Made and produced in America
What was the the Model T famous for being the 1st vehicle?
Affordable Price
The Model T was the most popular car of its time because of its...
18th adendment
What adendment Started Prohibition?
19th amendment
What amendment gave women the right to vote?
21st Amendment
What adendment ended Prohibition?
Prohibition refers to the banning of the manufacturing, storage, transportation, sale, possession, and consumption of __________
October 29, 1929
When did the stock market crash?
Across the Atlantic
Charles Lindbergh returned to New York as a hero after completing this solo flying feat
Babe Ruth
1920 baseball figure
Warren G. Harding
1920s President (1921-23)
Red Grange
1920 football figure
Ernest Hemmingway
1920s Literature figure
1920s Fashion Figure
F. Scott Fitzgerald
1920s Literature figure
Duke Ellington
1920s Jazz figure
1920s dance
Calvin Coolidge
1920s Preident (1923-29)
Great Gatsby
1920s Literature figure
Louis Armstrong
1920s Jazz figure
Spirit of St. Louis
What was the name of Charles Lindbergh's plane?
Art Deco
What was the architectural style that was developed and became associated with the Roaring Twenties?
What was the American Sport league that started in the 1920s?
Charles Lindbergh famously left New York on May 20, 1927, and traveled nearly 3,000 miles. Where did he land?
The automotive industry allowed other manufacturers to develop rapidly. Which Ohio city grew as the tire capital of the US, with major companies Firestone and Goodyear still located there today?
Dawes Act
Through the __________________ , American banks lent money to Germany to help it pay its war reparations.
Everyday life
Art and literature of the 1920s is often characterized by focusing on...
This sport benefitted greatly from the radio and ticket sales in the 1920's, gaining national attention and becoming America's pastime.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Town that is the birthplace of jazz.
Warren G. Harding won the presidency in 1920 by promising Americans a return to _________
Early aircraft specifically transported this...
Consumer Credit
During the 1920's, large numbers of Americans were able to purchase relatively expensive items such as automobiles, appliances and radios through the new innovation of:
Mass production of a standardized, inexpensive automobile
Henry Ford's most distinctive contribution to the automobile industry was.....
Chrysler Building
What iconic building that depicts 1920 architectural style is shown?
What does the T in Model T stand for?
This 1927 team is known to be the best baseball team of all time, with their fan popularity remaining strong today.
Famous Movie Company still in business today that began in 1924, features a lion as its logo and has produced some of the biggest films of all time.
State that the Teapot Dome Scandal in which US Navy oil reserves were leased out to private firms occurred in.
15 million
When the last Model T rolled off the line, how many were built?
Where is the Ford headquarters located?
Doubled wages to $5 a day Shorten work weeks to 40 hours a week Standardized the 8 hour working day
With the assembly line and a strong demand for workers, Henry Ford did this in order to obtain and keep a large labor force.
Henry Ford once said about his Model T's, "You can have any color, as long as it is..."
9:30 AM
The Stock Market opens each day at this time (Eastern Standard Time).
4:00 PM
The Stock Market closes each day at this time (Eastern Standard Time).
A market that is a period of rising stock prices is a ___________ market
A market that is a period of declining stock prices is a ___________ market
2.5 Million farmers left their homes for this state during the Dust Bowl.
This government agency regulates the stock market in order to prevent fraud and corruption.
The most well-known and biggest stock market in the world today is named:
This government agency that formed during the 1930's still around today that insures bank accounts up to $250,000.
Which state was directly impacted by the Dust Bowl?
People thought he allowed depression to continue
Why did people blame Herbert Hoover for the Depression?
Name of the day the stock market crashed. _________ Tuesday
Promblems of the time
Art in the 1930's depicted:
Rising Gold Prices
Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Great Depression?
Hoover Dam
Which of the following US landmarks is perhaps the most famous Public Works Project?
Bank Run
When many customers want to take their money out of the banks at the same time.
Investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of future gain but with the possible risk of loss is known as (One reason for the start of the depression):
Jobless people often stood in ___________ lines to receive free food
The homeless set up large communities made up of tents and shacks called:
Soap operas
__________________ were very popular dramas of the times and still on television today such as Guiding Light and General Hospital.
FDR famously served parts of how many Presidential terms?
fear itself
One of the most famous quotes in American history: "The only thing we have to fear is..."
100 days
Time period in which FDR introduced a flood of legislation designed to rescue banks, industry, agriculture and provided jobs for the unemployed.
Fireside Chats
From March 1933 to June 1944, Roosevelt addressed the American people in some 30 speeches broadcast via radio, speaking on a variety of topics from banking to unemployment to fighting in Europe. Millions of people found comfort and renewed confidence in these speeches, which became known as.....
Which was not an area of emphasis of the New Deal?
relief, recovery and reform
The 3 R's of the New Deal...
Court Packing
Scheme by which a court such as the United States Supreme Court increases the number of judges or justices in an attempt to change the ideological makeup of the court
Soical Security
Program that is geared towards helping the disabled, needy and senior citizens.
__________ Valley Authority provided jobs, electricity and building projects in 1933.
December 7, 1941
Date of the Pearl Harbor attack.
June 6, 1944
Date of D Day
What year were the Nuclear Bombs dropped and thus ended the war?
¨The Longest Day¨
This famous term is associated with D-Day.
D Day took place on the shores of this country, hoping to push the Axis Powers back into Europe.
Having the _________ industry strongly established in America helped the US quickly produce equipment necessary to create a strong military
Japan and mainland USA
The Midway Islands are literally located midway between these 2 countries.
New Mexico and Tennessee
The Atomic Bomb was developed mainly in these 2 states
Drive and Swim
Amphibious vehicles where important to the war effort because they could:
Manhattan Project
Nickname of the Atomic Bomb project
Which world leader was known as "Man of Steel"
Utah, Omaha, Juno, Sword, Gold
Which are the 5 beach attacks of D-Day?*
Nickname of D-Day, Operation...
Convoy System
Attacks on American cargo ships by German submarines led to the development of the:
Navajo soldiers used their native language to code messages that the Japanese could not decipher.
How did Navajo soldiers help the Allies regain islands in the Pacific during the war?
Which US President was NOT apart of WW2 in some way?
J. Robert Oppenheimer
"Father of the Atomic Bomb" who was the head of the entire project.J. Robert Oppenheimer
Who was named Commander of the United States Naval Pacific Fleet?
Little Boy
The names of the Atomic Bombs were "Fat Man" and...
Iwo Jima
This famous photo is associated with which WW2 Pacific Battle?
This battle is seen as a key turning point in the war because It ended Japan's ability to be on the offensive and forced Japan back to a defensive position, allowing the United States to take the initiative and begin advancing.
The Battle of the Bulge famously took place in this environment.
It was the wedge shape of military advancements into the line
Why was it called Battle of the Bulge?
True/False: Battle of Coral Sea, May 1942, is known to be the very first naval battle in history to be between aircraft carriers
T/F: The President of the United States took full responsibility for making the decision to drop the Atomic Bomb, having no doubt it had to be used.
Soviet union
The Cold War was between the US and this country after WW2.
Leyte Gulf
By some criteria, this Battle in the Pacific is known as the largest naval battle in history, with over 200,000 naval personal involved.
Communist vs Capitalism
The Cold War is basically between these two ideas
Did the Cold War go on for 10 years?
Demilitarized Zone
What separates North Korea and South Korea today?
The tactic of damaging reputations with vague, unfounded charges became known as......