Compensatory damages are known as:
Actual damages
The statute of limitations is generally from one year to:
8 years
What is the most common period of time (statute of limitations) for filing a professional negligence lawsuit?
two years
A plaintiff is kept from suing a governmental entity unless that entity consents to the lawsuit by which of the following?
Governmental immunity
Which of the following statements is correct? a.Failure to warn is a possible theory that may support lawsuits involving a patient's danger to a third party. b.Neither of the answers is correct. c.Failure to warn is used
Small amounts of money awarded to vindicate a right in which minimal injury is proven are called:
nominal damages
What happens when the healthcare providers do not comply with patient self-determination act?
No entitlement to Medicare reimbursements
To ensure a level of quality of care and competence, which one of the following is put in place?
Professional ethics
A sense of accountability for one's own actions is referred to as:
Allegiance to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product is referred to as:
Which of the following terms represent guidelines for professionals that are designed primarily to ensure public safety?
The responsibility for making ethical decisions ultimately rests on:
If a patient asks for a service that you believe is morally wrong, you should:
tell your pharmacist your opinion
The study of value and morality is called:
Which of the following behaviors is most likely to result in positive team interactions?
Being trustworthy
What are the abstract thoughts of ideas dealing with ethics called?
Ethical concepts
The branch of philosophy relating to morals and moral principles is referred to as:
Which of the following behaviors, in the pharmacy setting, is ethical?
Protecting the patient's private health information
If an individual alleges that a pharmacist or pharmacy technician has committed a crime, it must be reported to:
the state licensing board or government agency
Which of the following is the last step that pharmacy technicians must take in making an ethical decision?
A defendant's defense against accused negligence, with evidence is:
contributory negligence
A plaintiff is kept from suing a governmental entity unless that entity consents to the lawsuit by which of the following?
Governmental liability
Good Samaritan laws exist in how many states?
Duty of care is:
the level of care that a reasonably prudent healthcare professional would have rendered
The usage of patient's image, without consent, as part of medical instruction, such as in "before and after" studies are a case of:
breach of confidentiality
The pharmacy technician breached the duty of care to the patient. This is referred to as:
Which of the following methods is used to limit liability?
Assumption of risk
Lawsuits may occur as the result of many liability issues, including improper disclosure of:
health information
The statute of limitations varies by state and by the type of:
legal claim
The principles of medical ethics for health professionals serve as:
How is the study of bioethics referred to in medicine?
medical ethics
What is the concept that supports informed consent which describes the patient's decision making related to his or her own health?
The American healthcare system is based upon ensuring:
the rights of patients
As a pharmacy technician, to whom can you disclose anything at any time?
Allegiance to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product is referred to as:
Prescribing of medications by a person who is not licensed to do so is described by which of the following terms?
Professional ethics are concerned primarily with:
moral issues and responsibilities
At the very minimum, medical ethics do not require that you:
be certified as a pharmacy technician
How many times must pharmacy technicians check for accuracy of every drug that they dispense?
three times
Decisions of patients, their families, or legal guardians to refrain from giving permission for treatment or care is a bioethical issue of:
Withholding or withdrawing life support
The Code of Ethics for Pharmacists is based on:
moral obligations
A concept that proposes that persons, organizations, and society in general should make choices that promote the greatest balance of good over harm for all is called:
Primarily, failure to warn is used in reference to which of the following patient?
The sum of money that may be recovered in court as financial reparation for any injury or wrong suffered because of a breach of contract, tort, negligence, or medical malpractice is referred to as a:
Who protects programs of Health and Human Services, such as Medicare and Medicaid against fraud?
The Office of the inspector general
. Legally recognizable injuries to a patient are referred to as:
the plaintiff must prove that injury to a patient is referred as
the plaintiff must prove that injury occurred as a consequence of
A 53-year-old woman has been in a comatose state since she underwent abdominal surgery three weeks ago. Because the patient had not been informed about the possible complications associated with the administration of general anesthesia, her family is filing a lawsuit against the physician. Which of the following is the most appropriate basis for this lawsuit?
Which of the following is not a type of medical liability claim?
Civil malpractice lawsuit
professional liability insurance;
protects pharmacy technicians against suits being brought against them
breach of confidentiality is classified as
a nonintentional tort
a delivery of care below the expected standard is called
who protects programs of health and human services, such as medicare and medicaid against fraud
The office of the inspector General
Primarily, failure to warn is used in reference to which of the following patients
when a patient causes his or her own injury, this is called
contributory negligence
liable means
accountable under law
which of the following has increased dramatically in recent years in the United States
what needs to be continually maintained so that the best healthcare ervices can be delivered
professional competence
Dissemination of information about another person's private and personal matters is called:
invasion of privacy
Pharmacist serve their community by
educating patients and consulting with them to prevent medicaton errors
loyalty and faithfulness to others is called
the obligation to fairly distribute benefits and risks is referred to as
which of the following is the most critical point of discussion in the relationship between the patient and the pharmacist
the patients allergies
the ethincal questions arising at or near the time of birth is called
which of the following is most important for pharmacy technician in the workplace
which of the following behavior in the pharmacy setting is ethical
protecting the patient's private health information
when a cost- benefit analysis is prepared, what approach is used so that all possible options are considered?
the person who normally decides what is ethical ona daily basis in the pharmacy is the
Individual faced with an ethical choice
Disclosing unpleasant informationto a patient is best supported by the ethical concept
in the united states, the legal system divides law into three categories: civil law administrative law, and
criminal law
Criminal law is divided into two areas: substantive law and:
procedural law
Which of the following is an example of a misdemeanor?
.Traffic violation
Assault, battery, and fraud are examples of:
intentional torts
Any statement about a person that harms his or her reputation is referred to as:
domestic violence is an example of
Damages awarded to a patient injury resulting fro the physicians negligence may be referred as
The sum of money that may be recovered in court as financial reparation for any injury or wrong suffered because of a breach of contract, tort, negligence, or medical malpractice is referred to as
An injury is considered forseable if
the medical professional anticipated that the intervening force would occur
Which of the following types of law permits an injured party to bring a lawsuit against an alleged defendant?
civil law
Which of the following classifications of civil law governs intentional or unintentional acts that cause harm to a person or damage to a property?
Tort law
A pharmacy technician should understand the court system of the United States, and which type or types of law?
Both criminal and civil
What law focuses on the regulations set forth and enforced by governmental administrative agencies?
The term respondeat superior refers to
vicarious liability
An obligation to conform to a particular standard of conduct toward another is called=
duty of care
Corporate negligence differs from vicarious liability because=
= it focuses on the responsibility of the healthcare organization as a whole, to provide proper patient services
HIPAA is the abbreviation of the;
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Which of the following is an absolute "no" while documenting medical records?
white out
Which of the following is written defamation?
. The phrase res ipsa loquitur means:
20"the thing speaks for itself"
Attempted burglary is an example of:
which is the most common in malpractice lawsuits
denial defense
Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda means:
pacts must be kept
Negligent behavior that results in patient death is referred to as:
Which of the following best describes a tort?
Wrongful act against another individual
the failure to perform an act that should have been performed is called
Pacemakers, tampons, and anti-aging creams are examples that may be linked to which of the following?
product liability
In a criminal law case, who is the plaintiff?
Only the defendant
Which of the following statements is true regarding the differences between federal and state law?
Neither federal nor state courts are completely independent of each other.
In a civil law case, the party who loses cannot:
be imprisoned, unable to pay damages