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ADHD diagnoses are most often made by
The IDEA definition of learning disabilities does not currently include disabilities in
social skills
Who proposed the four phase model regarding dual discrepancy in RTI
The most severe levels of disability in terms of Bower
residential and homebound
Most often blamed for ED/BD
The least restrictive environment for children with Asbergers to be served in is the
regular education classroom
According to IDEA what percent of students are served in programs
Students with learning disabilities have problems with language academic learning, thinking, and
Social Skills
ADHD diagnostic criteria are found in the American Psychiatric Association by
An acquired brain injury due to an external force
Traumatic Brain Injury
What was the law that replaced mental retardation with intellectual disabilities
Rosa's Law
Autism characteristics are usually evident by age
What are the three types of ADHD
inattentive, hyperactive, and combined
All of the following are examples of common physical disabilities except
Learning Disability
Students that lack skills formatting paragraphs have what disability?
Btw 1975 and 1990 LD
What measures the ability of a child?
IQ test
What is seen as the first step in the identification process?
List the five developmental areas included in a developmental delay
physical, cognitive, social/emotional, adaptive, communication
A condition that is characterized by acting without thinking
Instruments used to evaluate an individual's everyday functioning, and to compare that behavior with typical peers
Rating Scales
A condition characterized by an unusually high level of activity and restlessness
Whole-word multi sensory Fernald approach
Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile
The source of the current definition of ADHD
Assisting devices for students with visual impairments
magnifies auditory media
Cancer, diabetes, epilepsy
other health impairments
What does ASD stand for?
Autism Spectrum Disorders
The production channel uses the functions of
Speaking and Writing
The comprehension channel is used to
Receive information from the environment
It is our knowledge of __ that causes us to vary our speech and writing to fit particular situations
Reading and listening are both __ processes
The smallest unit of a language that retains meaning is a
Problems in syntax will create all of the following problems for the learner except
spelling problems
As a group, students with intellectual disabilities tend to develop language
more slowly than their peers with qualitative differences developing later
Children with emotional or behavioral disorders are more likely to display problems in
Students with learning disabilities frequently display problems associated with
Receptive and expressive language
Pragmatics is the language skill that combines
competence (or knowledge) and performance
Pragmatics combines knowledge with use
Pragmatics integrates all of the levels of language except for the use of the rules governing language in context
Language must be correct with respect to form and content in order to be adaptive for individuals
According to Grice a "cooperative principle" must be at work when two people engage in a communicative interaction
Reading is the expressive language process that utilizes both visual and auditory abilities to derive meaning from language symbols found in written text
Speaking is the expressive language process used to encode thoughts so they can be communicated orally to others
The production channel is referred to as receptive language
The comprehension channel is referred to as expressive language
The linguist sees language as a set of sentences following particular rules; the functionalist sees language as a vehicle of social competence
The communication of a personal need or imperative, followed by an indication of the intention to comply
Directive and compliance
The use of a symbolic code for communicating meaningfully btw human beings
The extent to which an utterance can be understood
A statement or description followed by a statement indicating that the information has been received or is being considered
comment and acknowledgement
Questioning followed by a response or expression of uncertainty
Query and response
The functional use of language
The rhythm or flown of expressive language
The single units of sound in language
The rules governing how words are combined into sentences
The study of vocabulary
Behaviors learned through the observation of others, as well as from observing the direct consequences of those behaviors in others, is a reflection of what learning theory
social learning theory
Fluency and automaticity of response is the goal of the __ stage of learning
John has passed his mastery test on his multiplication facts, demonstrating the ability to provide the correct answers reliability in less than two second. His teacher should now plan practice activities with the goal of helping him to
Retain and generalize the skill in other applications
An example of extrinsic motivation is
trying to avoid punishment
The intrinsic source of motivation that is least likely to provide strong motivation for students with mild disabilities is
Students with mild disabilities frequently develop and retain an external locus of control; this is of concern to teachers bc
this hinders their independent learning skills and problem solving
Reaching plateaus in academic learning is a serious concern primarily when working with __ age students
The need of adolescents to achieve self-determination is compromised by their disabilities for all of the following reasons except
they are expected to participate in their own educational and transition planning
Maximizing academic learning tie is essential for students with mild disabilities whose learning rate is generally slower than other students. Factors of concern to teachers should include all of the following except
starting school as early as possible in the morning to capitalize on the students energy
Given the research in learning styles, an appropriate use of learning styles theory is to
Design instruction that provides a variety of choices for learners to develop their knowledge and skills
We can only infer that learning has occurred from observing the performance and behavior of the learner
Individuals with mild disabilities tend to believe that their efforts are relevant and determine outcomes
Motivation only encourages one to do what one is capable of doing
Extrinsic motivation frequently leads to significant learning
Experiences with failure tend to result in a students lowering their goals and reducing their effort
A history of intensive teacher help can promote learned helplessness
individuals with mild disabilities tend to attribute their successes and failures to forces outside themselves
problem solving and independent learning require increased levels of external locus of control
Research indicates that the majority of time spent by students in school meets the requirements of academic learning time
Students with mild disabilities generally need more time than is often provided to achieve full learning
to maintain a high level of performance over time
Extension into new areas without prompting
To develop automaticity and fluency
Achieve accuracy of learning
To capitalize on beginning skills to achieve mastery in learning
Modification of skills across situations, settings, and time
Motivation source associated with need to belong
The drive to become skillful and to accomplish goals
The belief that no amount of effort will be effective in achieving desired outcomes
Learned helplessness
The ability to be in control of oneself and make one's own decisions
The perspective that focuses on the reciprocal relationship btw the learner and the environment as an explanation for the observed behavior is
The ecological perspective
The stage in Erikson's theory of psycho-social development in which the individual comes to value work and see effort as the way to achieve goals is the
Industry vs inferiority crisis
Which of the following explanations is identified in your text as a reason that a child may exhibit a restricted range of feelings and emotions
The child may be growing up in a home affected by drug or alcohol dependency
When students exhibit delays in social perspective taking it may mean that
we should not be surprised that their social behaviors are similar to younger children
With regard to social cognition, students with mild disabilities tend to
display deficits in developing age-appropriate social cognitive skills
Students who carefully observe others in the environment and model their behaviors closely after what they see others do are mostly appropriately described as
socially field dependent
The ability to easily adapt one's behavior to a variety of settings and situations is called
behavioral flexibility
Which of the following is not generally true of students with significant maladaptive behaviors
learners with maladaptive behaviors are more likely than learners with other disabilities to be placed in general education classrooms
Which of the following behaviors might be found in a youngster with a socialized aggressive conduct disorder
being passively negative
Which of the following behaviors would be considered a characteristic of an under socialized aggressive conduct disorder
An alternative interim educational placement refers to a placement that has all of the following characteristics except
the placement must be located in the child's home community
Honig v Doe and IDEA 2004 hold that
Schools may respond to serious behavior problems by reconvening the IEP team and redesigning the interventions and placement provided for the student
The developmental perspective describes the manner in which typical social characteristics evolve