chemical compound that tightly and loosely binds with an enzyme or other protein molecules
non-protein, organic molecules that carry chemical groups between enzymes (NAD and FAD)
mimic a neurotransmitter at the receptor site, strengthening effect
blocks/impedes the regular activity of a neurotransmitter at the receptor
2 regions of electron density
Linear- 180
3 regions of electron density
Trigonal Planar-120
4 regions of electron density
5 regions of electron density
Trigonal Bipyramidal-90,120,180
6 regions of electron density
3 electron regions + 1 lone pair
Trigonal Pyramidal
Luteinizing Hormone
induces ovulation
steroid hormone secreted by ovaries to prepare uterus for implantation of fertilized ovum and subsequent pregnancy
stimulates anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH
FSH (males)
triggers spermatogenesis and stimulates sertoli cells
FSH (females)
stimulates the development of ovarian follicles
stimulates the thyroid to produce T4 and T3 which stimulate metabolism
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
stimulates the anterior pituitary to release GH
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
stimulates production and release of cortisol
Antidiuretic Hormone
increases permeability of the collecting duct to water. Allows more water to be resorbed, concentrating urine while decreasing urine volume.
increases collecting duct’s ability to absorb Na+ and Cl- secrete K+ and H+, increase water reabsorption, and BP
production of milk
group of lipids made at site of tissue damage or infection that are involved in dealing with injury and illness
stimulates osteoblasts to build bone, puts calcium into bone
Parathyroid Hormone
stimulates osteoclasts, gets rid of calcium from bone
Oral (Birth-1yr)
Infant’s pleasure, centers around mouth
Anal (1-3 yrs)
child’s pleasure focuses on anus and from elimination → toilet training
Phallic (3-6 yrs)
child’s pleasure focuses on genitals
Latency (6 yr-puberty)
children spend more time and interest mainly with same sex peers
Genital (beyond puberty)
individuals are attracted to opposite sex partners
awake, alert, or REM stage
low amplitude, high frequency
awake, resting, or drowsy state
low amplitude, high frequency
typical of early stages of sleep
moderate amplitude, moderate frequency
deep stages of sleep
large amplitude, low frequency
Refraction of Index
intrinsic property of tissue
Buffering capacity
+/- 1 pH unit from pKa
large subunit of bacterial ribosome
large ribosomal subunit of eukaryotic cells
intact prokaryotic ribosomes
intact eukaryotic ribosomes
anchoring junctions bind to adjacent cells like Velcro
Tight Junctions
impermeable junctions
Gap Junctions
allow for intercellular communication
External motivation
social pressure, form of extrinsic motivation
Base Rate Fallacy
error people make when they ignore the base rates
Hindsight Bias
tendency for a person to overestimate how well he or she could have predicted an outcome
Observer Bias
bias by observer contaminated results
Public Verifiability
reason other scientists are attempting to replicate original findings
behavior demonstrates unusual or prolonged levels of stress
behavior negatively impacts the person’s life or poses a threat
Statistical Deviancy
takes into account if the behavior is statistically rare
Variation of Social Norms
takes into account if the behavior violates social norms
Affective component of behavior
emotional experience evoked by the attitude object
Behavioral component of behavior
typical responses made when the individual is in the presence of the attitude object
Cognitive component of behavior
individual’s beliefs about the attitude object
Life course persepective
various stages of life and their impact on each other
Social Epidemiology
social determinants of health and disease
Galvanic Cell
Cathode: +
Anode: -
Electrolytic/Voltaic Cell
Cathode: -
Anode: +
Constitutional Isomers
Not the same connectivity but same number of atoms
Conformational Isomers
compounds can be interconverted by rotation about single bonds
Geometric Isomers
Isomerism at double bond (cis/trans)
Optical Isomers
differential ability to rotate plane polarized light
non-superimposable mirror images
not mirror images, differ in their chiral designation at least one (but not all) stereocenters
arousal → heart pounding, sweating → fear (emotion)
arousal → heart pounding, sweating & fear (emotion) simultaneously
arousal → heart pounding, sweating & cognitive label (I’m scared) → fear (emotion)
Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs)
Object Permanence
Preoperational (2-7 yrs)
Concrete Operational (7-11 yrs)
Conservation of Mass
Formal Operational (12+)
Deductive Reasoning, Theoretical thought, etc.
Deductive reasoning
general to specific
Inductive reasoning
specific to general
Illness Experience
how a person adjusts to interruptions in their health. Understand and cope with their illness which impacts their self identity. Experience the symptom and assume and the sick role.
Sick Role
ill individuals have certain rights and responsibilities. Ill person cannot fulfill the same duties that a healthy person can, they express a certain level of social deviance
Right vs. Rude
Right vs. Wrong
Right vs. Forbidden
Right vs. Illegal
W (block on slope)
Ff=Fn * muk
Fn= mgcos(theta)
average score
frequent response
midpoint of all scores
Standard Deviation
variance, consistency of responses
Weber’s Law
constant ratio between change in stimulus magnitude needed to produce the JND and the magnitude of the original stimulus
Absolute Threshold
minimum stimulus that is needed to activate a sensory system
Just Noticeable Difference
refers to the minimum difference in magnitude between two stimuli before one can perceive this difference
Signal Detection Theory
changes in our perception of a stimulus can be dependent on internal and external factors
Source Monitoring Errors
made when memory is not updated
semantic memory
Short Term Memory
20 seconds
Hawthorne Efffect
change in behavior when participant knows they are being watched, WON’T result in behavior that you think the researcher would approve of
Demand Characteristics
research design provides cues to the participants regarding the hypothesis
Secure Attachment
children use the caregiver as a secure base to explore the room. Comforted by parent and show preference for caregiver
Avoidant Attachment
kid doesn’t care when the parent leaves and/or comes back
Resistant/Ambivalent Attachment
kid cares when the parent leaves but doesn’t care when they come back-care is inconsistent
Frontal Lobe
specialized motor control, learning, planning, and speech
Parietal Lobe
somatic/voluntary sensory functions