Current account - This account shows current import and export payments of both goods and services and investment income sent to foreign investors of the United States and investment income received by U.S. citizens who invest abroad.
Exchange rate - The price of one currency in terms of a second currency.
It is the quantity of an international currency that all domestic and foreign currencies are willing and able to purchase at various rates of exchange.
The relationship between exchange rates and the quantity of currency demanded is inverse:
It is the quantity of an international currency that all domestic and foreign sellers are willing and able to sell at various rates of exchange.
The relationship between exchange rates and the quantity of currency supplied is positive or direct:
It is achieved in the FOREX Market (the market in which foreign currency is bought and sold) when the quantity supplied of the currency equals the quantity demanded of the currency at a specific exchange rate.
The FOREX Market in equilibrium for EURO and U.S. Dollar
When the government practices an expansionary fiscal policy (increase in spending or decrease in taxes), there is an effect on the exchange rate for that country's currency.
When the government practices a contractionary fiscal policy (decreases spending or increases taxes), there is an effect on the exchange rate of that country's currency
If the central bank of a country is practicing an expansionary monetary policy (decreasing the reserve ratio, decreasing the discount rate, or buying bonds) it will affect the exchange rate as well.
If the central bank of a country is practicing a contractionary monetary policy (increasing the reserve ratio, increasing the discount rate, or selling bonds), it will affect the value of the exchange rate.