HOSA Mission:
to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience
HOSA stands for:
Health Occupations Students of America
When was HOSA officially organized?
November 1976
Vocational Industrial Clubs of America
American Vocational Association
First national HOSA president?
Lynne McGee of North Carolina
HOSA colors?
Maroon, medical white, and navy blue
HOSA Purpose:
The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.
2022 HOSA President
Aashika Desai
HOSA National Service Project 2022
Be The Match, which is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) and is the largest and most diverse bone marrow registry in the world!
What does medical white represent?
Purity of Purpose
What does navy blue represent?
Loyalty to the Healthcare Profession
What does the maroon represent?
Compassion of HOSA Members
National HOSA motto?
The Hands of HOSA Mold the Health of Tomorrow
What was the original HOSA motto?
The hands of youth mold the health of tomorrow
what does the circle of the HOSA emblem represent
the continuity of health care
What does the triangle represent on the HOSA emblem?
the three aspects of human-kind's social, physical, and mental wellbeing
What do the hands in the HOSA emblem represent?
caring of each HOSA member
What state submitted the HOSA emblem
Tennessee Association of HOSA
When was the HOSA creed adopted?
The HOSA creed was adopted at the third HOSA National Leadership Conference in 1980
Who submitted the HOSA creed?
South Carolina HOSA
Which 6 states came together to form HOSA?
Alabama, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas
What was the original name for HOSA?
The American Health Occupations Education Student Organization (AHOESO)
Where was the first National HOSA office established?
in Wilmington, Delaware (October 1979)
What are the 6 categories of events?
health science events
health professions events
emergency preparedness events
leadership events
teamwork events
recognition events
What is the official name of the organization?
HOSA - Future Health Professionals
What are the 3 levels of organization within HOSA?
district (local), state, and international
What is a HOSA state advisor?
A person appointed by the HOSA state supervisor and approved by the executive council to advise and provide leadership for the state association
Where was the first HOSA national conference held?
Oklahoma City
What does Section A of the HOSA National Handbook discuss?
National HOSA - the organization
What are the two parts of the HOSA Handbook Section A?
General information and history
What does Section B of the HOSA National Handbook discuss?
The National Competitive Events program
What does Section C of the HOSA National Handbook discuss?
Guides to organizing and managing a HOSA chapter
What is the Hosa slogan?
Health Science and HOSA: A Healthy Partnership