (Indulgence of Jazz Age)

      • Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (Strong male characters)

    • Harlem Renaissance

      • Langston Hughes - Experiences of blacks

    • Great Depression

      • John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath (Dust Bowl farmers)

    • Beat Generation

      • Jack Kerouac - On The Road (Counterculture)

      • Allen Ginsburg - Counterculture

    • Cold War

      • J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye (Youth rebellion)

      • Joseph Heller - Catch-22 (Satirized Cold War)

Chapter 1 - Introduction & Test Strategies


  • Read each question and all the answer choices THOROUGHLY

  • Choose the answer choice that FULLY answers the question

  • Make educated guesses

    • Skip questions if you can’t make an educated guess (5-6 maximum)

  • Process of elimination

  • Watch the clock and pace yourself

    • Write down time frame (separate into three pieces)

  • Be careful of changing answers (and trust your gut!)

  • Underline key words

  • Use 2-pass system - Answer all easy questions the first time and come back the second time to answer harder ones

  • Era-based thinking


  1. Read the question & connect the era

  2. Eliminate incorrect choices

  3. Assess remaining choices & translate into simpler terms

  4. Stop & reread the question

  5. (Last resort) Guess & move on


  • Quotes

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Read quickly to get a general idea

  • Except/Not/Least

    • Answer true-or-false (eliminate correct answer choices)

    • Which answer choices sticks out from the others?

  • Charts, tables, and graphs

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Don’t assume (use only information given)

  • Maps

    • Read the question FIRST

    • Read the title

  • Political cartoons

    • Connect to the correct era

  • Random facts

    • Answer is probably…

      • Vaguely familiar (won’t be something you’ve never heard of)

      • Famous person

    • POE & guess


Exploration & Colonization (1492-1763)

  • Vikings (Leif Eriksson)

  • Columbus

    • King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain

    • Columbian Exchange

  • Northwest Passage

  • New England

    • Plymouth

      • Pilgrims (Separatists)

      • Mayflower Compact

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    • John Winthrop

      • “City on a Hill”

    • Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson

      • Rhode Island

  • Subsistence farming

    • Indentured servants

  • Middle Colonies

    • Pennsylvania

      • William Penn

      • Quakers

  • South

    • Jamestown

      • Headright System

      • House of Burgesses

      • John Rolfe

        • Tobacco

  • Plantation systems

    • Cash crops

    • Indentured servants

  • Bacon’s Rebellion

  • Great Awakening

    • Halfway Covenant

    • Jonathan Edwards

      • “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

    • George Whitefield

Revolutionary Era (1763-1783)

  • Dominion of New England

    • Glorious Revolution

      • Salutary neglect

  • Zenger Trial

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • French & Indian War

    • Treaty of Paris (1763)

  • Taxes

    • Navigation Acts

      • Mercantilism

    • Proclamation of 1763

      • Ohio River Valley

    • Sugar Act

      • Vice-admiralty courts

    • Declaratory Act

    • Townshend Acts

    • Boston Massacre

    • Tea Act

      • Boston Tea Party

        • Sons of Liberty

        • Intolerable Acts

    • Quartering Act

  • Committees of Correspondence

  • First Continental Congress

  • Common Sense (Thomas Paine)

  • Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania (John Dickinson)

  • Second Continental Congress

    • Olive Branch Petition

    • Continental Army

      • George Washington

    • Declaration of Independence

      • Thomas Jefferson

  • Lexington & Concord

  • Valley Forge

    • Baron Friedrich von Steuben

  • Battle of Saratoga

    • France

  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

  • Forts Kaskia & Vincennes

    • George Rogers Clark

  • Loyalists

  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

A New Nation (1783-1816)

  • George Washington

  • John Adams

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • James Madison

  • Articles of Confederation

    • Shays’ Rebellion

  • US Constitution

    • Checks & balances

    • Great Compromise

      • Virginia Plan

      • New Jersey Plan

    • ⅗ Compromise

    • Bill of Rights

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Washington’s Farewell Address

  • XYZ Affair

  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

  • Revolution of 1800

  • Louisiana Purchase

    • Lewis & Clark Expedition

  • John Marshall

    • Marbury v. Madison

      • Judicial review

    • McCulloch v. Maryland

  • War of 1812

    • Chesapeake Incident

      • Impressment

    • Embargo Act

    • Non-Intercourse Act

    • War Hawks

    • Treaty of Ghent

    • Battle of New Orleans

      • Andrew Jackson

    • Hartford Convention

  • Reform Movements

    • Second Great Awakening

      • Charles Finney

      • Social Gospel

    • Transcendentalism

      • Henry David Thoreau

      • Ralph Waldo Emerson

    • Shakers

    • Mormons

      • Joseph Smith

      • Brigham Young

Pre-Civil War (1817-1859)

  • James Monroe

  • John Quincy Adams

  • Andrew Jackson

  • Martin Van Buren

  • William Henry Harrison

  • John Tyler

  • James K. Polk

  • Zachary Taylor

  • Millard Fillmore

  • Franklin Pierce

  • James Buchanan

  • Era of Good Feelings

  • Adams-Onis Treaty (Florida)

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • Erie Canal

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Tallmadge Amendment

  • Election of 1824

    • JQA, Clay, Jackson

    • “Corrupt bargain”

  • Indian Removal Act

    • Trail of Tears

  • Nullification Crisis

    • “Tariff of Abominations”

    • Force Bill

  • Bank War

  • Panic of 1837

    • “Pet banks”

  • Gag Rule

  • Industrial Revolution

    • Factories

    • Interchangeable parts (Eli Whitney)

    • Railroads

    • Telegraph

    • McCormick Reaper

  • South

    • Plantations

    • Cotton gin (Eli Whitney)

  • West

    • Manifest Destiny

      • Texas

      • Oregon

        • “54-40 or Fight!”

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    • The Declaration of Sentiments

  • Mexican-American War

    • Spot Resolutions

    • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

      • Mexican Cession

  • California Gold Rush

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    • Bleeding Kansas

  • Harper’s Ferry

    • John Brown

  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

  • Underground Railroad

    • Harriet Tubman

Civil War & Reconstruction (1860-1877)

  • Abraham Lincoln

  • Andrew Johnson

  • Ulysses S. Grant

  • Rutherford B. Hayes

  • Election of 1860

  • Confederate States of America

    • Jefferson Davis

  • Fort Sumter

  • First Battle of Bull Run

  • Second Battle of Bull Run

  • Peninsula Campaign

  • Battle of Antietam

    • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Battle of Gettysburg

    • Gettysburg Address

  • Battle of Shiloh

  • Siege of Vicksburg

  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

  • Appomattox Courthouse

  • 10 Percent Plan

  • Wade-Davis Bill

  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

  • 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment

  • KKK

  • Sharecropping

  • Jim Crow Laws

  • Election of 1876

Gilded Age (1876-1900)

  • James A. Garfield

  • Chester A. Arthur

  • Benjamin Harrison

  • Grover Cleveland

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Laissez-faire

  • Captains of industry/robber barons

  • Social Darwinism

  • Gospel of Wealth

  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

  • Whiskey Ring Scandal

  • Vertical & horizontal integration

Progressive Era (1890-1920)

  • James A. Garfield

  • Chester A. Arthur

  • Benjamin Harrison

  • Grover Cleveland

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Muckrakers & Reformers

    • History of the Standard Oil Company (Ida Tarbell)

    • The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)

    • How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis)

    • Hull House (Jane Addams)

    • A Century of Dishonor (Helen Hunt Jackson)

      • Dawes Act

  • Gov’t policies

    • Sherman Antitrust Act

    • Interstate Commerce Act

    • Pure Food & Drug Act

    • Meat Inspection Act

    • Federal Trade Commission

    • Clayton Antitrust Act

    • Federal Reserve Act

  • Labor

    • Knights of Labor (Terence Powderly)

      • Haymarket Square Riot

    • American Federation of Labor (Samuel Gompers)

    • Industrial Workers of the World

  • Temperance Movement

  • Women’s Suffrage

    • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    • Susan B. Anthony

    • Carrie Chapman Catt

  • Civil Rights

    • Plessy v. Ferguson

    • NAACP

    • Booker T. Washington

      • Tuskegee Institute

      • Atlanta Compromise Speech

    • WEB DuBois

      • Talented Tenth

      • Niagara Convention

    • Marcus Garvey

      • Back to Africa

American Imperialism (1890-1920)

  • William McKinley

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • William Howard Taft

  • Spanish-American War

    • Yellow journalism

    • USS Maine

    • Rough Riders

    • Teller Amendment

    • Platt Amendment

  • Open Door Policy

    • Boxer Rebellion

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

  • Panama Canal

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • Dollar Diplomacy

  • Seward’s Folly

  • The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (Alfred Thayer Mahan)

  • Annexation of Hawaii

World War I (1914-1918)

  • Woodrow Wilson

  • Allied Powers vs. Central Powers

  • German U-Boats

    • Lusitania

  • Sussex Pledge

  • Zimmerman Note

  • Fourteen Points

    • League of Nations

      • Irreconcilables

        • Henry Cabot Lodge

  • Treaty of Versailles

Roaring 20’s (1920-1929)

  • Warren G. Harding - “Return to Normalcy”

  • Calvin Coolidge

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

  • Prohibition

    • 18th Amendment

    • Volstead Act

  • Flappers

  • 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage)

  • Red Scare

    • Palmer Raids

    • Sacco & Vanzetti

  • Immigration Act

  • Scopes Monkey Trial

  • Lost Generation

Great Depression (1929-1941)

  • Herbert Hoover

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Black Tuesday (stock market crash)

  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  • Hoovervilles

  • Bonus Army

  • New Deal

    • Hundred Days

    • Keynesian Economics

    • Alphabet soup agencies

      • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

      • National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA/NRA)

      • Works Project Administration (WPA)

      • Public Works Administration (PWA)

      • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

      • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

      • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

      • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

      • Social Security

  • Dust Bowl

    • The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)

World War II (1939-1945)

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Allied Powers vs. Axis Powers

  • Munich Conference

    • Appeasement

  • Holocaust

  • “Cash and carry”

  • Lend-lease

  • Atlantic Charter

  • Pearl Harbor

  • War Production Board

  • Rosie the Riveter

  • D-Day

  • Manhattan Project

    • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

  • Japanese Internment (Executive Order 9066)

  • Executive Order 9981

  • Nuremberg Trials

  • Potsdam Conference

Cold War (1945-1989)

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Ronald Reagan

  • George H.W. Bush

  • Yalta Conference

  • Iron Curtain

  • Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

  • Truman Doctrine

    • Containment

  • Marshall Plan

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Berlin Airlift

  • Korean War

    • 38th Parallel (split Korea)

    • Douglas MacArthur

  • Suez Crisis

  • Eisenhower Doctrine

  • U-2 Incident

  • Space Race

    • Sputnik

      • National Defense Education Act

  • Second Red Scare

    • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

    • McCarthyism

  • Taft-Hartley Act

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Bay of Pigs

  • Brinkmanship

  • Détente

  • SALT I


Postwar Boom (1946-1959)

  • Harry S. Truman

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • Fair Deal

  • Baby boom

  • “White flight”

Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Warren Court

    • Brown v. Board of Education

  • 24th Amendment

  • Voting Rights Act

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    • Rosa Parks

  • Little Rock 9

  • Martin Luther King

  • Malcolm X

  • Sit-ins

  • Freedom Rides

  • March on Washington

    • I Have a Dream Speech

  • Civil Rights Act

  • SCLC

    • Selma March

    • Bloody Sunday

  • CORE

  • SNCC

  • Black Panthers

    • Black Power

Vietnam War (1954-1975)

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Dien Bien Phu

  • Geneva Accords

  • Domino Theory

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Tet Offensive

  • Pentagon Papers

  • Vietnamization

  • My Lai Massacre

  • Invasion of Cambodia

  • Paris Peace Accords

Era of Social Change (1960-1975)

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Peace Corps

  • Great Society

    • War on Poverty

    • Medicare/Medicaid

  • Counterculture

    • Hippies

  • “Silent Majority”

  • Anti-war protests

    • Kent State Massacre

    • SDS (Weathermen)

  • Women’s rights

    • The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan)

    • NOW

  • Environment

    • Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)

    • Environmental Protection Agency

End of the 20th Century (1970s-Present)

  • Richard Nixon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • George H.W. Bush

  • Bill Clinton

  • George W. Bush

  • Barack Obama

  • Donald Trump

  • Watergate Scandal

  • OPEC oil embargo

    • Stagflation

  • Camp David Accords

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Reaganomics (trickle-down)

  • Iran-Contra Affair

  • Persian Gulf War

    • Saddam Hussein

  • Contract with America


  • Lewinsky Scandal

    • Impeachment of Bill Clinton

  • Election of 2000

  • 9/11 attacks

    • al-Qaeda

      • Osama bin Laden

  • “War on Terror”

    • Afghanistan War

    • Iraq War

  • “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

  • Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)

American Legacy

  • Literature

    • Early American Writing

      • Cotton Mather - God’s shaping of events in MBC

      • John Winthrop - City Upon a Hill (MBC is role model)

      • Roger Winthrop - Separation of church & state

      • Jonathan Edwards - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Great Awakening)

      • George Whitfield - Great Awakening

      • Phillis Wheatley - AA poetry

    • Revolutionary Era

      • Benjamin Franklin - Poor Richard’s Almanac (American identity)

      • Thomas Paine - Common Sense (Support for independence)

      • John Dickinson - Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Support for independence)

    • 19th Century

      • Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Slavery & abolition)

      • Washington Irving - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (American short stories)

      • James Fenimore Cooper - Leatherstocking Tales (Frontier life)

      • Edgar Allen Poe - The Pit and the Pendulum (Dark side of US society)

      • Ralph Waldo Emerson - Self Reliance (Transcendentalism)

      • Henry David Thoreau - Walden (Transcendentalism)

      • Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass (Celebration of life & humanity)

      • Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mississippi life)

      • Henry James - The Portrait of a Lady (Old World vs. New World)

    • Early 20th Century

      • Stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage (Civil War)

      • Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence (Northeastern elite)

      • Upton Sinclair - The Jungle (Corruption in meat-packing industry)

      • Ida Tarbell - The History of the Standard Oil Company (Corruption in S. Oil)

      • William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury (Complexities of Southern life)

      • Robert Frost - Poetry about nature

    • Lost Generation

      • Gertrude Stein - Lesbian sexuality

      • F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (Indulgence of Jazz Age)

      • Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (Strong male characters)

    • Harlem Renaissance

      • Langston Hughes - Experiences of blacks

    • Great Depression

      • John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath (Dust Bowl farmers)

    • Beat Generation

      • Jack Kerouac - On The Road (Counterculture)

      • Allen Ginsburg - Counterculture

    • Cold War

      • J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye (Youth rebellion)

      • Joseph Heller - Catch-22 (Satirized Cold War)