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Charles moved his forces East after Parliamentary victory at the battle of X in X - judged to be too dangerous for judges to make the journey from London.
Marshall's Elm, August 1642
Battle of Naseby. Decisive Parliamentarian victory - interpreted as providential and divinely ordained (legitimacy of their cause in the eyes of the Puritans). Date?
24th June 1645
By X- The Royalist army was advancing near to Cambridge, giving a new urgency to the Bury St Edmund/Suffolk Assizes
August 1645
Oversaw Essex summer assizes in July 1645 - he had very little legal experience
Earl of Warwick
Assizes in X were suspended after news of trouble in Cambridge - Condemned prisoners immediately executed and those waiting trial sent back to cells.
Bury St Edmunds
X% - conviction rate of Hopkins and Stearne
X became more powerful as an institution - official duties were to make and amend laws, and approving taxation.
X woman writing in X - Without kingly authority, normal laws did not apply.
Norfolk, 1645
Biblical passage on the cover of the Discovery of Witches
Exodus 22:18
Counties of East Anglia formed the X in the Civil War - provided a significant number of troops for the Parliamentarians. Mostly Puritan, with pockets of Catholicism being rooted out.
Eastern Association
Witches in X were connected with radical Puritan sects that believed women could be viewed as socially and spiritually equal to men
Wingfield, Westhorpe and Stradbroke
Iconoclast General
William Dowsing
Dowsing travelled throughout East-Anglia in X. He visited over X churches in Suffolk and Cambridge (incl. several college chapels), Was met with lots of resistance and non-co-operation, but because he had the authority from parliament to use military force if necessary, he got his way.
1642-44, 250
Author of The World turn'd upside down
John Taylor
When was The World turn'd upside down published
In 1646, the price of wheat rose by X%
Since the start of the civil war price of livestock had increased by X% and grain by X%
12, 15
When was the Weekly Assessment introduced
The weekly assessment was collected in East Anglia at a rate Xx times higher than the Ship Money tax
Where was Margaret Moone from?
X - evicted from cottage when a man offered X shillings more than she could afford in rent, fell into begging, and later accused of the death of livestock, crop failures, and child murder
Margaret Moone, 10
X wet summer which led to staples of wheat, rye being inedible and rotted with ergot. Seed corn had to be eaten instead - threatening next year's harvest.
X and X - heavy rain caused crops to rot and fields to be trodden in mud. Most extreme wet weather in living memory.
October 1645, 1646
X% of men in X left their villages and towns in order to go and fight.
20%, Suffolk
How much common land at Sutton did Sir Miles Sandys enclose
4000 acres
How many families were evicted as a result of Sir Miles Sandys ' actions
30 families
What church was Hopkins' father the vicar of, where?
St John's Church, Great Wenham
Siblings of Hopkins
2x elder brothers
Staunch Puritan and he had a significant good working knowledge of the scriptures. Had the ear of Grimston - he was entrusted to advance the confession of Clarke (Hopkins volunteered to join him). Accompanied Hopkins in the systematic rooting out of suspected witches.
John Stearne
John Stearne Publication
A confirmation and discovery of witchcraft'
Searcher for Hopkins and Stearne
Mary Philips
How much was Philips paid for her services at Aldeburgh
Resident in Manningtree. In March 1645 he accused Elizabeth Clarke of bewitching his wife. Convinced that her illness had no earthly cause
John Rivet
Cunning woman that John Rivet approached about his wife's possession
Goodwife Hovey
Highly principled man, with 50 years' experience in defending the truth in religion and politics. He believed the witchcraft threat to be real, and gave Stearne a warrant to discover from Clarke the names of other witches.
Sir Harbottle Grimston
The assistant of Grimston.
Sir Thomas Bowes
Presided over the JPs conducting the Chelmsford Trials. Very little legal experience - impact of the civil war as the assize judges couldn't travel to preside over the courts. 19 witches condemned to death
Earl of Warwick
Judge at Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk Assizes)
John Godbolt
Casualties from Suffolk Assizes (women, men)
16, 2
Godbolt asserted at Suffolk confessions must always be 'X'
Purely voluntary and unconstrained
How was John Lowes tortured
Watched, walked and swum
How much did Godbolt claim in expenses for his work at Suffolk
How many were accused at the first Ely assizes
When was the first Ely assizes
September 1646
When was the second Ely assizes
September 1647
Who was sentenced to death at the second Ely assizes
Margaret Moore
How many public confessions had Margaret Moore given?
How old was Elizabeth Clarke
Marital status of Elizabeth Clarke
Which 4 women stripped and searched Elizabeth Clarke looking for a mark
Mary Philips, Mary Parsley, Grace Norman and Frances Miles
When did 4 women strip and search Elizabeth Clarke looking for a mark
21st March 1645
Where was Elizabeth Clarke held whilst waiting for the Chelmsford assizes
Colchester Castle
Name of Elizabeth Clarke's familiars - A greyhound with long legs, who turned into a 4-year-old boy with no head.
Vinegar Tom
Name of Elizabeth Clarke's familiars - a demonic black rabbit
Sacke and Sugar
When was Elizabeth Clarke found guilty, at the Chelmsford assizes
17th July 1645
Occupation of Elizabeth Gooding's Husband
Who accused Elizabeth Gooding
Robert Tayler
How much cheese was Elizabeth Gooding refused for credit for, who owned this cheese shop
1/2 pound, Robert Tayler
When was Elizabeth Gooding found guilty, at the Chelmsford assizes
17th July 1656
Marital status of Anne West
Where was Anne West from
When was Anne West previously tried for witch-craft and aquitted
Who had previously accused Anne West previously for witchcraft - killing his pig
Thomas Hart
How old was Rebecca West
Role of Rebecca West in the legal proceedings
Whos son did Anne Leech confess to murdering
Richard Edward
Where was Anne Leech from
Who was the mother of Helen Clarke
Anne Leech
Occupation of Helen Clarke's husband
Helen Clarke was the prime suspect in whos murder?
Anne Parsley
Religious persuasion of John Lowes
Parish of John Lowes
In the moat of where was John Lowes swum
Framlingham Castle
When was John Lowes found guilty
26th August 1645
Which accused individual did John Lowes speak in defence of
Ann Annson
Confession of John Lowes - Sinking a ship off X that killed X people
Harwich, 14
When approached by John Rivet to ask her to cure her wife/work out what was wrong with his wife, so told him that she had been bewitched and pointed to the 'woman up the hill' - Elizabeth Clarke.
Goodwife Hovey
Parish of John Gaule
Great Staughton
Publication of John Gaule title and date
Select cases of conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft, 1646
When was the confession of Margaret Moone
April 1645
Who was the judge at Yarmouth
Miles Corbett
When was the Kings Lynn trial?
24th September 1646
Who was the judge at Kings Lynn
Miles Corbett
How many died in jail before the Chelmsford trial
How many women were tried at Chelmsford
How many were found guilty at Chelmsford
How many were fully acquitted at Chelmsford
When was Chelmsford trial
17th June 1645
How many were executed on the 18th June 1645
How many were hung at Manningtree on the 1st August 1645
Summer of 1645 - As many as X men and women from Suffolk, from X small towns and villages, were identified at witches.
150, 50
How many were originally on trial at Suffolk
How many did the Grand Jury approve for trial at Suffolk
When was the Suffolk assize
26th August 1645
When was Hopkins in Aldeburgh
January 1646
How many women were tried, executed at Aldeburgh
7, 7
Aldeburgh trial - Cost the town X of annual expenses for the witch-hunt
How much was Hopkins paid for Aldeburgh
How much was food and drink at Aldeburgh
How many were tried at the Norfolk assizes in 1645