improving knowledge
Bacterial diagnostics plays an important role in
__________ __________ on pathogens involved in clinical syndromes and complementing clinical judgement
Avoiding economic loss due to infectious disease in production animals
Improving knowledge on pathogens of public health importance
clinical syndromes
Bacterial diagnostics plays an important role in
Improving knowledge on pathogens involved in ________ ________ and complementing clinical judgement
Avoiding economic loss due to infectious disease in production animals
Improving knowledge on pathogens of public health importance
economic loss
Bacterial diagnostics plays an important role in
Improving knowledge on pathogens involved in clinical syndromes and complementing clinical judgement
Avoiding ___________ ___________ due to infectious disease in production animals
Improving knowledge on pathogens of public health importance
production animals
Bacterial diagnostics plays an important role in
Improving knowledge on pathogens involved in clinical syndromes and complementing clinical judgement
Avoiding economic loss due to infectious disease in _________ _________
Improving knowledge on pathogens of public health importance
public health
Bacterial diagnostics plays an important role in
Improving knowledge on pathogens involved in clinical syndromes and complementing clinical judgement
Avoiding economic loss due to infectious disease in production animals
Improving knowledge on pathogens of ________ ________ importance
diagnostic workup
___________ ___________ is central to determining
etiologic agent
pathogen transmission
appropriate treatment
disease prognosis
preventative and control measures
etiologic agent
Diagnostic workup is central to determining
__________ _________
pathogen transmission
appropriate treatment
disease prognosis
preventative and control measures
pathogen transmission
Diagnostic workup is central to determining
etiologic agent
__________ ___________
appropriate treatment
disease prognosis
preventative and control measures
appropriate treatment
Diagnostic workup is central to determining
etiologic agent
pathogen transmission
__________ ___________
disease prognosis
preventative and control measures
disease prognosis
Diagnostic workup is central to determining
etiologic agent
pathogen transmission
appropriate treatment
__________ ____________
preventative and control measures
preventative, control
Diagnostic workup is central to determining
etiologic agent
pathogen transmission
appropriate treatment
disease prognosis
__________ and ___________ measures
During the __________________ phase, the clinician formulates a presumptive diagnosis and ddx list based on anamnesis and physical exam.
During the pre-analytical phase, the ____________ formulates a presumptive diagnosis and ddx list based on anamnesis and physical exam.
diagnosis, ddx
During the pre-analytical phase, the clinician formulates a presumptive ___________ and ______ list based on anamnesis and physical exam.
During the pre-analytical phase, the clinician formulates a presumptive diagnosis and ddx list based on __________ and physical exam.
physical exam
During the pre-analytical phase, the clinician formulates a presumptive diagnosis and ddx list based on anamnesis and __________ ________.
patient history
In veterinary medicine, anamnesis roughly translates to
During the ___________________ phase, the clinician will collect appropriate samples and select the appropriate tests.
During the pre-analytical phase, the _______________ will collect appropriate samples and select the appropriate tests.
samples, tests
During the pre-analytical phase, the clinician will collect appropriate ____________ and select the appropriate ___________.
When selecting tests, it’s important to confirm the ____________ you use offers those services.
During the ____________________ phase, the clinician will prepare a complete submission form.
During the pre-analytical phase, the _____________ will prepare a complete submission form.
complete submission form
During the pre-analytical phase, the clinician will prepare a ___________ _________ __________
complete submission form
A ________ _______ ________ includes
sample type
vaccination history
treatment history
A complete submission form includes
sample type
vaccination history
treatment history
A complete submission form includes
sample type
vaccination history
treatment history
sample type
A complete submission form includes
__________ _________
vaccination history
treatment history
vaccination history
A complete submission form includes
sample type
__________ __________
treatment history
treatment history
A complete submission form includes
sample type
vaccination history
__________ ___________
clinical presentation
When collecting samples, it’s important to base decisions based on ___________ ____________ and tests to be performed.
test, performed
When collecting samples, it’s important to base decisions based on clinical presentation and ___________ to be _____________.
minimize contamination
When collecting samples, it’s important to ___________ ___________ and to submit adequate quantity of sample.
When collecting samples, it’s important to minimize contamination and to submit adequate ___________ of sample.
(TRUE/FALSE): It is best to collect samples during the acute or early stage of disease as chronic stages typically show decreased organism load.
(TRUE/FALSE): It is best to collect samples once the disease has become chronic due to the typical increase in organism load.
When collecting samples, it is best to collect multiple specimens for multiple __________ and multiple tests.
When collecting samples, it is best to collect multiple specimens for multiple lesions and multiple __________.
If the clinician suspects a bacterial infection, samples should be collected (BEFORE/AFTER) starting antimicrobial therapies
Buildup of fluid from vessel leakage. Typically bilateral, pale yellow, and translucent.
Buildup of fluid from tissue leakage. Typically cloudy, bloody, and high in protein.
If collecting blood for PCR - ex: to evaluate for bacterial DNA - use ____________ tubes.
blood culture
If collecting blood for a culture, use appropriate ________ ________ tubes.
red top
If collecting blood for serology, use _______ ______ tubes.
(TRUE/FALSE): Cystocentesis is preferred over catheterization
(TRUE/FALSE): Catheterization is preferred over cystocentesis
If collecting urine as a free catch, it is best to collect from the (START/MIDDLE/END) of the stream
If performing a lavage or wash, utilize a ________ solution such as saline and LRS.
If an anaerobic infection is suspected, _______________ transport medium should be used.
(TRUE/FALSE): fixed samples can be used for molecular Dx (PCR).
Samples for culture should be collected (FIRST/LAST) during necropsy
agent, immune response
Common diagnostic methods involve either detection of the _________ or detection of the host ___________ __________.
direct detection
Detection of the agent
_________ _________ of the bacteria
culture isolation and identification
direct detection of antigens or metabolites like toxins
molecular techniques to detect bacterial DNA
culture isolation
Detection of the agent
direct detection of the bacteria
_________ ___________ and identification
direct detection of antigens or metabolites like toxins
molecular techniques to detect bacterial DNA
Detection of the agent
direct detection of the bacteria
culture isolation and identification
direct detection of ___________ or metabolites like toxins
molecular techniques to detect bacterial DNA
Detection of the agent
direct detection of the bacteria
culture isolation and identification
direct detection of antigens or _____________ like toxins
molecular techniques to detect bacterial DNA
molecular techniques
Detection of the agent
direct detection of the bacteria
culture isolation and identification
direct detection of antigens or metabolites like toxins
___________ __________ to detect bacterial DNA
Detection of host immune response
Detection of ____________ immunity (serology)
Detection of cell-mediated immunity
Detection of host immune response
Detection of humoral immunity (_____________)
Detection of cell-mediated immunity
Detection of host immune response
Detection of humoral immunity (serology)
Detection of ________________ immunity
low, high
BSL-1 labs are considered (HIGH/LOW) risk, while BSL-4 are considered (HIGH/LOW).
high, low
BSL-4 labs are considered (HIGH/LOW) risk, while BSL-5 are considered (HIGH/LOW).
The highest Biosafety level is BSL-___
BSL-___ labs work with agents not associated with disease in healthy adult humans.
BSL-___ labs work with agents associated with diseases that are rarely serious in healthy adult humans.
BSL-__ labs work with agents associated with diseases that are serious or lethal for which preventatives or therapeutic interventions may be available.
BSL-___ labs work with agents likely to cause serious or lethal disease for which preventatives or therapeutic interventions are usually not available.
Stain method. Used for routine staining of bacteria in smears. Stains gram + bacteria purple/blue and gram - bacteria pink/red
Diff quick
Stain method. Useful for demostrating dermatophilus congolensis, rickettsiae, and borrelia species which stain blue.
Diff quick stains are also known as _________ stains.
Stain method. Useful for recognizing campylobacter spp, brachyspira spp, and fusobacterium spp which stain red.
polychrome methylene blue
Stain method. Used for identification of bacillus anthracis in blood smears. The organisms stain blue with distinctive pink capsules.
Stain method. Hot concentrated carbol fuchsin which penetrates mycobacterial cell walls is retained after acid-alcohol decolorization. Used for identification of mycobacterium such as tuberculosis.
modified ziehl-neelsen
Stain method. Dilute carbol fuchsin is retained after decolorization by acetic acid.
The Ziehl-Neelsen stain is a type of ______________ stain
Gold standard method of diagnosis of many bacterial diseases.
culture media
Contains essential nutrients for growth of non-fastidious bacteria.
selective media
Culture media that only supports growth of select bacteria.
differential media
Culture media that distinguishes one bacteria from another growing on the same plate.
Blood agar plates are for recognition of __________ production.
MacConkey agar plates are (SELECTIVE/DIFFERENTIAL/BOTH)
Sabourad’s dextrose agar is (SELECTIVE/DIFFERENTIAL/BOTH).
Blood agar plates are (SELECTIVE/DIFFERENTIAL/BOTH).
gram +
Phenylethyl alcohol agar is selective for
gram -
MacConkey agar is selective for
Sabourad’s dextrose agar is selective for
Blood agar is differential for ______________ production.
MacConkey agar is differential for _____________ fermentation.
Section 1 of this blood agar plate shows (ALPHA/BETA/GAMMA) hemolysis
Section 2 of this blood agar plate shows (ALPHA/BETA/GAMMA) hemolysis
Section 3 of this blood agar plate shows (ALPHA/BETA/GAMMA) hemolysis
Bacteria demonstrating beta hemolysis are typically (MORE/LESS) virulent than those capable of alpha hemolysis.
Beta hemolytic bacteria are searching for _________.
The starting color of MacConkey agar is (PINK/YELLOW).
pink, lower
MacConkey agar turns (PINK/YELLOW) when there is lactose fermentation resulting in a (LOWER/HIGHER) pH
Lactose fermentation generates acid, (RAISING/LOWERING) the pH.
isolated pure cultures
This diagram shows a plate inoculation technique for obtaining
bacterial colony
A visible mass of bacteria all originating from a single mother cell.