Scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another
Social Psychology
Mental processes associated with the ways in which people perceive and react to others
Social cognition
Process of explaining the causes of people’s behavior, including one’s own, either by crediting
The external situation: External factors
The person’s internal disposition: Personality or traits, internal factors
Attribution Theory
The tendency to attribute someone’s success to internal factors and one’s failures to external factors.
ie: If you get an A on the test, it is due to their hard work. If you get an F on the test, it is due to a bad teacher.
Actor-Observer bias
The tendency to over-attribute the behavior of others to internal factors such as personal disposition (personality traits).
Fundamental Attribution Error
A learned prejudgment, an unjustifiable negative attitude toward a group and its members—often of different cultural, ethnic, or gender groups
Speaking or behaving toward someone as if they are stupid or not important.
People with whom one shares a common identity “us”
Those perceived as different from one’s ingroup “them”
The tendency to favor one’s own group
Ingroup bias
When prejudice is an outlet for anger by proving someone to blame ie: Japanese internment camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor
Scapegoat Theory
Tendency to believe the world is just, and therefore people get what they deserve and deserve what they get
Just-World Phenomenon
Tendency to recall faces of one’s own race more accurately than faces of other races
Other-Race Effect
Beliefs and feelings that predispose our reactions to objects, people and events. Attitudes are made up of three things:
Cognitive- Set of beliefs about the attributes of an object
Affective-Feelings about the object
Behavioral-Way people act towards the object
Attitudes change when interested people focus on the scientific evidence/arguments and respond with favorable thoughts
Central Route of Persuasion
Attitudes change wgen people make snap judgements on incidental cues, like the attractiveness of a speaker
Peripheral Route of Persuasion
Tendency for people who agree to a small request to comply with a large one. TO get people to agree with something, you start small and build.
Foot in the door phenomenon
a persuasion tactic where someone first makes a large, unreasonable request that is likely to be rejected, then follows up with a smaller, more reasonable request, which the target person is then more likely to agree to
Door in the face phenomenon
Centers on the belief that we are driven to gain accurate self-evaluations, and that we gain accurate self evaluations by comparing ourselfs to others in order to reduce uncertainty in the areas we are self-evaluating
Social Comparison Theory
When people become aware of the inconsistencies between their attitudes and behaviors. When they do not, they experience unpleasant mental tension
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Socially defined patterns of behavior that are expected of persons in a given setting or group
Social Roles
A group’s expectations regarding what is appropriate and acceptable for its members’ attitudes and behaviors
Social Norms
Adjusting one’s behavior or thinking to go along with a group standard
The action of a person agreeing to do something when told to do so
A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority
Size of group
Status of group
Observation of group
Unanimity of group
Conditions that influence conformity
Want to avoid rejection or gain social approval. So, we accept the norms of the group
Normative Social Influence
The group may provide valuable information, we want to accept the opinions of others; especially when concerning tough decisions.
Informative Social Influence
Situations in which selfish behavior that benefits individuals in the short run may spell disaster for an entire group in the long run
Social Dilemmas
Refers to improved performance on a task in the presence of others
Social Facilitation
Negative influence of others, which leads to a decrease in performance due to a perception by the performer that the crowd or someone is judging them
Social Inhibition
Tendency for people in a group to exert less effort than when working individually
Social Loafing
Loss of self-awareness and self-constraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Way of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in decision-making overrides the possible alternatives
Group Think
Range of behaviors that can result in both physical and psychological harm to yourself, others, or objects in the environment
Genetic Influences
Neural Influences
Biochemical influences
Biological Influences of Aggression
Exclusion from social or cultural groups
Exhibiting a behavior that can be learned or observed from another person
A principle in which frustration creates anger, which can create aggression
Frustration-Aggression Principle
Arousal from one experience may carry over to an independent situation
Excitation Transfer
Aversive events and people
Stressful environments
Social scripts
What Impacts Aggression
Positive feelings toward another person
Repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases one’s liking of that item
Mere-exposure effect
Geographic nearness is a powerful predictor of friendship
Having similar views between individuals causes the bond of attraction to strengthen
People tend to date, marry, or form other committed relationships with those who are similar in physical attractiveness
Matching Hypothesis
Under which circumstances people first meet also influences attraction
Usually present at the beginning of a love relationship, an aroused state of intense absorption in another
Passionate Love
Deep, affectionate intimate attachment, marked by a mutual concern for the welfare of the other. Less arousing but more psychologically intimate
Compassionate Love
When one receives what he/she gives to the relationship
Reveal intimate details about yourself
Self Disclosure
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
The decision to help another person is based on how much it will cost the person compared to how much it will help the person being helped
Social Exchange Theory
The expectation that we should return help not harm to those who have helped us
Reciprocity Norm
Largely learned, a norm that tells us to help others when they need us even though they may not repay us
Social Responsibility Norm
A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype
Sterotype Threat
A belief that leads to its own fulfillment
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas
As we see our enemy as untrustworthy, and evil intentioned, they see us
Mirror Image Perception
Putting people with conflict with one another in a positive environment can reduce the conflict
Clarity for need of help
Presence of others
Personality of the helper
Factors of social exchange theory