GCSE biology higher paper 1

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What is the function of the nucleus?

Contains DNA to control the cell

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What is the function of the cell membrane?

Controls entry and exit of substances

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What is the function of the cell wall?

Provides structure and support

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What is the function of mitochondria?

Carry out respiration to release energy

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What is the function of ribosomes?

Protein synthesis

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What is the function of chloroplasts?

Carry out photosynthesis

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What is the function of a vacuole?

Contains cell sap

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Define a prokaryote

A cell that does not have a nucleus

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Define a eukaryote

A cell that has DNA in a nucleus

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Name two cell structures that are in a eukaryote but not in a prokaryote

Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts

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What is a plasmid?

A small loop of DNA in bacteria

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What is a plant cell wall made from?


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How is DNA stored in a bacterial cell?

As a single, free-floating loop; also on plasmids

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What is differentiation?

The process by which cells become specialised

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What is the equation for magnification?

Magnification = Image Size ÷ Actual Size

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A photograph of a cell is 15mm long. It has a magnification of 1100x. What is the actual size?

0.0136mm, or 13.6µm

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A cell is 12µm wide. It is magnified by 450 times. How big is the image?

5400µm, or 5.4mm

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If the image of a virus is 1.2mm, and its actual size is 0.2µm, how much has it been magnified by?

6000 times

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Convert 38500µm into mm


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How many µm are in 1mm?


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Write 17400m in standard form

1.74 x 10^4 m

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Write 0.0034 in standard form

3.4 x 10^-3

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How is a sperm cell adapted for its function?

It has a tail to swim to the egg

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How is a nerve cell adapted for its function?

It has a long axon to conduct impulses over long distances

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What and How is a muscle cell adapted for its function?

Specialsied to contract quickly or simply to squeeze to allow movement.

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What is a root hair cell and how adapted for its function?

Specialised to take up water by osmosis and mineral ions by osmois and mineral ions by active transport from soil as tney are found on tip of roots.

It has a large surface area to increase osmosis of water

Mitocondria provide energy for respiration for active transport of mineral ions into root hair cells

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How is a xylem cell adapted for its function?

It has hollow ends to transport water

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How is a phloem cell adapted for its function?

It has sieve tubes to transport sugars

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What is a stem cell?

An undifferentiated cell that can differentiate to become any type of specialised cell

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Where are stem cells most commonly found in animals?

In embryos and in bone marrow

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What is meristem tissue?

Plant tissue containing stem cells

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When are plant cells able to differentiate?

Throughout the whole life of the plant

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When do most animal cells differentiate?

At an early stage of development (as an embryo)

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What is the "resolution" of a microscope?

Resolution is the smallest distance between two separate points

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Why are electron microscopes better than light microscopes?

They have a higher resolution and higher magnification

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Give an example of an organelle you could see with an electron microscope, but not with a light microscope?


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Describe the steps to prepare a slide [Required Practical]

  1. Add a drop of water to the middle of a clean slide

  2. Cut up an onion and separate it out into layers. Use tweezers to peel off some epidermal tissue from the bottom of one the layers

  3. Using the tweezers, place the epidermal tissue into the water on the slide

  4. Add a drop of iodine solution. Iodine solution is a stain which is used to highlight objects in the cell by adding colour to them

  5. Place a cover slip on top. To do this, stand the cover slip upright on the slide, next to the water droplet. Then carefully tilt and lower it so it covers the specimen. Try not to get any air bubbles underneath it - they'll obstruct your view of the specimen

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Describe the steps needed to use a light microscope to look at your slide [Required Practical]

  1. Clip the slide you've prepared onto the stage

  2. Select the lowest-powered objective lens

  3. Use the coarse adjustment knob to move the stage up to just below the objective lens. Look from the side NOT IN EYPIECE as you may damage the slide.

  4. Look down the eyepiece. Use the coarse adjustment knob to move the stage downwards until the image is roughly in focus.

  5. Adjust the focus with the fine adjustment knob, until you get a clear image of what's on the slide

  6. If you need to see the slide with greater magnification, swap to a higher-powered objective lens and refocus

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What shape is DNA?

Double helix

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What molecule is DNA stored as?


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How are chromosomes usually found in body cells?

In pairs

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What is a gene?

A small section of DNA that codes for a specific protein

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What is mitosis?

Cell division

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What are the two main purposes of mitosis?

To grow and to replace cells

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What must happen in a cell before mitosis can take place?

It must replicate its DNA to form two copies of each chromosome

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Once DNA has been replicated, what happens next in mitosis?

One set of chromosomes is pulled to each end of the cell and the nucleus divides

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What are the products of mitosis?

Two genetically identical daughter cells

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What is the cell cycle?

The stages in a cell as it grows and goes through mitosis

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What conditions may stem cells be able to help with?

Diabetes and paralysis

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How are most blood cells formed?

From stem cells in bone marrow

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What is therapeutic cloning?

When an embryo is produced with the patient's genes so that stem cells from the embryo can be used

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Why are stem cells made by therapeutic cloning more useful for medical treatments?

They contain the same genes as the patient, so are not rejected by the patient's body

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Give two ways using stem cells to clone plants may be useful

For preventing the extinction of rare plant species, and for producing large numbers of identical disease-resistant crops

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Define diffusion

The movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration down a concentration gradient

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What factors affect the rate of diffusion?

Temperature, surface area, difference in concentration

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How is the small intestine adapted for diffusion?

There are lots of villi to give a large surface area, villi contain lots of capillaries close to the surface so there is a short diffusion distance and they have a good blood supply for quick absorbtion by blood increase concentration gradient

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How are the lungs adapted for diffusion?

Lots of alveoli give a large surface area, they have thin wall/surface cells and capillaries are close so there is a short diffusion distance. they have good ventilation to show great air flow.

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How are fish gills adapted for diffusion?

Gills have lots of filaments to give a large surface area, there are lots of capillaries with a short distance for diffusion

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How are plant roots adapted to absorb water?

Roots have lots of long root hair cells to give a large surface area for osmosis

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How are plant roots adapted to absorb mineral ions?

Root hair cells have mitochondria to release energy for active transport of mineral ions

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How are leaves adapted for gas exchange?

Leaves have lots of stomata on the underside to allow carbon dioxide to diffuse in

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Define osmosis

The movement of water from a high water potential to a low water potential across a partially permeable membrane

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The difference in and out of cell determines how much osmois occurs red blood cell in differnet concentration of water

The difference in and out of cell determines how much osmosis occurs.

More concentrated than interanal cell envionment may cause cell to burst(turgid: swollen for plant cell) AS WATER MOVES IN

Same concentrstion as the cell so no net movement of water

Less concentrated than cells intenal envionment may cause cell to shrink(flaccid: shrink for plants) AS WATER MOVES OUT

<p>The difference in and out of cell determines how much osmosis occurs.</p><p>More concentrated than interanal cell envionment may cause cell to burst(turgid: swollen for plant cell) AS WATER MOVES IN</p><p>Same concentrstion as the cell so no net movement of water</p><p>Less concentrated than cells intenal envionment may cause cell to shrink(flaccid: shrink for plants) AS WATER MOVES OUT</p><p></p><p></p>
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Describe the steps to observe the effect of sugar solutions on plant tissue [Required Practical]

  1. Cut up a potato into identical cylinders and get some beakers with different sugar solutions in them. One should be pure water and another should be a very concentrated sugar solution. Then you can have a few other with concentrations in between

  2. Measure the mass of the potato cylinders, then leave one in each beaker for 24 hours

  3. Then take them out, dry with a paper towel to remove any access water/solution and measure the masses again

  4. If the potatoes have drawn in water by osmosis, they'll have an increase in mass. If water has been drawn out, they'll have a decrease in mass

  5. The dependant variable is the chip mass and the independent variable is the concentration of the sugar solution

  6. To reduce the effect of errors (e.g. from the potato cylinders not being fully dried or water being evaporated) complete the experiment three times and calculate the mean percentage change at each concentration

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How would you calculate % change in mass of a potato chip in sucrose solution?

(Change in mass ÷ Starting mass) x 100

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Why should you dry a potato chip dry before taking its mass?

To remove excess water, so it doesn't increase the mass

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Why do you calculate %change in mass of a potato chip rather than just change in mass?

So that you can compare different chips, as the starting mass of each potato may not be the same

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Define active transport

The movement of particles from a low concentration to a high concentration against a concentration gradient, using energy

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Explain one example of active transport in plants

Absorption of mineral ions in root hair cells

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Explain one example of active transport in animals

Absorption of glucose in the small intestine

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Define a tissue

A group of cells with similar structure and function

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Define an organ

A group of tissues working together to perform a function

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Deine an organ system

A group of organs working together

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Give two examples of tissues in animals

Epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, glandular tissue

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Give two examples of tissues in plants

Palisade tissue, spongy mesophyll tissue, xylem tissue, phloem tissue

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Give two examples of organs in animals

Heart, lungs, stomach, brain, liver

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Give two examples of organs in plants

Leaf, root, stem, flower

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Define an enzyme

A biological catalyst that carries out metabolic reactions in living organisms

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What is a substrate?

A substance that is broken down by an enzyme

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Where does a substrate bind to an enzyme?

Active site

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What is formed when an enzyme binds to a substrate?

Enzyme-substrate complex

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Why are enzymes specific?

Each type of enzyme has an active site that only fits one specific substrate

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What are enzymes made of?


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What conditions cause enzymes to denature?

High temperatures or pH that is too high or low

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Define denature

When an enzyme cannot work because its active site has lost its specific shape so the substrate no longer fits

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What is human body temperature?


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What is the Lock and Key Theory?

A substrate is specific to one enzyme because of the specific shape of its active site (like a key fitting a lock)

Enzymes are specific to the substrate they bind too.

  1. Substrate binds with ACTIVE SITE

  2. 2.Enzyme breks down substrate into products after chemical reaction

  3. Products released and enzyme doesnt change

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What is the purpose of digestion

To break large, insoluble molecules into small, soluble molecules so they can be absorbed

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Where is amylase made?

Where is protease made?

Where is lipase made?

Salivary glands and Small intestine and Small intestine Pancreas

Stomach and Small intestine and Pancreas

Pancreas and Small intestine

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What is the substrate of amylase?

What is the substrate of protease?

What is the substrate of lipase?

What is the substrate of carbohydrase?





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What are the products of amylase digesting starch?

What are the products of protease digesting proteins?

What are the products of lipase digesting lipids?


Amino acids

Glycerol and fatty acids

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What are the products of protease digesting proteins?

Amino acids

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What are the products of lipase digesting lipids?

Glycerol and fatty acids

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Give two functions of bile

To emulsify fats, and to neutralise stomach acid

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What equipment is used to control temperature in an investigation?

Water bath

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Define accuracy

Measurements that are close to the true value

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What food does Benedict's test for?


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What food does Biuret solution test for?


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What food does iodine test for?


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What food is ethanol used to test for?
