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produces an effect where you are behaving one way (unknown to you) and it’s interpreted by someone else and they will behave the same way back to you, leading you to form an impression based on their behavior (ex: Rude study)
primacy effect
information that you receive first will be remembered longer and stronger and impression is formed by the information you first receive
Solomon Asch (primacy effect)
if someone describes a person w/ positive traits first and then negative traits, you’re going to form a more positive impression of the person
if someone describes a person w/ negative traits first and then positive traits, you’re going to form a more negative impression of the person
as you’re trying to form impressions of people, the first information closes off any new information coming in
change of meaning
you’re going to form an impression based on the first info and any new incoming info will change → brain filters out or filters in new info (ex: if you get positive traits first and then negative, the negative traits will be manipulated into positive traits)
indirect cues
cues that arise from 3 sources:
1. cues the person is giving us
2. cues from the situation we find that person in
3. cues from the person’s behavior
things we judge people from
pronouns you use
facial expressions
face shape/eye size
owned objects
mirror neurons
neurons that mimic the behavior of other people → causes us to make a connection and we try to interpret their behavior
affordance theory
we don’t perceive objects based on the info it is sending us, we perceive objects is the action that the object affords us (ex: recognizing a water bottle b/c of its functions)
a series of behavior that are expected in particular situations (learned from customs and culture)
ex: tipping culture in US vs. tipping culture in other countries
ingrained scripts
sequence of behaviors based on context which influences how we behave
nonverbal cues
body language → slouching viewed as unprofessional
eye contact/gaze → making eye contact is viewed as trustworthy
physical touch → touching people is seen as nurturing
cultural differences → okay sign is offensive in Germany
4 channels of communication
words (paid attention to the most)
face (paid attention to the most)
voice (should be paid more attention to)
taking elements and turning them to dispositions
internal attribution
explanation of a person’s behavior based on their disposition
external attribution
explanation of a person’s behavior based on external characteristics, situations, or events
Jones’s Correspondence Inference theory
try to explain when we are more likely to make internal attributions (people think that every action is intentional)
we try to match behavior w/ disposition
choice (Jones’s Correspondence Inference theory)
if we believe that the person had a choice, then we are going to say it’s based on personality/internal attributions (ask “was this behavior voluntary?”)
against norms (Jones’s Correspondence Inference theory)
if behavior goes against social norms, we make internal attributions (ask “was this behavior socially acceptable?”)
intended vs. accidental (Jones’s Correspondence Inference theory)
if behavior is seen as intentional, we make internal attributions (ask “was this behavior intentional?”)
Kelly’s covariation theory
a theory that explain judgments we make based on internal and external attributions
the extent to which other people behave the same way in the same situation
are there other people behaving the same way as the person you are observing?
how do others react
a kind of covariation
the extent to which the person behave in one situation vs. other situations
is the behavior distinct? (do I only see it in a single situation?)
is it not distinct? (seen in lots of situations)
does this occur in multiple scenarios?
a kind of covariation
the extent to which the person reacts the same way every time the same situation arises
how often does this behavior occur?
a kind of covariation
cognitive heuristics
the ability to not have to keep relearning information → enable us to think in ways that are quick, easy, and efficient
availability heuristics
using information that comes easily to mind/using information readily available and is perceived as more likely
false-consensus effect
an influence of cognitive heuristics where you think that your own opinions are common and thinking that everyone thinks like you
base-rate fallacy
an influence of cognitive heuristics where people value the power of dramatic effects and anecdotes over statistics (ex: trying crystals to help w/ illnesses b/c it worked for someone)
counterfactual thinking
an influence of cognitive heuristics where we are influenced by alternative outcomes that might never have occurred → tend to focus on how the past might have happened instead of what happened in the present (thinking about what could’ve been)
upward counterfactual thinking
closeness to success → tend to focus on just missing something good (ex: silver medal Olympic winners suffer from upward counterfactual thinking b/c the closeness to winning gold causes them to think about just missing the gold medal)
downward counterfactual thinking
when we think about the possibility and the possibility is worse → tends to make us feel satisfactory (ex: bronze medalists feel more happy than silver medalists b/c they think about how they could’ve missed getting a medal at all)
fundamental attribution error
we tend to overestimate the role of personal factors in other people’s behaviors (heavily weigh personal factors) and we underestimate the impact of situations in others’ behaviors (under weigh situations)
when we look at our own behavior, we make an external attribution and when we look at someone else’s behavior, we make an internal attribution
actor-observer difference
observer → most important piece of info is the behavior of others, thus ignoring the situation
we make internal attributions b/c the situation is weighted a lot less
actor → under weighs the behavior/personality trait and overweighs the situation
come up w/ an external attribution and blames it on the situation
motivational bias
we judge others’ presumed motivation to help our self-esteem → we perceive others as having reduced motivation which then leads us to incorrectly interpret their behavior
ex: group projects → social loafing (one person not putting enough effort) leads to people forming internal attributes (we would attribute their lack of effort to some personal characteristic → like being lazy)
the person who is social loafing would see their lack of motivation as an external attribute (ex: “I’m not putting in much effort b/c I am taking 5 other classes)
Two-Step Model of Attribution
identify behavior and make snap judgment (personal attribution)
adjust that inference of their behavior to then account for situational factors
dependent on time
information integration theory
mix and combine new information w/ existing cognitions all based on value and weight
value (information integration theory)
whether we find that information favorable or unfavorable
perceived info based on its importance to us
embodied cognition
we use our own physicality (of our bodies) to form an impression and attitude, not based on what anybody else is doing
spreading activation
the idea that once you activate one concept, any concept that is linked to that is also going to be activated
confirmation bias
the tendency to seek, interpret, and create information that verifies existing beliefs
self-fulfilling prophecy
the idea that your behavior towards somebody based on your impression of them would be reciprocated by the person (ex: seeing one person at a party alone while everyone else is having fun, you would think that the person is unhappy and you would ignore them b/c they are unhappy)
a negative learned attitude towards a particular group
a negative behavior directed at a specific group/an individual in that specific group
a general belief about a particular group of people (can be positive, negative, or neutral)
gender socialization
children learn gender roles from surroundings (comes w/ gendered language)
a type of gendered language that is a blanket statement about the members of a category and leads to assumptions about the entire group → leads to social essentialism (ex: “Asians are good at math”)
a type of gendered language that is specific to one person in a group and leads to causal statements (ex: “this Asian person is good at math”)
social essentialism
belief that certain social categories are fundamentally different (ex: “girls are bad at math” → stating that girls are different than boys
everyday non-verbal and environmental snubs that are often unintentional → subtle forms of modern racism → messages that show that you are different than the dominant culture
the part of the brain that processes emotional information (such as fearful information)
fusiform face area
an area in the brain that activates when we see faces
Williams syndrome
a genetic condition where people form no emotional memories and are less prone to threatening social situations → no fear of people so they approach anyone
brain categorization
allows for faster perception, faster thought-process, faster formation of memory → efficient way to process incoming information
modern sexism
a subtle form of prejudice towards gender social groups
a form of treating genders differently
aka ambivalent sexism: the connotation that it’s a form of subtle prejudice
hostile sexism
a type of modern sexism that promotes dominance by asserting men’s power over women and aims to preserve men’s dominance
ex: Hilary Clinton → she does not follow traditional roles and is perceived as a threat to the male dominant position aka running for president
benevolent sexism
a type of modern sexism that promotes male dominance in a patronizing/chivalrous way → expressed by emphasizing men’s role to protect and provide for women
ex: men offering to help women change their tires b/c it is assumed that women couldn’t do it
being prejudiced or biased toward age groups
modern ageism
subtle forms of prejudice or bias toward an age group
younger generation trying to explain tech to older generations b/c of the belief that younger people know more about tech compared to older gen
acute ageism
older generation is biased towards younger generation
occurs when you have relentless feelings of prejudice and stereotypes
negative attitudes (including internalized shame) that people subjected to long-held stereotypes are gonna feel → feel as if they’re constantly being targeted
implicit stigma
the unconscious effects of a bias on your behavior towards someone
stereotype threat
the concern that you are being judged due to being a member of a marginalized group which then increases anxiety (anxiety of being evaluated based on negative stereotypes of the social group you’re in)
Yerkes-Dodson Law
a curve that shows association between arousal (stress) and performance → you need a moderate amount of stress in order to perform well
the group you are a member of
groups you are not a member of
ingroup-outgroup effect (intergroup bias)
people often treat others differently based on whether they are members of their ingroup or outgroup
social dominance orientation
you see your group as dominant over other groups
stereotype content model
used to figure out how stereotypes form
2 factors: 1. relative status to your ingroup 2. competition
realistic conflict theory
our belief that there is a “real” and direct competition for valuable and limited resources
can be perceived and imagined
creates hostility if you feel there is “resources hostility”
relative deprivation
the belief that a person will feel deprived or entitled to something based on the comparison to someone else
ex: 1880-1930 → lynchings increased b/c cotton prices decreased → racism increased b/c of hostility
ingroup favoritism
believing your ingroup is better → you take pride in it and you will have higher self-esteem → increases hostility toward outgroups
Allport’s contact hypothesis
direct contact between hostile groups will decrease bias
equal status (for both groups)
one-to-one contact → personal contact w/ that person
cooperative activity
social norms in place that will support intergroup contact
shared motives
shared activity where all groups worked together to remove hostility
internal motive
you want to unlearn prejudices b/c of intrinsic motivation
external motive
you want to unlearn prejudice b/c of external factors i.e., it is not socially acceptable to be prejudiced
a reaction/opinion to an attitude object
allows us to evaluate/judge things quickly w/o much cognitive resource
high positive, low negative attitude
positive attitude
high negative, low positive attitude
negative attitude
low positive, low negative attitude
indifferent attitude
high positive, high negative attitude
mixed feelings/dual attitudes
high need to evaluate
people who tend to form more attitudes quickly and strongly
things that cause attitudes to form
attitude objects
people (friends, enemies, etc.)
history of rewards and punishment (conditioning)
classical conditioning
something that does not normally give rise to emotion or reaction will be paired w/ something that does
over time, the thing that did not give a reaction now produces a reaction
operant conditioning
we learn through associations of rewards and punishments
being rewarded → increases behavior b/c it is pleasant
being punished → decreases behavior b/c it is negative
affectively-based attitude
emotionally based attitude
“how do I feel about this?”
argue w/ this attitude using emotions
behavior-based attitude
action based attitude
changing behavior may change their attitude
cognition-based attitude
attitude is formed based on the knowledge you have about an object (knowledge-based)
reason w/ logical and rational facts
utilitarian objects
objects that we need/objects that serves a purpose
social identity objects
objects that reflect who you are/speak more to your personal characteristics
how you present yourself to the world
self-perception theory
behavior-based attitudes can come from looking outside yourself → you are going to perceive your own behavior and judge it by stepping outside your perception
theory of planned behavior
states that attitude might impact what we do but behavioral intentions are really important as well → connecting attitude w/ behavior
attitude toward a behavior
overall assessment of the behavior
subjective norms
attitude of others → what do others around you think of the behavior?
perceived control
self-efficacy/confidence in successfully executing that behavior
the desired motivation/objective → created by attitude towards behavior, subjective norms, and perceived control
influences of attitude on behavior
attitude strength → the stronger the attitude, the more we can predict behavior
knowledge → having high knowledge about the situation/object, we might see a 1 to 1 prediction
personal experience → having prior experience w/ the situation can give you a better ability to predict your behavior from the attitude
attitude attacked
accessibility → attitudes that are easily accessible, the more we can predict behavior
success in performing behavior
assumes that people has acquired the opportunities and that they have the resources to perform that behavior
a limitation of theory of planned behavior