what does SWWUSH stand for
Status, What it benefits, Why it benefits, Used by, Side effects, How it benefits
legal or illegal
WHAT it benefits
aerobic or anaerobic
WHY it benefits
results- strength or endurance
what athletes
SIDE effects
HOW it benefits
physiological effects
what are nutritional aids
it refers to food and drinks that aids performance
how many UK elite athletes use nutritional aids
what is glycogen loading
decreasing carbs stores and then increasing them just before the events
how does glycogen loading work
7 day before event reduce carb intake and consume high protein diet, 3-5 days train at high intensity depleting carb store, 2-3 days reduce training and rest to maximise glycogen stores
who uses glycogen loading
endurance athletes- tour de france, marathon runners
positives of glycogen loading
up to 50% higher glycogen stores, improves endurance capacity
negative of glycogen loading
increases risk of injury, causes gastrointestinal problems
what is nitrates
inorganic compounds that convert ubro nitric oxide helping vascular and metabolic control
how are nitrates commonly taken
beetroot juice
who uses nitrates
200-400m sprinter
positives of nitrates
increase blood pressure, reduces resting blood pressure, reduces vo2 consumption at sub max exercise, enhances muscle recovery
negatives of nitrates
what is creatine
produced from amino acids increases muscle store of ATP by 50%
how is creatine taken
consumed in meat
who uses creatine
body builder
what are the positives of creatine
aids recovery and energy production allowing longer training at a higher intensity, weight gain
what are the negatives of creatine
dehydration, cramping, kidney issues
what is caffeine
stimulate that heightens CNS so more fat is broken down for fuel
how is caffeine taken
1 hour before comp 3-9 mg/kg (2-6 cups of coffee)
who uses caffine
what are the positives of caffine
improve aerobic capacity
what are the negatives of caffine
dehydration, insomnia, anxiety
what is bicarbonate
how is bicarbonate taken
who uses bicarbonate
what are the positives of bicarbonate
better tolerance to lactic acid, buffering hydrogen ions
what are the negatives of bicarbonate
stomach ache, nusea, bad taste
plain water hydration
helps replace lost fluids but isn’t the best solution to rehydration
types of sports drinks
hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic, recovery drinks
what is in a hypertonic drink
8% carbs, high glucose content
benefits of hypertonic drinks
best used in the preparition phase and recovery phase
negatives of hypertonic drinks
cause dehydration
what is in isotonic drinks
8g of glucose per 100ml of water
positives of isotonic drinks
useful an 1 hour + before activities
negatives of isotonic drinks
stomach cramps and bloating
what is in hypotonic
lower concertation of carbs and glucose
positives of hypotonic drinks
useful for fluid replacement and prolonged exercise
negatives of hypotonic drinks
what are in recovery drinks
carbohydrates and protein
positives of recovery drinks
muscle recovery
negatives of recovery drinks
what is timing of meals
meals should be timed around the event
who uses timing of meals
all athletes and ecah for different reasons
what is WADA
the World Anti Doping Agency
what are pharmacological aids
drugs to enhance performance
what are anabolic steroids
group of synthetic hormones that resemble testostrone
what is the status of anabolic steroids
how are anabolic steroids used
taken in tablet, cream, fluid or injection
what are the positives of anabolic steroids
easily accessible, promotes protein synthesis and muscle growth
what is are the negatives of anabolic steroids
increased risk of cancer, stroke, heart attack
who uses anabolic steroids
power athletes- sprinters
what doe EPO stand for
what is EPO
naturally produced hormone responsible for the production of red blood cells
how is EPO taken
through injection synthetic RhEPO
who uses EPO
endurance athletes
what is the status of EPO
what are the positives of EPO
aerobic benefit as more oxygen transport, delays fatigue
what are the negatives of EPO
increased blood viscosity, risk of clotting and heart failure
what does HGH stand for
human growth hormone
what is HGH
synthetic product copying the naturally produced growth hormone which declines naturally with age
how is HGH taken
who uses HGH
body builder and power athletes
what is the status of HGH
what are the positives of HGH
improves recovery speed, increases lean muscle mass
what are the negatives of HGH
abnormal bone and muscle development, increased risk of cancer
what are physiological aids
they improve performance
what is blood doping
it increases the red blood cell count
how does blood doping work
blood is removed 4-6 weeks before the event that blood replenishes and prior to the vents the blood previously removed goes back into the body
who uses blood doping
endurance athletes- tour de france
what is the status of blood doping
what are the positives of blood doping
increases haemoglobin available during exercise
what are the negatives of blood doping
increased blood viscosity, decreased cardiac output, risk of infection and blood clots
what percentage increase pf VO2 max occurs when 0.9-1.8 litres of blood is infused
what does IHT stand for
intermittent hypoxic training
what is IHT
alternating intervals of several mins of hypoxic then hyperoxic/normoxic air
how long are IHT sessions
15-45 mins
how long are the IHT rest periods
1-40 mins
how does IHT work
athletes live at sea level but train at a low partial pressure of oxygen
what is the status of IHT
who uses IHT
endurance athletes
what are the positives of IHT
increase red blood cell count, easy access, low cost, delays OBLA
what are the negatives of IHT
dehydration, benefits lost quickly when stopped
what are examples of cooling aids
vests, wraps, ice baths
what is pre cooling
before performance for 8-30 mins
who uses cooling aids
all athletes eg. footballers
what is post cooling
cooling after recovery can aid recovery of soft tissues
what does pre cooling reduce
muscular strain
what does post cooling reduce
swelling and blood leaking into tissue
what are the positives of cooling aids
reduce dehydration, overheating, heat stroke
what are the negatives of cooling aids
can mask injuries, cause ice burns
what is the status of cooling aids