the official, public, communal prayer of the Church
Sacred signs instituted by the Church that prepare us for Sacraments and bring us closer to God
effective, having the power to cause a desired effect
prayers in which one asks God for forgiveness of sins
prayer form in which one asks God for help for one's own needs
silent, wordless prayer in which one is fully focused on the presence of God, "resting in God" and listening in loving adoration of God
Prayer on behalf of another person or group
A prayer that expresses gratitude for the gifts God has given us
spoken aloud or silently, using words that are either memorized or spontaneous
Vocal Prayer
prayer which engages the mind, imagination, and emotions to focus on a particular truth, biblical theme, or other spiritual matter
? grace, received at Baptism, heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity
? grace is God's intervention and support for us in everyday life, helping us to grow in holiness
the free and undeserved gift of God's loving and active presence in our lives, allowing us to be in relationship with God
A prayer or hymn in praise of the Trinity
also known as the Divine Office, the official, public, daily prayer of the Catholic Church, including prayers, Scripture readings, and reflections at regular hours throughout the day
Liturgy of the Hours
religious reverence or private devotion of the people which, although it is not essential and not part of the liturgy, helps many people in the spiritual life
Popular piety
From a Latin word meaning "a buying back",refers to deliverance, rescue from the forces of sin, and being brought back into right relationship with God
an efficacious and visible sign of God's grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us
the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Paschal Mystery
the central mystery of the Christian faith that God exists as a communion of three distinct and interrelated Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
essential truths handed on to us through the centuries from the time of Christ
the mystery of God becoming human in Jesus Christ
comes from Greek word meaning "to throw together", an object or action that points to another reality and leads us to look beyond our senses
the Church's annual cycle of religious feasts and seasons that forms the context for the Church's worship
Liturgical year
an established pattern of repeated words and actions with symbolic meaning
three days of the liturgical year between Lent and Easter, beginning with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday
The sacraments of service are
Holy Orders and Matrimony
What are the sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church?
Eucharist, Baptism, and Confirmation
The sacraments of healing are
Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation
What is true about the Deposit of Faith?
It is the treasure of the Church handed on from the time of the Apostles, it makes clear the truths of faith, and it consists of Scripture and Tradition
What are the liturgical books used in the Catholic Church?
The Roman Missal, The Lectionary, and The Book of the Gospels
What are qualities or characteristics of signs, symbols, and rituals?
They are dynamic and polyvalent, they invite us into a deeper mystery, and they are part of all human life
What is true about the Magisterium?
It is the Church's living teaching office, it interprets the Deposit of Faith, and it consists of all the bishops in communion with the Pope
One who is seeking entry in the Catholic Church and is already baptized in another Christian denomination
the process of introducing people to the mystery of Christ by teaching the essentials of Christian doctrine and forming them as disciples of Christ
an unbaptized person who is preparing for full initiation into the Catholic Church by engaging in formal study, reflection, and prayer
The proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and witness
period of postbaptismal catechesis following the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation that aims to more fully initiate people into the mystery of Christ
the process by which unbaptized persons or those baptized in other Christian denominations are prepared to become full members of the Catholic Church
The Rite of ? takes place on the first Sunday of Lent, by which the Church elects or accepts the catechumens for the Sacraments of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil
a period of spiritual and catechetical formation in which people are gradually introduced to Catholic faith through catechesis, spiritual development, liturgy, and apostolic witness
The period of pre-catechumenate and evangelization in which people hear the Gospel and discern a call by asking questions
rites that take place on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent to support and strengthen the elect through prayers of intercession and exorcism
perfumed consecrated oil that is used for anointing in the three sacraments that bestow a sacramental character and commission us
the uninterrupted passing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops
Apostolic Succession
a strong desire to do something that we know is wrong; it is a weakness or inclination toward sin
from the Greek word for beginner, refers to a newly baptized person
a permanent and indelible "mark" on the soul conferred in three non-repeatable sacraments that consecrate us and seal us for Christ
Sacramental character
process by which one discovers God's will
in the sacrament of Baptism is a symbol of purity and dignity
white garment
in the sacrament of Baptism is a symbol of belonging, identity, and the importance of the individual
in the sacrament of Baptism is a symbol of the presence of God
lighted candle
used during the Easter Season and at baptisms, confirmations, and funerals, reminds us of the death and resurrection of Christ and our participation in his victory through the sacraments
Paschal Candle
used only at baptisms and is a sign of conversion
Oil of catechumens
at Baptism they represent the whole Church and have an important role of passing on the faith
a mediator who brings Christ to others and other to Christ
Participating in the ? ministry of Jesus means hearing and proclaiming the Word of God
a servant leader
What are the effects or theological understandings of baptism?
Dying and rising with Christ, freedom from sin, being empowered for discipleship, and becoming a child of God and a member of the Church
What are the essential elements of the sacrament of Baptism?
Pouring or immersing in water, Trinitarian formula, and the name of the person
What are the elements of every one of the seven ritual sacraments?
laying on or extending hands and Scripture
from the Greek word for remembering, refers to the Memorial Acclamation or Mystery of Faith, when we recall and make present the Paschal Mystery
Calling the Eucharistic liturgy ? emphasizes the fact that we are sent out on a mission to live what we have celebrated
The Early Church in referring to the Eucharistic celebration often uses this Greek word because it is a love feast
literally means "good word", is a name for the Mass in the Early Church which emphasizes the memorial aspect of the celebration
from the Greek word for thanksgiving, is the central Christian liturgical celebration, established by Jesus at the Last Supper
offered at mass in a "cup of blessing" is a sharing of joyful anticipation of the coming of the Messiah
the belief that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, body and blood, soul and divinity
Real Presence
from the Greek word "invocation", is a prayer with extended hands calling on the Holy Spirit to sanctify the gifts that may become the Body and Blood of Christ
The Catholic understanding of real presence is that the bread and wine actually change into the Body and Blood of Christ, through
offered at Mass is a symbol of God's faithfulness and love in Jewish and Christian tradition
a common Lutheran understanding of real presence: Christ is present "in" the bread and wine
Promoting unity among all Christians
The source and summit of Christian life
refers to the "here and now"
That which surpasses or goes beyond what is here and now
refers to what an object really is, regardless of what it appears to be
refers to the outward appearance: what something looks like, tastes like, smells like, and feels like
During Eucharistic adoration, the consecrated host is placed in a sacred vessel called ?, which is set on the altar where all can see it
A ? is set aside for the reservation of the Eucharist and contains consecrated hosts that can be taken to the sick or dying
kept burning near the tabernacle to signify the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
sanctuary lamp
The high point of the Liturgy of the Word
also called the creed, reminds us of the truths of our faith and prepares us for the celebration of the Eucharist
Profession of Faith
a prayer of thanksgiving and consecration in which we offer the bread and wine to be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ
Eucharistic Prayer
also called the Universal Prayer, we pray for worldwide, national, and local needs
Prayer of the Faithful
includes the Lord's Prayer, the sign of peace, the fraction, and the sharing of Holy Communion
Communion Rite
the priest pronounces the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, recalling Jesus' institution of the Eucharist. By this consecration, the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ
Institution Narrative
Which elements are always included in Eucharistic celebration?
Proclamation of the Word of God, Thanksgiving to God the Father, Consecration of bread and wine, and participation in the liturgical meal by sharing Holy Communion
What are the requirements for the reception of Eucharist in a Catholic church?
Baptism, being a practicing Catholic, and not being in a state of mortal sin
The two main parts of the mass are the Liturgy of the ? and the Liturgy of the ?
Word and Eucharist
The ? of confession refers to the fact that priests are bound under the pain of mortal sin and excommunication to keep secret whatever is told in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
?, meaning pardon and forgiveness, refers to a prayer and statement made when the priest, in the name of God and the Church, pardons the sins of the person confessing
The Greek word metanoia means ?, a complete change of heart, turning away from sin and toward God
the state of eternal separation from God, reserved for those who freely and consciously choose to reject God to the very end of their lives
Prayerful reflection on and assessment of one's words, attitudes, and actions in preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
examination of conscience
a state of eternal life and union with God in which one experiences full happiness and the satisfaction of the deepest human longings
means "last anointing", a former name for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick which at the time was only given in danger of death
Extreme Unction
One who is seeking reconciliation in the Church
Deadly sin, so contrary to the will of God that it results in a complete separation from God and his grace
When the number of penitents is too great for individual confession and absolution within a reasonable amount of time, the bishop may allow priests to give
General Absolution