ALE Professional Practice (Combined)

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PD 1296

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332 Terms


PD 1296

"Defining open space in residential subdivision"

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Home Ins. & Guarantee Corp. (HIGC)

"A key house agency that assist private developers to undertake low and middle income mass housing production"

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Actual Cost + 10%(profit,overhead & tax)

The value of extra work or change in construction plans by the owner

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Affordable Cost

"Refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the needs and financial capability of "program beneficiaries and appropriate financial schemes" (RA 7279)."

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Pre design

Architectural programming is one of the architect's services that falls under

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Burst node

"In a PERT CPM. ____________is a starting node to two or more activities"

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Project Management

"When the owner hires an Architect of a firm to coordinate the whole range of Comprehensive Architectural Services, it shall constitute?"

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Consulting Architect

"He is a registered & licensed architect, who is academically and professionally qualified, & with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architecture;"

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After ___________ substantial completion of contract work, the architect shall inspect the project & issue certificate of completion after certification, the contractor will finish outstanding work during period of making good of all known defect of 60 days

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3 months

"Within how many months shall be the release of Retention from date of Final Payment?"

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PD 957

"Condominium & Subdivision, Bridges Protective Law."

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Post Construction Services

"This services giver full meaning to what the professional calls comprehensive Architectural Service. It wraps-up the whole range of architectural services."

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1 slot/ family dwelling

"BP 220: The parking requirement for multi-family dwelling is"

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100 meters

"PD 957: In Design Standards for Residential Condominium Projects, offsite parking is allowed but must NOT be more how may meters away from the building it serves?"

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City Engineer

Under PD 1096 the executive officer of OBO appointed by the secretary to enforce the provision of the code in the field as well as the enforcement or orders and decisions made pursuant thereto

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"Contract Documents shall be the property of the"

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Special Provisions

"It is instructions that supplement or modify drawings, specs, & general conditions of the contract."

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written or printed description of work to be done describing the qualities of materials and mode of construction additional information which may be issued as an addition or amendment to the provisions of specifications

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Open Specifications

shows the general requirements without consideration of a specific type or brand for materials. __________ may be subject to reasonable changes and equivalencies.

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Closed Specifications

Establishes the exact and specific quantity, types, color, texture, and other properties. Such can not be changed or subjected to equivalencies without prior consent from the specs writer or the architect

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Brand Name Specifications

specifies the manufacturers and producers or the brands of materials and products be used for each specific work.

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Combination Specifications

Combines two or more techniques.

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CSI (Construction Specification Institute)

"an organization that maintains and advances the standardization of construction language as pertains to building specifications. Provides structured guidelines for specification writing in their Project Resource Manual, formerly called the Manual of Practice (MOP)."

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Master Format Specifications

The most widely used standard for organising specifications and other written information for commercial and institutional building projects. It provides a master list of divisions, and section numbers and titles within each division, to be followed in organizing information about a facility's construction requirements and associated activities

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Classes of Fire Class A

wood, cloth, paper, rubber and plastics

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Classes of Fire Class B

flammable liquid and gases

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Classes of Fire Class C

fire involving energized electrical equipment

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Classes of Fire Class D

involving combustible metals (such as magnesium, sodium, potassium)"

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Dry Standpipe

not normally filled with water (water is introduced by fire service connection when needed)

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air compartment or chamber to which ducts are connected

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neutralize or remove a fire hazard

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it is normally open, closes automatically to prevent passage of fire or smoke

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Flash Point

the lowest temperature at which the material will give sufficient vapor to ignite when exposed to flame

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an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device

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Smokeproof Tower

stairway enclosure so designed that products of combustion is prevented from moving in

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Fire escape ladders

not allowed as a form of escape

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Grounds for suspension and revocation of license

"signed on docs. that one has not prepared or supervised, paid illegal amount in the application, impersonation, aided an illegal practice"

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BP 220

"develop levels of standards and technical requirements for economic and socialized housing projects, for socialized and economic housing, housing units that are affordable to average and low-income earner (30% of the gross family income), it is a law that relaxes the provisions of the NBC for the purpose of making the dwelling units more affordable without compromising health, safety and enviromental protection"

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PD 957

Sale of Subd Lots / Condo buyers protection

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PD 1216

defining open space

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RA 4726

Condominium act

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R.A. 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act

"comprehensive and continuing urban development and housing program, establish the mechanism for its implementation, and for other purposes

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R.A. 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act

a. Uplift the conditions of the underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban areas and in resettlement areas by making available to them decent housing at affordable cost, basic services, and employment opportunities;

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R.A. 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act

b. Provide for the rational use and development of urban land in order to bring about the following:"

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P.D. 1151 - Philippine Environmental Policy

whenever a proposal involves the use of depletable or nonrenewable resources, a finding must be made that such use and commitment are warranted."

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PD 1152

Philippine Environmental Code

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Project Manual

"one of the bidding requirements which is a book containing all contract and non-contract documents for a construction project except the drawings

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Bidding Requirements

  • invitation

  • prequalification forms

  • instruction to bidders

  • information to bidders

  • bid forms

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Supplements to bid forms

"bid security, subcontractor list, substitutions"

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Contract forms

  • agreement (owner-contractor

  • performance bond

  • labor and materials payment bond

  • certificates of insurance

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Prescriptive Specification

"(also called "closed"), specifies brand names, product, proprietary specification - the most restrictive"approved equal" language, "

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Performance Specification

"(also called "open"), specifies results that are to be achieved but gives the contractor the choice on how it will be achieved; used in public, projects in order to promote competition, descriptive - like a "recipe" to be followed, quantities and qualities of ingredients, reference standard - reference to ASTM, AISC, NBC"

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Writing Specifications

"complete, accurate and unambiguous up to date references (standards) do not specify the results and at the same time the method (this may conflict) use standards than can be measured avoid exculpatory clauses (broad way of shifting responsibility) avoid "and/or", etc., keep it short"

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single prime contract

one general contractor

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multiple prime contract

major portions are contracted separately (e.g. mechanical, electrical), specialty contractors favor this but make coordination difficult

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many prime contracts

used for fast track construction, some work can proceed as soon as its drawings and specs are available, other will have to wait, this overlaps the design process

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compensation, description of work, date of commencement, completion, liquidated damages, payment

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"addenda "

"changes before contract execution"

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"changes after contract execution"

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Construction Administration

"Architect reviews processes, shop drawings, submittals, observes construction making sure it is consistent with the contract, evaluates contractor accomplishment and request for payments and administers the project closeout procedure"

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physical example of the portion of work, they become standards of appearances and workmanship

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Product data

brochure, charts, instructions

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Change Orders

authorizing the variation from the original that involves changes in cost and/or time. Architect prepares it, the owner issues it to the contractor. All must approve this.

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Project Closeout

"when the building is made ready for occupancy"

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Substantial Completion

when the building can be used, it is also the termination of the contractors schedule

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- a result of architect's inspection, identifies the work to be completed or corrected

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Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC)

formulates policies and objectives as well as over-all strategies for housinc

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Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)

formerly Human Settlements Regulatory Commission; to foster growth and renewal of urban and rural communities, optimum land-use, adequate shelter and environmental protection

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Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig Fund)

provident savings fund for housing

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National Home Mortgage and Finance Corporation (NHMFC)

generate continuous source of funds for housing through secondary mortgage market system

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National Housing Authority (NHA)

undertake housing development and resettlement

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National Housing Corporation (NHC)

develop, standardize, and mass produce housing materials

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architects responsibilities in relation to people

  • responsibilities toward the public

  • constructive civic service

  • preservation of heritage

  • uphold interest of its professional organization

  • abide by the code of ethical conduct

  • refrain from paid advertisements of self-laudatory, misleading publicity

  • refrain from taking part in paid advertisement

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architects responsibilities in relation to Client

  • introduce oneself by sample (no free design)

  • ascertain nature and scope of project, define charges

  • honest advocate (even that would mean loss of project)

  • explain character of estimate

  • make not undertake fixed contract sum

  • not accept payment from other source

  • refrain from business that would discredit oneself"

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architects responsibilities in relation to agents, dealers

  • "no "freebies""

  • avoid commissions, discounts, gifts that places one under reciprocnoal frame"

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architects responsibilities in relation to colleagues & subordinatestly negotiating

  • not seek commission on a project when another architect is current serve ones professional association

  • not be part of a competition where there is conflict of interest

  • not invade or conquer another architect's project

  • notify original designers when undertaking renovation works

  • not maliciously talk about another architect

  • protect ones name from being used maliciously

  • sign only on plans one has prepared

  • treat well employees and subordinates

  • share technical information and experience

  • no free architect's services except small civic and charitable projects

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"schematic design, design development, contract document, construction"

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Specialized Allied

"interior design, landscape, physical planning (site planning), comprehensive planning (starts with data base gathering end culminates with master development plan)"

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Design-Build by administration

"implements construction, hires workers, negotiate with contractors, authorize payment of accounts"

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Design Build by guaranteed maximum cost

  • involves the use of a revolving fund, savings and excesses are shared with conditions

  • 50/50 split on savings

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Construction Services

"full-time supervision (quality control, evaluation of contractor's work, record keeping), construction management (coordination and supervision, cost and time control, quality control and record keeping)"

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Post Construction Services

Type of Services

  • building and equipment maintenance (trouble free use)

  • building and grounds administration (billing, security, operations)

  • post construction evaluation (have the goals been achieved)"

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Comprehensive Architectural Services

"all in one"

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Compensation Method

"Stipulated sum (fixed fee, lump sum))

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Compensation Method

cost plus fee = actual expense plus a reasonable fee for profit

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Compensation Method

multiple of direct personnel expense = salaries are determined then multiplied by a factor, this is increased by a multiplier for overhead and profit

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Compensation Method

percentage of construction cost

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Compensation Method

unit cost method = based on definable unit (housing unit, square meter, room)

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Compensation Method

per diem plus reimbursable expense"

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PD 1096

revised RA 6541

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15 days

"BO issue permit within ______ from the date of payment"

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Bldg. permit Requirement

  • "fill-up a form lot ownership / possessory right (TCT, sale, lease, contract)

  • drawings,

  • specifications and

  • estimates

  • lot plan"

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Certificate of Occupancy

"no building can be occupied without such certificate no change in occupancy allowed issued within 30 days after final inspection"

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Types of Construction

  • Type I - wood construction

  • Type II - wood with protective fire-resistance and one-hour fire resistive throughout

  • Type III - masonry and wood construction, and one-hour fire resistive throughout

  • Type IV - steel, iron, concrete, masonry

  • Type V - fire resistive"

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"fire resistance rating "

time in hours a material or assembly can be expected to withstand exposure to fire without collapsing, develop any openings which permit the passage of flame or hot gases, or exceeding specified temperature on the side away from the fire

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Classification of Buildings by Use

  • Category I - residential

  • Category II - commercial and industrial

  • Category III - educational, social and institutional

  • Category IV - agricultural

  • Category V - ancillary

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mixed occupancy

"classified to belong to the most restrictive requirement"

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10% & 5 %

"size of room relative to window size (____ of floor area and not less than 1 m2; ___ for toilets but not less than 0.24 m2)"

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(artificially ventilated)

"ceiling heights (min): 2.7m, 2.4m and 2.1m "

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if naturally ventilated

"ceiling heights (min): 2.7m ceiling height

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