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Toward midline
Away from midline
Toward surface
Away from surface
Quadrant 1
Right maxillary
Quadrant 2
Left maxillary
Quadrant 3
Left mandibular
Quadrant 4
Right mandibular
Under eye
Bony support of cheek
Forehead, supraorbital ridge, and galbella
Apex, root, naris, septum, and ala
Lips and oral cavity
Chin and mandibular symphysis
Space between cheeks and teeth/ lips
Oral cavity proper
Teeth, tonsils, palatine tonsils
Oral cavity
Lips and cheeks to palatine tonsils
Oral pharynx
Shared by digestive and respiratory; palatine tonsils to back wall of throat
Laryngeal pharynx
Base of tongue to opening of larynx
Junction of skin and oral cavity
Vermilion zone
Red area of lips
Vermilion border
Where lips meet skin
Cupid’s bow
Labial commissure
Corners of mouth
Tubercle of upper lip
Bottom of philtrum
Nasiolabial sulcus
Smile lines
Mental protuberance
Labomental groove
Below lip and above chin
Fordyce granules
ectopic/ misplaced sebaceous glands; bumps on labial mucosa or buccal mucosa
Mucobuccal fold
Where cheek and alveolar mucosa meet
Alveolar mucosa
Mucobuccal fold to gingiva; movable, thin, red
Labial frenum
Connective tissue, fold
Normal extra bone on the facial of mandible or maxilla
Retromolar pad
Pad of tissue behind last molar
Large space from large/ strong frenum
Parotid papilla
Opposite maxillary 2nd molar; opening for parotid gland
2 bones sutured, non-movable
Maxillary tuberosity
Behind maxillary 3rd molars
One bone, movable
Hard palate
Anterior 2/3 of oral cavity proper
Ridges on roof of mouth
Median palatine raphe
Midline elevation covers maxilla suture
Greater palatine foramen
Lingual to 1st or 2nd molars
Incisive papilla
Tissue in between and lingual to maxillary central incisors
Fovea palatine
2 holes on posterior part of hard palate
Torus palatinus
Excess bone on hard palate
Anterior pillar
Posterior pillar
Space between pillars
Soft palate
Posterior 1/3 of oral cavity proper
Pterygomandibular fold/ raphe
Behind maxillary tuberosity, separates soft palate from cheek, key injection site
Base of tongue
Posterior 1/3 of tongue; outside of oral cavity in throat
Body of tongue
Anterior 2/3 of tongue; common space for oral cancer
Dorsal surface
Top of tongue
Lateral surface
Side of tongue
Ventral surface
Bottom of tongue
Median lingual sulcus
Line on dorsum of tongue
Sulcus terminalis
Separates base from body of the tongue (creates “v”)
Foramen cecum
Bumps behind the sulcus terminalis
Lingual frenum
Line underneath tongue when you hold it in the air
Sublingual fold
Fold underneath tongue; perpendicular to lingual frenum
Sublingual caruncle
Where sublingual salivary glands excrete
Plica fimbriata
Finger-like projections on ventral surface
Mandibular tori
Excess bone on lingual side of mandible
Hardest calcified tissue in body, makes up crown, avascular, 96% inorganic
Attaches teeth to bone, makes up root, hard tissue, 50% inorganic
Anatomic crown
Whole crown covered in enamel
Clinical crown
What is visible; the part of the tooth above the gingiva
Anatomic root
Portion covered in cementum
Clinical root
Un-erupted portion of tooth, not visible
Dental pulp
Innermost soft tissue, non-calcified
Bulk of tooth, surrounds pulp, hard calcified tissue, 70% inorganic
Secondary dentin
Formed in pulp chambers and canals after eruption
Reparative dentin
Response to trauma/ caries
Apical foramen
Where nerves and blood supply to tooth enterL
Line junctions
Junction of 2 crown surfaces
Point angles
Junction of 3 crown surfaces
Teeth of different types
Teeth of same type
Successive sets of teeth
One set of teeth
Multiple sets of teeth
Hold/ grasp
Chew/ grind
Primary/ deciduous dentition
20 teeth; no premolars (6 months-6 years)
Permanent/ secondary dentition
32 teeth (last primary tooth exfoliates)
Mixed dentition
Mix of permanent and primary teeth (6 years-12 years)
Succedaneous teeth
Replace primary teeth
Proximal contact areas
Where proximal surfaces of teeth touch one another(mesial or distal)
Contact area
Flattened portion of the tooth where it touches the tooth next to it in the same dental arch
Anterior facial contact area
Incisal one third
Posterior buccal contact area
Middle one third
Anterior incisal contact area
Centered between facial and lingual
Posterior occlusal contact area
Slightly buccal to the center of the tooth
Contact point
Where the occlusal cusp of one tooth touches the occlusal portion of another tooth in the opposing arch
Interproximal spaces
Triangular-shaped spaces between teeth formed by bone on one side and the proximal surfaces and their contact area on the other side; filled with interdental gingiva
Cervical embrasure
Occurs when there is gingival recession between teeth, and the interdental papilla and bone no longer fill the entire inter proximal space
The spaces between teeth that are occlusal to the contact areas