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a process by which organizations attract qualified applicants.

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External Recruitment

Recruiting employees from outside the organization

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Internal Recruitment

recruiting employees already employed by the organization (promotion)

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  1. It can bring fresher skills and inputs to the table.

  2. It promotes better competition.

  3. It is a good way to get ideas from other businesses or industries.

Pros of External Recruitment

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  1. It recruits candidates with limited understanding of your company.

  2. It is time-consuming.

  3. It comes with issues of maladjusment.

Cons of External Recruitment

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  1. Saves onboarding and hiring time

  2. Lower costs to the company

  3. Improves Employee Engagement

  4. Mitigates Risk

Pros of Internal Recruitment

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  1. Leaves gaps in the workforce

  2. Reduces innovation.

  3. Limits candidate pool

  4. Can cause friction to each employee.

Cons of Internal Recruitment

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  • Job Posting

  • The Word-of-mouth System

Different Methods of Human Resource Recruitment

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Job Posting

Also known as job ads, are the primary means through which companies recruit new applicants for available positions.

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The Word-of-mouth System

  • it is one of the least expensive recruitment systems.

  • As soon as people learn that there is a job opening, the word or information spread around.

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  1. Regionalism may dominate over the company employees

  2. Pulling the string and the "padrino "system may prevail in the hiring of employees

The following precautionary measures should be observed in word-of-mouth system:

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Advertising media

  • A popular and effective means of soliciting applicants is advertising through media, newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the much more popular social media accounts.

  • The ad must contain the duties and responsibilities of the position

  • Sunday is the best day of the week to put an ad.

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Send-resume Ads

Recruitment ads in which applicants are instructed to send their résumé to the company rather than call or apply in person.

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Blind box

Recruitment ads that instruct applicants to send their résumé to a box at the newspaper: neither the name nor the address of the company is provided.

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  1. the organization doesn't want its name in public.

  2. the company might fear that people wouldn't apply if they knew the name of the company.

  3. on rare occasions, a company needs to terminate an employee but wants first to find a replacement.

Why do organization use blind box?

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Point-of-Purchase Methods

job vacancy notices are posted in places where customers or current employees are likely to see them: store windows, bulletin boards, restaurant placemats, and the sides of trucks.

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  • Campus recruiters

  • Virtual job fair

  • Executive search firms

What does recruiters do?

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Campus recruiters

a program conducted within universities or other educational institutions to provide jobs to students nearing completion of their studies. In this type of program, the educational institutions partner with corporations who wish to recruit from the student population.

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Virtual Job Fair

A job fair held on campus in which students can "tour" a company online, ask questions of recruiters, and electronically send résumés.

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Executive Search Firms

a specialized recruitment service which organizations pay to seek out and recruit highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive jobs across the public and private sectors, as well as not-for-profit organizations.

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a person who identifies and approaches suitable candidates employed elsewhere to fill business positions.

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Employment agencies

  • An organization that specializes in finding jobs for applicants and finding applicants for organizations looking for employees.

  • It operates in one of two ways. They charge either the company or the applicant when the applicant takes the job. The amount charged usually ranges from 10% to 30% of the applicant's first-year salary.

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Employee Referral

in which a current employee refers a friend or family member for a job.

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Direct Mail

  • A method of recruitment in which an organization sends out mass mailings of information about job openings to potential applicants.

  • is especially useful for positions involving specialized skills.

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continues to be a fast-growing source of recruitment. Internet recruiting efforts usually take one of three forms: employer-based websites, job boards, and social networking sites.

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Employer Based Web Sites

an organization lists available job openings and provides information about itself and the minimum requirements needed to apply to a particular job

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Job Board

a private company whose website lists job openings for hundreds or thousands of organizations and résumés for millions of applicants

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Job fair

  • A recruitment method in which several employers are available at one location so that applicants can obtain information at one time.

  • are used by many organizations to provide information in a personal fashion to as many applicants as possible.

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Realistic Job Preview

A method of recruitment in which job applicants are told both the positive and the negative aspects of a job.

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Expectation-lowering Procedure (ELP)

A form of RJP that lowers an applicant's expectations about the various aspects of the job. Unlike an RJP, which focuses on a particular job, an ELP lowers an applicant's expectations about work and expectations in general

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  • They are valid,

  • they reduce the chance of a legal challenge, and

  • they are cost-effective.

Effective Employee Selection Methods

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Effective Employee Selection Methods

A valid selection test is one that is based on a predicts work-related behavior (criterion validity), and job analysis (content validity), measures the construct it purports to measure (construct validity).

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Employment interview

A method of selecting employees in which an interviewer asks questions of an applicant and then makes an employment decision based on the answers to the questions as well as the way in which the questions were answered.

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Structured interview

Interviews in which questions are based on a job analysis, every applicant is asked the same questions, and there is a standardized Scoring system so that identical answers are given identical scores.

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Unstructured Interview

An interview in which applicants are not asked the same questions and in which there is no standard scoring system to score applicant answers.

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Poor intuitive ability

Interviewers often base, their hiring decisions on "gut reactions, or intuition. However, people are not good at, using intuition to predict behavior:

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Lack of job relatedness

information that is used to select employees must be job related if it is to have any chance of predicting future employee performance..

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Primacy effect

an assessor's selection is made based on information that was presented earlier (primary information) rather than later in a process

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Recency effect

an assessor (i.e., recruiter, hiring manager, etc.) is overly affected by information that was presented later (more recently) rather than earlier in any given selection process.

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Contrast effect

When the performance of one applicant affects the perception of the performance of the next applicant.

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Positive contrast effect

something is viewed as better than it would usually be when being compared to things that are worse.

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Negative contrast effect

Something is viewed as being worse than it would usually be when compared to something better.

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Negative-information bias

occur only when interviewers aren't aware of job requirements

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Interviewer-interviewee similarity

research suggests that an interviewee will receive a higher score because of if he or she is similar to the interviewer in terms of personality, attitude, gender, or race.

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Interviewee appearance

physically attractive applicants have an advantage in interviews

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Nonverbal cues

Factors such as eye contact and posture that are not associated with actual words spoken.

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One on one interviews

involve one interviewer interviewing one applicant.

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Serial interviews

involve a series of single interviews

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Return interviews

  • are like serial interviews with the difference being a passing of time between the first and subsequent interview.

  • For example, an applicant might be interviewed by the HR manager and then brought back a week later to interview with the vice president.

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Panel interviews

multiple interviewers questions and evaluating answers of the same applicant at the same time, and group interviews at the same time, applicants have multiple applicants answering questions during the same interview.

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face-to-face interviews

  • both the interviewer and the applicant are in the same room.

  • provide a personal setting and allow the participants to use both visual and vocal cues to evaluate information

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Telephone interviews

used to screen applicants but do not allow the use of visual cues (not always a bad thing).

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Video conference interviews

are conducted at remote sites. The applicant and the interviewer can hear and see each other, but the setting is not as personal, nor is the image and vocal quality of the interview as sharp as in face-to-face interviews.

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written interview writting

interviews involve the applicant answering a series of written questions and then sending the answers back through regular mail or through email.

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A type of structured interview question that clarifies information on the résumé or application

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A type of structured interview question in which a wrong answer will disqualify the applicant from further consideration.

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skill-level determiners

A type of structured-interview question designed to tap an applicant's knowledge or skill.

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future-focused questions

A type of structured interview question in which applicants are given a situation and asked how they would handle it.

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Situational question

A structured-interview technique in which applicants are presented with a series of situations and asked how they would handle each one.

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past-focused questions

  • A type of structured-interview question that taps an applicant's experience.

  • sometimes referred to as patterned-behavior description interviews (PBDI) A structured interview in which the questions focus or behavior in previous jobs.

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organizational-fit questions

A type of structured-interview question that taps how well an applicant's personality and values will fit with the organizational culture.

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Right/wrong approach

Some interview questions, especially skill- level determiners, can be scored simply on the basis of whether the answer given was correct or incorrect.

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typical answer approach

A method of scoring interview answers that compares an applicant's answer with benchmark answers.

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Benchmark answers

Standard answers to interview questions, the quality of which has been agreed on by job experts.

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key issues approach

A method of scoring interview answers that provide points for each part of an answer that matches the scoring key.

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

a branch of the department of labor charged to investigate and prosecute complaints of employment discrimination

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Legal process

needed to end discrimination when hiring because discrimination in hiring is unethical, immoral, and illegal.

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RA 11210

105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law

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RA 7277

Prohibition on Discrimination Against Disabled Person

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RA 10524

An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons with Disability

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Grievance System

a process in which an employee files a complaint with the organization and a person or committee within the organization makes a decision regarding the complaint.

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Department of Labor and Employment

a 'bureau' under the Department of Labor and Employment which aims to improve the local labor and employment situation in the Philippines.

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Employment Practice

any decision that affects an employee. Employment practices include hiring, training, firing, promoting, assigning employees to shifts, determining pay, disciplining, and scheduling vacations.

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a method of resolving conflicts in which a neutral third party is asked to help the two parties reach an agreement.

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If employees do not like the decision, they can then take their complaints to the

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  • a method of resolving conflict in which a neutral third party is asked to choose which side is correct.

  • two sides present their case to a neutral third party who then makes the decision as to which side is right.

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  • Binding Arbitration

  • Non-Binding Arbitration

Types Of Arbitration

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Binding Arbitration

the third party will choose which side is correct but in which either party is allowed may appeal the decision.

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Non-Binding Arbitration

the arbitrator still makes a decision on the outcome of the dispute, but this decision is not binding, and no enforceable award is issued.

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Protected Class

refers to groups of people who are legally protected from being harmed or harassed by laws, practices, and policies that discriminate against them due to a shared characteristic (e.g., race, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation).

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Age Discrimination Act (ADEA)

forbids discrimination against individual who is over the age of 40.

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Vocational Rehabilitation Act Of 1973

prohibits discrimination against the physically and mentally handicapped.

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Pregnancy Discrimination Act 1978

protects the rights of pregnant women.

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Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1964 and 1991

5th & 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

it is illegal to discriminate against a person.

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Civil Rights Acts

protects individuals against discrimination based specifically variations in skin color.

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Sex And Gender Discrimination

on the civil rights acts, as well as the equal pay act of of 1963, prohibit discrimination based on sex.

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National Origin

is protected under the civil rights acts. note that Hispanics are protected under this, not a race. discrimination based on national origin have increased greatly over the past few years. one of the most common complaints is about "English only" or "understandable English" speaking requirements.

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RA 10911 Anti Age Discrimination in Employment Act

forbid an employer or union from discriminating against an individual over the age of 40.

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Pregnancy Discrimination Act

a 1978 federal law protecting the rights of pregnant women.

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RA 9710: Magna Carta Of Women

a comprehensive women's human rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfillment, and promotion of the rights of Filipino women, especially those belonging in the marginalized sectors of the society. It conveys a framework of rights for women based directly on international law.

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Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

is a selection requirement that is necessary for the performance of job-related duties and for which there is no substitute.

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Adverse Impact

is an employment practice that results in members of a protected class being negatively affected at a higher rate than members of the majority class.

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Four And Fifth Rule

is when the selection ratio for one group is less than 80% of the selection ratio for another group adverse impact is said to exist.

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Employment Discrimination

the extent to which a test or measure taps knowledge, skill, ability, behavior or other characteristic needed to successfully perform job.

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Workplace Harassment

  • harassment in the workplace is a type of employment discrimination, which 1925 violates the civil rights act of 1964.

  • illegal behaviour towards a person that causes mental or emotional suffering, which includes repeated unwanted contacts without a reasonable purpose: insults, threats, touching, or offensive language.

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  • Quid Pro Quo

  • Hostile Environment

  • Pattern of Behavior

  • Based on Gender

Types Of Harassment

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Quid Pro Quo

in which granting sexual favors is tied to an employment decision.

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Hostile Environment

characterized by a pattern of unwanted conduct related to gender that interferes with an individual’s work performance.

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Pattern of Behavior

a pattern of behavior rather than an isolated incident

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Based on Gender

conduct must be based due to the sex of the employee.

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