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we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and out posterity, do ordain, and establish this constitution for the united states of america.
the preamble
legislative powers given to congress ( senate and the house)
article 1 section 1
elected every 2 years
25 years old
7 years citizen
live in the state they are running for
reps have the power to pick a speaker of the house
article 1 section 2
1 rep : 30 thousand people
house of reps (article 1 section 2)
2 senators per state
vote by the legislature (changed by the 17th amendment)
6 year terms
1 vote each senator
35 year old
9 year citizen
live in the state they are running for
article 1 section 3
divided into 3 classes
1 class expiration 2 years
2nd class expiration 4 years
3rd class expiration 6 years
1/3 is chosen every 2 years
terms of the senate article 1 section 3
vice president is the president of …. but has no vote unless equally divided
senate (article 1 section 3)
power to impeach
house of representatives (article 1 section 2)
power to try impeachments
only happens with 2/3 members present
senate (article 1 section 3 )
removes you from the office and cant run again
partu convicd can b eeindicted
impeachment (article 1 section 3)
voting for HOR is prescribed in each state
article 1 section 4
congress can alter election regulations except for choosing the….
senators (article 1 section 4)
congress meets at least once year and it should be the first …..
unless changed
monday in december (article 1 section 4)
judge of elections
determine rules of proceedings
judgemnt requires votes of yaes and nays
1/5 of votes should be written down
neds permission from other house to adjourn more than 3 days
powers and duties of congress(article 1 section 5)
congress gets paid by the…
treasury (article 1 section 6)
congress cannot be arrested except for
breach of the peace
(article 1 section 6)
they cannot be questioned about _____ maters outside of office
congress (article 1 section 6)
bills to raise revenue come from ….
house of representatives (article 1 section 7)
____ can propose rise in revenue with amendments or bills
senate (article 1 section 7)
every bill passed by both houses get sent to the ____
if signed it is law
president (article 1 section 7)
if bill not signed:
returned to HOR if passed → senate
2/3 of both houses agree→ law
legislative process (article 1 section 7)
bill not returned by president in ___ days (excluding sunday) → law
unless prevented by congress
10 (article 1 section 7)
every order sent president (if necessary), approved byhim repasses by 2/3 of congress
article 1 section 7
lay/ collect taxes
borrow money on US credit
regulate commerce internationally, nationally, and in tribes
powers of congress
rule on naturalization and laws on bankruptcy through us
punishments on counterfeiting
post offices and roads
define and punish pireces and felonies on the seas
powers of congress (article 1 section 8)
who has the power to declare war
congress (article 1 section 8)
raise and support armies/navy (makes laws regulating them)
call in milita to stop invasions
makes laws that are necessary t execute the for going powers
powers of congress (article 1 section 8)
immigrants/ slaves cannot be prohibited by congress
tax cannot be put on goods exported from any state
fair treatment for every state
money cannot be taken from the treasury unless by consequence of appropriations(need records of transaction)
powers denied to congress (article 1 section 9)
what is write of habeas corpus
test the reasons or grounds for imprisonment
write of habeas corpus cannot be taken away unless…
rebellion/ invasion
no one in office can be given a _____ from another country
title, present, salary fee, or office
cannot accept any treaty, alliance or confederation
coin money or emit bills of credit
pass any bill of attainder
cannot grant title of nobility
cannot tax imports or exports(unless necessary)
cannot keep troops up during peace time
cannot engage in war (unless invaded)
no agreements with other states
powers denied by the states (article 1 section 10)
what is an attainder bill
a bill to punish a person or a group of people
president- executive power
4 year term w/ vice president
us born citizen
35 years old
14 years resident
president dies → vice president
congress decides what happens if both cannot be president
gets paid and pay cannot be changed while elected
article 2 section 1
i do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states and will t th best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states
the presidential oath (article 2 section 1)
commander and chief of the army, navy, and militia of several states
grant pardons for offenses against the us
except impeachments
sign treaties (with 2/3 agreement of congress)
appoint ministers and ambassadors (w/ senate)
appoint councils
can fill vacancies during recesses of the senate (expire next session)
powers of the president (article 2 section 2)
who appoints the supreme court judges
gives state of the union
middle man between the house and the senate
receive ambassadors and ministers
take care of the law
responsibilities of the president (article 2 section 3)
president/ vice president can be removed by____
what can the president/ vice president be impeached for
other high crimes/ misdemeanors
(article 1 section 4)
judicial power→ supreme court
hold office for good behavior
get paid and their pay cannot be changed while in office
article 3 section 1w
who creates the lower courts
Check cases under constitution
state v. state beef, state v. person beef
cases with ambassadors public ministers and concils
powers of the supreme court (article 3 section 2)
who cannot see impeachment cases
supreme court (article 3 section 2)
cases are heard in the …..
state it happened in (article 3 section 2)
treason against the us is….
levying war
adhearing to enemies/ giving aid
can only be charged with treason by
being convinced with 2 testimonies of witnesses to the act or confession
who declares the punishment to treason?
people who are cnviced of treason cannot….
have their property passed down to their family
each state has a voice
they get access to public records
article 4 section 1
citizens get all their rights regardless of state
person who is charged w/ treason, felony or other crime and they leave the state court authority is given to the stat they left
removed from the state they left from
article 4 section 2
slave that ran away is no longer a slave but can be sent back (no longer valid)
article 4 section 2
new states can be added but not within other states jurisdiction (w/o consent of state and congress)
nothing in the constitution can be prejudiced of the us or other states
article 4 section 3
who has the power to engorce laws in territories
congress (article 4 section 3)
every state has a republican government
protect against invasion and domestic violence
article 4 section 4
2/3 of both houses agree can add amendments to the constitution
2/3 of all states can propose a convention to propose an amendment
no state (w/o consent) can be deprived of equal suffrage in senate
article 5
any amendment cannot effect the….
1st and 4th clause in section 9 of article 1
all debts before the constitution is valid against the us
constitution and treaties are supreme law of the land
judges are bond by these laws/ their state laws
anything against the constitution is invaid
article 6
senators, representatives, members of state legislatures and executive judicial offices have to make an oath
to support the constitution
article 6
no ____ test is ever required to run for office
religious (article 6)
___ states is is enough to sign the constitution
9 (article 7)
freedom of religion
freedom of speech/press
right for peaceful protest
right to petition the government
first amendment
states gets militia for protection
right to bear arms
second amendment
soldiers cannot go into anyones house during peacetime w/o consent
third amendment
no unwarranted searches
only w/ probable cause describing what, where, and who is being searched
fourth amendment
doesnt have to answer questions unless held by grand jury
cant be charged twice
cant be a witness against themself
cant have life liberty and property taken away from them without due process
fifth amendment
private property cannot be taken for public use without compensation
fifth amendment
criminal prosecutions get the right to a speedy and public trial in state where it happened (w/jury)
informed of the charges
see the witnesses
have a defense team
sixth amendment
civil cases or lawsuits have a right to be decided by jury in federal court
seventh amendment
no excessive bail or fines
no cruel and unusual punishment
eighth amendment
rights not listed belongs to the people and cannot be taken away
ninth amendment
powers not given to the government in the constitution is given to the states/people
tenth amendment
what amendments are in the bill of rights
the first 10
courts cannot hear cases that the state is sued by a person from antehr state
11th amendment
people meet to vote for the president and vice president
votes are made and counted and who ever has the majority won
12th amendment
can the president and vice president be from the same state
no (12th amendment)
if someone does not get the majority vote for president what happens
take who ever got the most voes and go from there (12th amendment)
who picks the president and where does the votes come from if there is not a canident with majority vote
HOR and the votses come from the states (12th amnedment)
who picks the vice president and how many votes do they need to do so
senate and thy need 2/3 vote (12th amendment)
can you run for president and vice president
no (12th amendment)
what amendment outlawed slavery
13th amendment section 1
who has the power to enforce the 13th amendment
anyone born or naturalized in the us is a citizen
no stat can make a law to take those rights away
no state can take someones life liberty, or property without due process
cannot deny anyone of equal protection
14th amendemnt section 1
voting age 21(changed by 26th amendment)
any state that denies a person the right to vote will get less representation in the government
14th amendment section 2
every government official needs to take an oath to support the US Constitution
14th amendment
congress can vote out anyone who engaged in:
aid or comfort to enemies
allowed the federal and state governments to refuse to pay war debts of the Confederate army as well as any claims made by slave owners for their losses when slaves were freed.
14th amendment sectoin 4
congress was able to enforce the 14th amendment with
14th amendment sectoin 5
everyone regardless of color can vote
15th amendment section 1
congress was able to enforce the 15th amendment with
15th amendment section 2
what amendment put staxes on income taxes
16th amendment
2 senators per state voted in by the people
1 vote each
make temporary appointments for empty seats
17th amendment
bans alcohol
18th amendment
congress was able to enforce the 18th amendment with
18th amendment section 2
what amendment gave women the right to vote
19th amendment
president and vice president terms end on january 20th
senators and rep terrms end on january 3rd
20th amndemnt section 1
new congress has to meet at least once a year on january 3rd(unless the day is changed)
20th amendment section 2
if president did r is not qualified power goes to the vice president(until president is qualified)
if both cannot congress picks who should fill in as president
20th amendment section 3
who picks the president if they die or is not qualified
house of representatives
who picks the vice president if they died or is not qualified