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Elastic Clause
allows congress to do what is “necessary and proper” for new or modern issues
Bill of Rights
The 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution
rule by the people; citizens vote directly on a policy
representatives chosen by the people’s vote
Noah Webster
History of the United States
makes laws;
Executive Branch
enforces the laws;
Judicial Branch
Interprets the laws;
Checks and Balances
each branch of government “checks” and watches over the other branches so that they do not abuse their power
Massachusetts and Connecticut
state religions were strictly enforced
haven for Catholics
Rhode Island
known for religious freedom
led the fight for religious freedom (Isaac Backus)
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America (evaluation of American life)
Napoleon Bonaparte
overthrew the directory and sought to cooperate with American needs
Naturalization Act
increased the time of citizen eligibility based on residence from 5 years to 14 years
Alien Friends Act
authorized the president to order out of the country any aliens he deemed dangerous or suspicious
Alien Enemies Act
authorized the president in time of declared war to imprison or banish aliens subject to enemy power
Sedition Act
made it a crime to hinder the enforcement of a law; made it a crime to publish false scandalous and malicious statements against the government
Kentucky and Virginia Legislatures
resolutions condemning the Alien and Sedition Acts
12th Amendment
ended the election of opposing parties
Judiciary Act of 1801
creation of 16 new Federal Judges
Louisiana Purchase
War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Jefferson Era
power transferred from the Federalists to the Republicans; one of the most important periods of American politics
James Madison
Jefferson’s secretary of state
Albert Gallatin
Swiss financier who served as Jefferson’s Secretary of the Treasury
West Point
military academy in New York
Marbury vs. Madison
Judges appointed by Adams lost their positions after Jefferson withheld their appointments
Judicial Review
The Supreme Court can nullify an unconstitutional act of Congress
personal guide to L&C
Zebulon Pike
explored the southern portion of the Louisinia purchase (discovered “Pike’s Peak” in Colorado)
Aaron Burr
Jefferson’s 1st Vice President
A small nation in North Africa that was part of the Barbary States
Stephen Decatur
Lieutenant who led America’s navy in the Tripolitan War
bombing of Tripoli
England continued to force American sailors to join the British navy
Embargo Act
the stopping of American ships from trading with any European nation
Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
reopened trade with Europe except England and France
Macron Bill (1810)
opened trade with all nations
The Prophet
Shawnee medicine man; died in this battle
Shawnee chief; brother of The Prophet who would lead a union of North American tribes against America
state’s rights movement
What did the Alien Enemies Act and Sedition Act result in
Adams, Jefferson, and Aaron Burr
Who were the 3 major candidates in the 1800 election
Thomas Jefferson
Who did the House of Representatives chose to become president
Midnight appointments
What are John Adam’s appointments called
What officials did Jefferson not immediately remove
Robert Livingston
Who went to France to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans
15 million
How much money was all of Louisinia offered
Louisiana Purchase
What is known as the greatest real estate deal in American history
Mandan Indians
Who helped Lewis and Clark on their journey
Alexander Hamilton
Who did Aaron Burr kill
Barbary States
What was the Tripoli a part of
James Madison
Who did Thomas Jefferson support who ended up winning the election
England and France
What 2 countries did the US not trade with after the Non-Intercourse act
Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun
What 2 politicians demanded war with England
William Henry Harrison
Who defeated the North American tribes in 1811
June 18, 1812
What date did America declare war on England
Judiciary Act (Federal Court System)
Mint Act
Judiciary Act (Midnight Appointments)
George Washington
John Adams
George Washington
Inaugurated in 1789
Attorney General
handled legal affairs of the government
Postmaster General
oversaw post offices and post roads
President’s closest advisors
Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of state
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the Treasury
Henry Knox
Secretary of War
Edmund Randolph
Attorney General
Samuel Osgood
Postmaster General
John Jay
1st chief justice of the supreme court
Domestic Debt
Debt owed to investors (Bonds) and (pay certificates)
Bank notes
Paper money cashed in for gold and silver
Strict Construction
argued the constitution should be interpreted as it was written
Loose Construction
The constitution contains implied powers
Protective Tariffs
Taxes on imported goods
Excise tax
Laws that would tax homemade products
The storming of the Bastille; start of the French Revolution
Louis VXI
king during the Revolution
Citizen Genet
French diplomat who sought to garner support for the Revolution
“kidnapping” and forcing American’s into the British Navy
John Jay
Chief Justice who travelled to Great Britain to negotiate a treaty
Jay Treaty (1795)
did not meet America’s standards
Thomas Pinckney
sent to negotiate a treaty with Spain
Pinckney Treaty
formed an official border between English territory and Spanish Florida
Northwest Territory
opened for American colonization
Battle of Fallen Timbers
American troops under the leadership of General Anthony Wayne defeated the Native Americans and began to colonize the Northwest
XYZ Affair
An attempt to negotiate peace with France
Department of the Navy
created in 1798 in preparation for war
What building did the French storm to begin the French Revolution
Constitutional Republic
What type of government is America
Who leads the Legislative branch
Who leads the Executive Branch
Supreme Court
Who leads the Judicial Branch