PC Hardware & Troubleshooting Chapters 6-10

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Stephen has an older monitor that he uses for presentations. Recently, Stephen has noticed that a certain spot on the monitor does not change when he shows his presentations. The spot does not display the colors and stays dark when the screen is white. What might be the problem with Stephen’s video issue?

Dead pixel

Video card overheating

Video drivers are out of date

Monitor’s inverter is failing

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Stephen has an older monitor that he uses for presentations. Recently, Stephen has noticed that a certain spot on the monitor does not change when he shows his presentations. The spot does not display the colors and stays dark when the screen is white. What might be the problem with Stephen’s video issue?

Dead pixel

Video card overheating

Video drivers are out of date

Monitor’s inverter is failing

Dead pixel

New cards

David has a laptop that is having a problem with the video system. Initially you thought the problem might be the backlight, but in your research discovered it does not have a backlight. After additional troubleshooting you determine the laptop needs a new screen. What type of screen should you get for the laptop?






New cards

Patrick wants you to repair his laptop LCD screen. Patrick insists that it was not his fault, but sometime during the night, the laptop fell off his desk, and now the screen is broken. During disassembly of his laptop, you see a mini-PCIe card with a black cable and a white cable wire connected that appear to go into the screen bezel. What is the function of the two wires?

Wi-Fi antenna

Video cable

Sound cord for the sound port

Webcam connector

Wi-Fi antenna

New cards

Today when Dylan turned on his computer, he noticed that the monitor was very dim. He could still see the desktop icon and text. He turned the brightness all the way up, but that did not correct the issue. Dylan also checked to make sure the Power Options brightness was not turned down, causing the screen to go dim. He connected a different monitor, and the screen was fine. What caused the screen to be very dim?

Input connector on the monitor is faulty

Monitor’s power connector

Monitor backlighting

Monitor has Power Save mode enabled

Monitor backlighting

New cards

Ulysses has a laptop with a very dim monitor. He connects an external monitor, and it works just fine. How can Ulysses fix the problem?

Update the drivers

Replace the LCD screen

Replace the inverter board

Replace the onboard video card

Replace the inverter board

New cards

Jordan, a junior technician, ordered hardware for facial recognition capabilities on every computer at work. Before the hardware was delivered, he was removed from the project to help upgrade the operating system on every computer. After a few months, he was finally able to get back to the facial recognition project. He installs the webcam, the adapter card, and the drivers that were included in the optical media. Issues are evident so he checks the Device Manager and does not see any issues. When Jordan asks a senior technician for help, the senior technician asks him one question. What did the senior technician ask Jordan?

Did you update the BIOS/UFEI

Did you turn on the expansion port

Did you update the drivers

Did you update the hardware

Did you update the drivers

New cards

The video on your laptop needs to be updated. You have researched online, and according to the manufacturer, you can install a new video card in your laptop. What is the most likely slot connection you will use to install a new video card in your laptop?



ExpressCard slot

CardBus slot


New cards

Genesis is learning about computers. She installs a digitizer along with the corresponding software, but the tablet is not recognized by the operating system. She calls you for help and you explain the difference, or similarities, between drivers and apps as it pertains to peripherals in general. What do you tell her?

Apps and drivers are essentially the same, but apps have bloatware that is not truly necessary

Apps control the hardware. Drivers allows users to interface with the features of the peripheral

Drivers control the hardware. Apps allows users to interface with the features of the peripheral

Apps and drivers coordinate the communication between the operating system and hardware

Drivers control the hardware. Apps allows users to interface with the features of the peripheral

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Henry bought a new laptop. And even though it has a touchpad, he prefers to use a mouse. However, he notices that sometimes when he is typing, the cursor will move, causing him to mistype words or even delete sentences or entire paragraphs. What can Henry do to remedy this problem?

He can connect a touch screen monitor

Replace the mouse, it is defective

Disable the touchpad

Cover the touchpad with a sheet of paper

Disable the touchpad

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Ron is using an older computer with only one RAM module to experiment with the installation of various Windows operating systems. After the first installation he checks the Device Manager and notices a yellow triangle next to the entry labeled SM Bus Controller. What should Ron do to fix this problem?

Reboot the computer after installing the OS

Flash the BIOS/UEFI with the latest version

Ensure the CPU and RAM are properly seated

Install the chipset drivers for the motherboard

Install the chipset drivers for the motherboard

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Jose calls you at the help desk because he is having a problem logging on to his laptop computer. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter his password, he asks you to reset the password because he must have forgotten it. You reset his password, and he types it, but again the computer rejects it. Jose assures you that he typed the correct username and password. You ask him what type of computer he is using, and he tells you a laptop. What might be the problem with Jose's computer?

Keyboard is not working

OS is corrupt

Keyboard is in the wrong language

Num Lock key is on

Num Lock key is on

New cards

Under certain conditions, you may hear a whine from the power supply when you first power up the system. However, if you hear a whine coming from the video card, how can you fix it?

Ensure the 6-pin or 8-pin power cord is connected to the card

Upgrade the power supply to one that can deliver more power

Replace the video card; this is an indication of impending failure

Verify the video card is properly seated in the expansion slot

Ensure the 6-pin or 8-pin power cord is connected to the card

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You just started a new job at a media production company. On the first day, Kumar drops off a new 27 inch monitor in your office and recommends you use the DisplayPort connector. Why would he make such a recommendation?

DisplayPort natively interfaces with the VGA connector offering a great deal of flexibility

DisplayPort uses an analog signal, so it is less susceptible to electro-magnetic interference

DisplayPort offers the highest data rate and is capable of delivering digital video and audio

DisplayPort offers the highest data rate and is capable of delivering digital video and audio

New cards

Bola is upgrading some peripherals devices connected to his computer. He buys a new webcam, gaming keyboard, and a card reader. What approach should he take when installing the peripherals?

Windows has generic drivers so connect all devices at once and then reboot

Install all the drivers first, connect the peripheral devices, then reboot the system

Install one peripheral at a time, reboot, and make sure it works before proceeding

Connect all peripheral devices first, install the drivers, and then restart the system

Install one peripheral at a time, reboot, and make sure it works before proceeding

New cards

Cathy is planning to purchase a new audio and video editing workstation to make computer training videos at work. In addition, she wants the ability to back up her large video files relatively quickly but not over the network to help preserve bandwidth. She does not exactly know or understand the type of devices she needs. What types of components would you recommend? (Select all that apply.)

High-end 3D video card

Two 4TB SATA 3 Drives

32 GB of DDR 4 RAM

High-end sound card

Blu-ray burner

eSATA storage device

Two 4TB SATA 3 Drives

32 GB of DDR 4 RAM

High-end sound card

Blu-ray burner

eSATA storage device

New cards

You are asked to install a new adapter card in 30 office computers at an existing branch location. Which of the following is NOT a necessary step in the process?

Backup important data that has not been backed up

Verify the adapter card to be installed is ESD-resistant

Verify the card fits into an empty expansion slot

Verify the devices drivers are available for the OS

Verify the adapter card to be installed is ESD-resistant

New cards

You install a new video adapter and update the drivers, but notice the icons have a distorted geometry. What could you do to fix the problem?

Adjust font size

Change resolution

Modify refresh rate

Enable ClearType

Change resolution

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You work at a large department store selling computer products. Iwina walks in and wants to buy a wireless router. She explains that the media streaming device she ordered online supports a transmission speed of up to 200 Mbps. What type of router should you recommend?

Wi-Fi 802.11b

Wi-Fi 802.11a

Wi-Fi 802.11g

Wi-Fi 802.11n

Wi-Fi 802.11n

New cards

Four years ago Faleka bought a custom computer with a mid-tier motherboard and a basic configuration option. During the last three months he has noticed the video quality seems to be gradually degrading. To troubleshoot, he uses a known-good replacement monitor and video cable, but the problem persists. What would be a reasonable course of action for Faleka to take?

Remove the existing onboard video card and install a new one

Disable the onboard video port and install a new graphics card

A wireless router is too close to the monitor causing interference

Four years is a long time, so the video drivers need to be updated

Disable the onboard video port and install a new graphics card

New cards

You install a new peripheral, but it does not work. Then you remember about the drivers. Where can check to see if they were installed automatically?

Device Manager

Control Panel

Peripheral Manager

Programs and Features

Device Manager

New cards

Damion recently did an update to his computer and added a new video card. After the update, Damion decided that he would like to play his favorite game. While he was playing the game, the system locked up. He restarted the computer and did not have any issues until he tried to play the same game, at which point, the computer locked up again. What might be the problem with Damion's computer? (Select all that apply.)

Version of DirectX is out of date

Window is not compatible with the game

Video card device drivers need to be updated

Game is not compatible with video card

Version of DirectX is out of date

Video card device drivers need to be updated

Game is not compatible with video card

New cards

After Sandy and a friend troubleshoot her laptop they determine the LCD screen needs to be replaced. Sandy gets tired of waiting on her friend, who knows more about computers, and decides to do it herself by watching videos online. In the process, she accidentally breaks one of the two cables that wrap around the screen and connect to the mini-PCIe card inside the laptop. What is the impact of this mishap?

The laptop LCD screen will not have power

The laptop webcam will not function

The laptop will lose its Wi-Fi capabilities

The laptop sound will no longer work

The laptop will lose its Wi-Fi capabilities

New cards

Charanya decides it is time for an upgrade. She buys a new computer, a used 17-inch LCD monitor at a thrift shop, as well as a VGA splitter for screen duplication purposes and compatibility with the original VGA monitor. When she plugs in the monitors, the image on the LCD monitor is blurry. What are possible explanations for, and/or how could she rectify, this condition? Select two.

The monitor was defective to begin with so she should return it right away and buy a new one

The monitor is not set to the native or recommended resolution hampering the image quality

Upgrading the VGA cable to a DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort standard will improve the image quality

A 17-inch monitor is too small to support the higher resolution capabilities of new computers

The monitor is not set to the native or recommended resolution hampering the image quality

Upgrading the VGA cable to a DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort standard will improve the image quality

New cards

Jovi buys a high-end sound card for professional grade recording and playback. When he installs the card there seems to be a conflict so he disables the onboard audio using the Device Manager but that does not solve the problem. What else can Jovi do to overcome the problem?

Disable the onboard audio using the BIOS/UEFI

Disable the onboard DVI port on the motherboard

Rest the input and output jacks on the sound card

Disable the unused PCI lanes in the expansion slot

Disable the onboard audio using the BIOS/UEFI

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Sherri has recently been injured. She is having a problem using her left hand and would like to use a stylus to move her mouse around the screen on her laptop computer. What type of I/O device can Sherri add to her system to allow a non-touch screen laptop to use a stylus to manipulate the screen?



Touch screen



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Makani is participating in an on-the-job training program at work. He is learning how to configure computers in a network. He is told to use private IP addresses because all organizations could use them without conflict since they are not routable. If the addresses are not routable, he wonders, how will the computers have internet access?

It is private network so they will not have internet access

A NAT router will translate a private address to a public one

A proxy server will temporarily change the address on the host

A proxy server will temporarily change the address on the host

A NAT router will translate a private address to a public one

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You recently bought a new router, modem, and switch to create a wired network at home containing six computers. Beginning with the computers, how would you connect the devices to ensure the computers have internet access?

computers, router, modem, switch

computers, switch, router, modem

computers, modem, switch, router

computers, switch, modem, router

computers, switch, router, modem

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Kwan, a fifth-grade teacher, has been learning about computers but does not know much about networking. He found a hub in the supply closet and decided to create a small network in his classroom consisting of a file/application server, 10 relatively new computers, and a printer. The students often complain that the computers are slow, but one student blames it on the network. What can Kwan do to eliminate complaints?

Upgrade to more powerful PCs

Replace the hub with a switch

Upgrade to a better router

Use NICs that support 1 Gbps

Replace the hub with a switch

New cards

What characteristics do the,, and IP addresses have in common? Select three.

They are public IP addresses

They are private IP addresses

They are not routable by the ISP

They all have the subnet mask

They can be assigned to only one organization

They are private IP addresses

They are not routable by the ISP

They all have the subnet mask

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A technician is configuring a new SOHO multifunction router at a customer site to provide network access to several wireless devices. The technician is required to protect the internal network from unauthorized access while performing the initial router setup as well as during normal operation after the configuration is completed. Which of the following is the best step for the technician to take in securing the router to meet this requirement?

Enable DHCP on the router and configure IP address reservations for the wireless clients

Change the default administrative password on the router

Disable the radio transmitter in the wireless router

Configure MAC filtering on the router and allow access to only the technician’s computer

Change the default administrative password on the router

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You want to setup a separate network at home that is accessible from the internet. You want it to be isolated from your personal network, so you lease an IPv6 address from the ISP. When you configure the interface IDs of the devices on the network, which bits in the IPv6 address will you be modifying?

The first 48 bits of the IPv6 address

The 16 bits following the first 48

The last 64 bits of the IPv6 address

The last 32 bits of the IPv6 address

The last 64 bits of the following IPv6 address

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Venus is a member of the IT department at a company that has a moderately-sized network. One of her performance review objectives is to help her department be more proactive relative to being notified, and responding to, certain events that occur in the network. What type of server will help her meet the objective?

SMTP server

LDAP server

IMAP server

Syslog server

Syslog server

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You are setting up your Windows computer to connect to the Internet. When you type www.microsoft.com, the issues an error message indicating the site cannot be reached.
What network setting should you check to see the address of the server being used to resolve the domain name you entered in the browser?
IP address

Subnet mask




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Which of the following is a scenario in which an IT support technician would most likely be required to implement the alternate IP configuration method on a network host?

To ensure a workstation receives the same IP address from the DHCP server each time the workstation is booted.

In the event a DHCP server is unavailable, the workstation will have a valid IP address on the subnet.

When a workstation requires that more than two different DNS server IP addresses be configured for a specific network interface.

To assign a secondary DNS server IP address to a specific network interface on the workstation.

In the event a DHCP server is unavailable, the workstation will have a valid IP address on the subnet.

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The owner of a small loan brokerage firm does not know much about computers but has always been concerned with security, so he buys a used enterprise grade router. Mango, a loan officer with a little bit of IT knowledge, configures FE80::1 as the only address on the internal interface of the router. What effect will this have?
Nothing because the address is routable

Internet access will now be suppressed

NAT will translate it to a public address

Security will be dramatically improved

Internet access will now be suppressed

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You log in to a wireless router with administrative privileges and change the SSID. What exactly have you done?
Changed the network name

Changed the MAC address

Change the IP address

Changed the subnet mask

You cannot change the SSID

Changed the network name

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A technician wants to configure a DHCP server to guarantee that certain printers always receive the same address. Which of the following should the technician configure?
VPN tunnel

Address reservation

Subnet mask

Default gateway

Address reservation

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Torino receives a call from a SOHO client who says her computer is not working. He goes to her office and checks the network settings. He notices that the default gateway entry is blank, yet he can ping the router. Once he enters the default gateway, the problem is solved. What did the client mean when she said her computer is not working?

The network interface card was disabled

The computer had no internet access

She could not print on the local printer

The computer had an invalid IP address

The computer had no internet access

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You buy a cable that has RJ-45 connectors. For what type of transmission will the cable be used?







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You are asked to add a resource record in the DNS namespace for a website your company wants to publish. Which of the following entries will you make?

www.company.com IN A 14440

www.company.com 14440 A IN

www.company.com A IN 14440

www.company.com IN A 14440

www.company.com A IN 14440

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Jesenia read an article that said stored data, such as when you are downloading an app, is transmitted using TCP, but live-streaming events are transmitted using UDP. Why would this be true? Select two.

TCP is reliable and ensures the delivery of data using a connection-oriented mechanism.

UDP uses acknowledgements to ensure and guarantee the delivery of important data.

UDP will retransmit data that has been lost during the transmission to guarantee delivery

UDP is fast and does not retransmit lost data so as not to disrupt the live video feed.

Stored data is transmitted to a specific device, but live-stream data is sent to various devices.

TCP is reliable and ensures the delivery of data using a connection-oriented mechanism.

UDP is fast and does not retransmit lost data so as not to disrupt the live video feed.

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You run the ipconfig /all command on your Windows computer and see a hexadecimal value that looks like this: E0-70-EA-4E-AB-A5. What does it represent? Select two.

IP address

Port number

MAC address

Logical address

Physical address

MAC address

Physical address

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A restricted computer lab at a college has been set up with local authentication. Students are able to log in but do not have internet access. You check the network settings on one of the computers and it has an IP address of What is the problem?

The AAA server is not reachable

The NAT server is not reachable

The DNS server is not reachable

The DHCP server is not reachable

The DHCP server is not reachable

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Quintavius loves to tinker with computers so he sets off to see how many networking services he can install in one physical server. He sets up the system to support DCHP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, and an email server. On what port will these services listen?

DCHP 67, DNS 53, HTTP 80, HTTPS 443, Telnet 23, SSH 22, SMTP 25

DCHP 53, DNS 443, HTTP 80, HTTPS 23, Telnet 22, SSH 25, SMTP 67

DCHP 443, DNS 23, HTTP 80, HTTPS 22, Telnet 25, SSH 67, SMTP 53

DCHP 23, DNS 22, HTTP 80, HTTPS 25, Telnet 67, SSH 53, SMTP 443

DCHP 67, DNS 53, HTTP 80, HTTPS 443, Telnet 23, SSH 22, SMTP 25

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You are a security professional tasked with preventing fraudulent emails. Which DNS records will you configure to help you realize this goal? Select three.









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Which of the following devices are most commonly used to connect a LAN to an ISP for broadband services? (Select TWO.)

Network interface card

Cable modem


DSL modem

Dial-up modem

Cable modem

DSL modem

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Akello uses his computer to download a document from the internet. What role does his computer play as opposed to the computer from which he is downloading the document? Select two.

His computer is a client

His computer is a server

The computer form which he downloads the document is a client

The computer from which he downloads the document is a server

His computer is a client

The computer from which he downloads the document is a server

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Henry is using the command line to troubleshoot whether a Windows client is able to connect to the server on his network. What command should Henry use to check whether he has connectivity to the server?


ipconfig /displaydns




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A client contacted you to request your help in researching and supplying the hardware necessary to implement a SOHO solution at his new home-based business. Which of the following SOHO router features will simplify IP address configuration on the private network for both wired and wireless clients?

Multi-port switch

FTP server

DCHP server


Wireless access point

DHCP server

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You are running a performance test using three different browsers on the same computer to simultaneously access the same web site. What numeric identifier or address is used to keep the three connections separate at the application (browser) level?

MAC Address

Port number

IP address


Port number

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Abigail needs to move out of state to take care of her mother. She will need secure remote access to continue working as a cloud engineer. What type of connection does Abigail need to securely access the computing resources at her company?






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Jana is an independent software developer looking for a cloud model that will allow her to easily and quickly provision computing resources, test her application, then release the computing resources when done. Which model should Jana use?






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A coworker is asking for your advice on a problem with a computer that will not communicate on the network. While assisting the coworker, you suspect that the wired NIC may have failed. Which of the following will you recommend to your coworker as the best tool to diagnose this issue?

Wi-Fi analyzer

Loopback plug

Punchdown tool

Cable tester

Loopback plug

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What is the purpose for the twists in twisted pair Ethernet cabling?

Increase the maximum cable distance

Reduce cross talk between wire pairs

Decrease the signal strength over distance

Increase fire resistance is ceiling cavities

Reduces crosstalk between wire pairs

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To reduce costs, a company wants to slowly transition and eventually eliminate their dependency on their own hardware, datacenter, and IT personnel to manage the data center. What would you initially recommend?

Public cloud services

Client-side virtualization

Hypervisor services

Hybrid cloud services

Hybrid cloud services

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You are using Wireshark to troubleshoot activity on your network because the performance seems to have degraded over the last two days. What can you discover using Wireshark?

Port flapping on a switch

Defective network cable

High usage by a network client

Wireless interfernece

High usage by a network client

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A technician is working at a client's office after hours and needs two cables to finish the work but does not have immediate access to prebuilt cables. One cable needed is for a dial-up connection from the dial-up modem to the existing analog POTS jack on the wall. The other cable is for an Ethernet connection from the computer to the existing keystone jack on the wall. The technician has the necessary wire and connectors to make the cables. Which of the following tools will the technician use to make the cables and then verify that they both work properly? (Select THREE.)


Toner probe

Cable tester

Cable stripper

Punchdown tool

Loopback plug


Cable tester

Cable stripper

New cards

You are tasked with securing a network for a client that requires a spam gateway, VPN, anti-malware as well as an end-point management system. Which of the following would best help you meet the requirements of the client?

Implement a firewall

Implement an IPS

Implement a UTM appliance

Implement identity-based ACLS

Implement an IDS

Implement a UTM aplliance

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Mr. Sales knocks on your door and tries to sell you a faucet with the ability to notify you through your cell phone if it springs a leak. What technology enables this capability?






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A technician has verified that a bad Cat6 cable run in the wall is responsible for a workstation's lack of communication on the network. Which of the following tools can be used to pinpoint the location of the cable inside the wall?

Wi-Fi analyzer

Network multimeter

Cable tester

Toner probe

Toner probe

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Jochi just started college and is using an online LMS (learning management system) to gain access to his assignments. From his perspective, what type of cloud service does the LMS represent?






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A geospatial company uses LRFW networks because it allows them to transmit signals across large distances that can sometimes exceed 100 miles. What features of LRFW enable this capability? Select two.

Highly directional antennas

High frequency transmission

High orbital geospatial satellite

High power transmission

Highly directional antennas

High power transmission

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Online activity for a retail company rises dramatically in November and December. Which cloud computing feature allows them to automatically scale up or down their computing resources to meet demand?

Rapid Elasticity

High Avaibility

Metered Utilization

File Synchronization

Rapid Elasticity

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Which of the following is a function of an endpoint management server appliance?

Filtering the web content delivered to users on the local area network

Scanning incoming and outgoing cooperate email for spam, malware, and viruses

Restricting a device’s access to the network until security requirements are met

Providing authentication services for all network-connected devices

Restricting a device’s access to the network until security requirements are met

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In which of the following situations should you install an IPS instead of an IDS?

You want to improve access times to frequently accessed websites

You want to document any instance of malicious activity on your LAN

You want to block a single MAC address from accessing your LAN

You want to block unauthorized activity on your LAN from the Internet

You want to block unauthorized activity on your LAN from the Internet

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A corporation requires a connection between two campus building that are 250 meters apart. The link must be able to carry traffic at 8 Gbps, at the very least. Which of the following cable combinations will meet these requirements?

Coaxial cable with BNC connectors

Cat6 STP cable with RJ-45 connectors

10GBase cable with either SC or LC connectors

Cat5e UTP cable with RJ-45 connectors

10GBase cable with either SC or LC connectors

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Adelina works at an online retail company where weekend sales spike and generate increased network traffic. She is asked to investigate options to help alleviate network congestion inexpensively. Which solution will help mitigate the problem with relative ease?

Configure VLANs

Use CAT-7 cables

Upgrade the router

Use 10 Gbps Ethernet

Configure VLANs

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You just completed a contract setting up the network in a new 10-story office building for a commercial airline company. They are not happy with their VoIP service. You troubleshoot and determine you need to modify the QoS policies. Which type of traffic should have the highest priority?






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You are completing a networking assignment and need to connect devices as shown in the schematic. Computer PC1 connects to switch S1. S1 connects to router R1. R1 connects to router R2. R2 connects to switch S2 which connects to computer PC2. None of the devices support auto-linking.
PC1 - - - - S1 - - - - R1 - - - - R2 - - - - S2 - - - - PC2
Beginning with PC1, what type of cable do you need to connect the devices (XO = crossover, ST = straight-through)?






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A large corporation needs a high-speed network to test a product that will backup and restore terabytes of data. What type of network should they use?







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Nikita attempts to install a hypervisor on her laptop. When she tries to create a virtual machine an error message suggests that virtualization is not supported. Where can she check to see if virtualization is enabled?


Control Panel

Device Manager

Programs and Features


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A technician has been dispatched to a client's office to diagnose wireless network issues and suspects the channel overlap may be the problem. Which of the following tools can the technician use to help determine whether her suspicions are correct?

Toner probe

Cable tester

Loopback plug

Wi-Fi analyzer

Wi-Fi analyzer

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You buy a PoE (Power over Ethernet) security camera in a liquidation sale that requires at least 22 Watts of power. Before installing it, you test it by connecting it to a switch capable of transmitting power based on the PoE IEEE 802.3af standard. However, the camera does not turn on. Which of the following best describes the problem?

The PoE device is not transmitting enough power to turn on the camera

You need to connect a PoE injector to send more power to the switch

The camera is using a PoE standard that is outdated and not compatible

The firmware on the switch should be upgraded to the IEEE 802.3 at standaed

The PoE device is not transmitting enough power to turn on the camera

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Reyad is preparing for a hands-on Linux exam. He wants to practice in an isolated environment on his computer because he does not want his live system to be negatively affected. Which of the following should he implement?

Cross-platform virtualization

Application virtualization

NIC virtualization



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You are using a crimper to attach an RJ-45 connector to a Cat 6 UTP cable. Your company requires that all cabling follow the TIA/EIA 568A standard. Starting with pin 1 of the modular plug, which wire color code will you use?

Orange/white, orange, green/white, blue, blue/white, green, brown/white, brown

Green/white, green, orange/white, blue, blue/white, orange, brown/white, brown

Orange/white, orange, green/white, green, blue/white, blue, brown/white, brown

Green/white, green, orange/white, orange, blue/white, blue, brown/white, brown

Green/white, green, orange/white, blue, blue/white, orange, brown/white, brown

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The back cover of a mobile device is warmer than usual, and the battery seems to lose its charge much quicker than normal. The user has scanned for malware, closed unused apps, and decreased the brightness level of the screen, but the symptoms persist. Which of the following is the most likely cause for this behavior?

The firmware is out of date

The charger is defective

The AC power outlet is faulty

The battery is going bad

The battery is going bad

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A mobile phone user in your company is experiencing dropped phone calls. While interviewing the user, you determine the problem started after she checked her email this morning. No other mobile devices in the organization are dropping calls. Which of the following is the most likely reason for the dropped calls?

Cellular service is weak in the office building

Malware is interfering with the calls

The user is connected to an unauthorized Wi-Fi network

The user has exceeded the li,it on her data plan

Malware is interfering with the calls

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Jolie wants to see a list of, and manage, apps on her Android phone. Where can she go on her phone to do this?


Control center

App drawer

The dock

App drawer

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You are asked to install an authentication system at a data center that requires both, a fingerprint scanner, and facial recognition for access. What type of authentication will you implement?

Two-factor authentication

Multifactor authentication

Biometric authentication

TouchID and FaceID

Biometric authentication

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Jozef is a youngster who writes an app for the iPhone. He posts it on a website, but nobody ever downloads it. He speaks with a senior developer who gives him advice. He implements the advice, and his app now has a lot of downloads. What did Jozef do differently?

He advertised on popular social media sites

He placed the app on the Apple App Store

He made the app available on the Play Store

He placed the app on the Apple App Store

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A company asks Aurora to work on a mobile device that belongs to a colleague. After her evaluation, she narrows down the list of things to consider doing. They include uninstalling some apps, updating the OS, and possibly performing a factory reset. What would have prompted her to consider these actions?

The device is being returned to the provider

The perfomance of the device had degraded

The device is being prepared for another user

You are trying to remove suspected malware

You are trying to remove suspected malware

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Derek is planning a camping trip and wants to be able to listen to music at the campsite. Derek currently has a smartphone but does not like the sound coming from the speakers.
What can Derek do to enjoy better sound quality while at the campsite?

Connect to a Bluetooth speaker

Tether to his laptop

Create a hotspot

Use his smartphone speakers; this is the only way Derek can listen to music on his smartphone

Connect to a Bluetooth speaker

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James wants to sync his Android phone to back up his pictures. However, he does not want to sync his data files.
How can James select what to synchronize from his phone to Google storage?

Sync app

Device maintenance


Settings app

Settings app

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Collette wants to stream a movie from her iPad to her Apple TV. What type of connection should she use?






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Randy is concerned about his company's data security on the Internet. Because cellular signals are not encrypted, he is concerned that the new smartphones given to the sales department will allow a breach. Randy has decided the company needs a more secure way to allow the sales department to connect to the company network over the Internet. What should Randy deploy to allow the sales department to connect to the company network securely over a cellular data signal?






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Jerry recently purchased a new iPad. He needs guidance on setting it up and wants to find documentation to help with the setup. Where can Jerry find detailed steps on how to connect to a network, configure email, update the OS, sync, and back up settings and data, as well as what to do when things go wrong with his iPad or an iPhone?

User guide for the device

Troubleshooting FAQs

The Apple Store

Settings on device

User guide for the device

New cards

Ferran got a new cell phone. But every month he receives a data-usage limit notification even though he has not done anything unusual except use, install, and remove games and apps. What can he do to try to rectify the problem?

Disable Wi-Fi capabilities to limit data usage

Install an app to monitor the amount of data used

Upgrade to a better plan that provides more data

Verify all apps that are not being used are closed

Verify all apps that are not being used are closed

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Juniper wants to buy her father a tablet. He has relatively poor vision, so she does not want him to have to worry about the orientation of the plug on the cable when he charges the device. Juniper will get her father a tablet with what type of USB charging port?






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Arun recently graduated with both, civil and electrical engineering degrees. His first project is to design a system that will replace the manual tolls in a highway with a wireless toll booth collection system. He decides that passing vehicles should have a small device that transmits data to fixed stations at various points along the highway for automated billing. What type of technology should Arun consider to be the most viable?






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Your mobile device is displaying messages informing you that your device is infected with malware. The instructions tell you to install another app to properly remove the malware.
What should you do?

Back up all user data and perform a factory reset

Go ahead and install the app to clean the device

Follow the instructions in the message and verify the app site is legitimate

Disregard the message and check for a compromised app

Disregard the message and check for a compromised app

New cards

You need to create LAN a connection using a mobile device. Which of the following will most readily allow you to create the connection without using a physical tether? Select two.

Use a USB cable to connect to the LAN

Use Wi-Fi to connect to a LAN

Use Bluetooth to connect to a LAN

Create a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot

Use RFID or NFC to connect to the LAN

Use Wi-Fi to connect to a LAN

Create a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot

New cards

A user is asking her smartphone to recommend a restaurant. But even though the cellular service is active and functioning properly, the app seems unable to determine its whereabouts. What is the first thing the user should check?

The user should check the smartphone for a week or dropped Wi-Fi signal

The user should check the smartphone’s battery for a low charge condition

The user should verify location services is enabled on the smartphone

The user should contact her cellular provider and ask for an update

The user should verify location services is enabled on the smartphone

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You are in the market for a used smartphone, but you want to ensure it you can use it as a hotspot. Which technology should it support? Select all that apply.







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Bryson has contacted you because he needs to know what kind of data he can synchronize from his iPad to his PC. What can Bryson synchronize from his iPad to his PC? (Select all that apply.)





Location Data







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Frank is traveling for work with his company laptop and company phone. During a layover, he reviews his files in preparation for a presentation but discovers he forgot an important file. The good news is the file is in cloud storage. How can Frank download this file? (Select all that apply.)

Use his cellphone to create a hotspot

Use the Wi-Fi service in the airport

Tether his laptop to his smartphone

Use a VPN to connect to cloud storage

Use his cellphone to create a hotspot

Tether his laptop to his smartphone

New cards

Dennis is on a road trip with his family. His children want to use their tablet to watch a movie online. What can Dennis do that will allow the children to watch a video on the Internet while in the car?

Tether his phone to the tablet

Enable wireless sharing

Set the tablet to airplane mode

Enable a hotspot on his smartphone

Enable a hotspot on his smartphone

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John just bought a used iPad from a friend who had lost the charging cable. John notices that the cable is similar to the charging cable for his Android smartphone, but not quite the same. What type of cable will John need to purchase to charge the iPad?

Micro USB





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Kiran realizes her iPhone has no battery power. She needs to make an emergency call and starts charging it. When she turns around, her two-year-old grabs the phone and starts running into the kitchen. She chases him so he tries to hide it in the sink, but it lands in a pot full of water. What should Kiran do with the wet iPhone?

Submerge the phone in a bap of rice

Use a heat chamber or hair dryer

Try charging the phone anyway

Use compressed air to dry the iPhone

Try charging the phone anyway

New cards

Mark has been asked to set up several smartphones to connect to the email server in the company for which he works. What is the effect of configuring POP3 vs IMAP using the default settings?

IMAP deletes message from the email server, POP3 does not

POP3 deletes message from the email server, IMPA does not

Both will delete messages from the server once downloaded

Both will preserver messages on the server once downloaded

POP3 deletes messages from the email server, IMAP does not

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Juula just purchased a new tablet from the Apple Store for her home-based business. She wants to ensure the calendar and contacts she creates are automatically saved online. What service should Juula use?






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