trauma and stressor related disorders
new classification in DSM-5
shared origin, stressful life events
includes PTSD, acute stress disorder, adjustment disorders, and attachment disorders
main etiologic characteristics
trauma exposure and response
main etiologic characteristic
main etiologic characteristic
emotional numbing and interpersonal problems
main etiologic characteristic
markedly interferes with one's ability to function
main etiologic characteristic
PTSD diagnosis
reaction persists for one month or more
recurrent involuntary distressing memories of traumatic event
intrusion symptom
recurrent distressing dreams related to traumatic event
intrusion symptom
dissociative reactions (flashbacks)
intrusion symptom
intense or prolonged psychological distress to internal or external cues
intrusion symptom
marked physiological reaction to cues
intrusion symptom
traumatic event DSM-5
exposure to death, serious injury, or sexual violence
directly experiencing traumatic event, witnessing the event, learning about event happening to family, experiencing exposure to details
avoidance symptoms
avoidance of distressing memories/internal stuff or of external reminders
inability to remember an important aspect of traumatic event
negative cognitions and mood
persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others, or the world
negative cognitions
persistent, distorted cognitions about cause/consequences of traumatic event
negative cognitions
persistent negative emotional state
negative mood
markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
negative cognition
feelings of detachment or estrangement from others
negative cognition
persistent inability to experience positive emotions
negative cognition
irritable behavior and angry outbursts
arousal and reactivity symptoms
reckless or self-destructive behavior
arousal and reactivity symptoms
arousal and reactivity symptoms
exaggerated startle response
arousal and reactivity symptoms
problems with concentration
arousal and reactivity symptoms
sleep disturbance
arousal and reactivity symptoms
duration of disturbance
more than 1 month
most common traumas
combat and sexual assault
percent of people that experience PTSD
one to three months post trauma
diagnosed after three months
delayed onset
six months or more post trauma
acute stress disorder
PTSD immediately post-trauma
highly effective, graduated/massed exposure, develop narrative of traumatic event, challenge maladaptive beliefs, increase positive coping skills, increase social support
SSRIs, medications against anxiety and panic
Adverse Childhood Experiences
three types of ACEs
abuse, neglect, household dysfunction
psychoeducation & parenting skills
Relaxation techniques
Affective expression & modulation
cognitive coping
trauma narrative & processing
In vivo mastery of trauma reminders
Conjoint parent-child session
Enhancing future safety & development
adjustment disorders
anxious or depressive reactions to life stress, milder than PTSD/acute stress disorder, occur in reaction to life stressor, clinically significant distress or impairment
excessive use
impaired control
use despite wanting to stop
impaired control
spending great deal of time using or recovering
impaired control
craving, especially when around triggers
impaired control
failure to fulfill obligations
social impairment
interpersonal problems caused by drug use
social impairment
giving up important social, recreational, or occupational activities
social impairment
use when intoxication endangers self or others
risky use
use despite substance-induced health problems
risky use
needing more drug to feel effects
negative symptoms experienced when drug is removed after prolonged intake
increase DA in the reward pathway initially
addictive drugs
highly correlated with "high"
Dopamine in striatum
reduced in drug abusers
dopamine (D2) receptors
cell adhesion molecules
genes in GWAS addicts
receptors and ligands
genes in GWAS addicts
intracellular enzymes
genes in GWAS addicts
double risk of addiction
mood and anxiety disorders
low reward-setpoint
more vulnerable to addiction
increases risk of addiction
untreated ADHD
highly correlated with nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis addictions
impulsive at baseline
use stimulants, which make them more impulsive
pain-sensitive at baseline
use opiates
anxious at baseline
take more alcohol
cultural norms
environmental effects for development of addiction
socioeconomic status
environmental effects for development of addiction
sources of stress in the environment
environmental effects for development of addiction
stress-coping strategies and expectations
environmental effects for development of addiction
affects dopamine receptor expression
pharmacological treatments for addiction
block drug associated reward or alleviate negative symptoms of withdrawal
behavioral therapies for addiction
train patients to recognize/deal with cravings, find reasons/motivations to avoid substance use
Therapeutic communities and self-help groups
structured safe environment with sober peers, limits on behavioral choice, graded return to freedom
neurodevelopmental disorder
mechanisms in place in prenatal development
presents with differences in brain anatomy and function
behavioral presentation early in life
presentation evolves over time
development impacts many areas of development and produces an atypical trajectory across most domains
Kanner (1943)
"autistic disturbances of affective contact"
'early infantile autism'
'Kanner's syndrome'
Asperger (1944)
Germany, WWII, merged with Lorna Wing "Asperger's Syndrome: A Clinical Account"
Behavioral phenotype of ASD
heterogeneous, neurodevelopmental disorder with lifelong course of illness
Percent of world population with ASD
number of children with ASD in US
1 out of 44
four times more common in boys than in girls
prevalence has increased by 6-15% each year from 2002 to 2010
deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
DSM-5 ASD social communication
deficits in nonverbal communication behaviors used for social interaction
DSM-5 ASD social communication