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epithelial tissue
composed of 1 ort more layers
cover the body surfaces, lines both body and organ cavities
form glands
epithelial composed of tightly packed cells
epithelium has both apical and basal surface
exposed to external environment
may have either microvilli or cilia
epithelium is attached to basement membrane, underlying connective tissue
all epithelial tissue lacks blood vessels
nutrients obtained by diffusion through basal surface from blood vessels
or directly across apical surface
extensive innervation
epithelia are supplied with nerves to detect changes in the environment
high regeneration capacity
epithelial cells undergo cell division frequently.
epithelial cells
stem cells
epithelia primary functions
physical protection, selective permeability, secretions, sensations
simple epithelium
1 layer of epithelial cells
found in areas with minimal stress.
filtration, absorption, or secretion is the primary function
contact with basal layer
stratified epithelium
contains 2 or more layer of epithelial cells
resembles brick wall
provides structural support /better protection for underlying layer
found in basal layer
pseudostratified epithelium
appeared to be layered
simplest type of epithelium
attached to basement membrane (basal)
squamous cell s
cells are flat, wide and irregularly shaped
nucleus is flattened
cuboidal cell s
tall as they are wide. rounded squares
nucleus is spherical and in the middle of the cell
columnar cell s
slender and taller than they are wide
nucleus is oval
transitional cell s
can change shape when distended and relaxed
ex lining if the bladder that filles with urine then empties
simple squamous epithelium
single layer of flattened cells
thinnest possible barrier
allows rapid movement of molecules and ions across epithelium by membrane transport
simple epithelium
simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar
stratified epithelium
stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, transitional, keratinized, nonkeratinized
name of simple squamous epithelium that lines both blood vessels and Lympth vessels
name given to squamous epithelium that forms serous membranes of body cavities
simple cuboidal epithelium
1 layer uniform shaped cells
located in spherical nucleus
allows absorption and secretion s
simple columnar epithelium
single layer of cells
ideal for absorptive and secretory function s.
2 forms- has no cilia and covered with cilia
nonciliated simple columnar
contains microvilli and scatters unicellular galnd’s called goblet cells- secrete mucin
when mixed with water forms mucus
ciliated simple columnar epithelium
has cilia projecting from apical surface of the cell
mucus covers apical cell and is moved by cillia
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
conations cilia on its apical surface
performs protective structures
pseudostratified nonciliated epithelium
lacks cilia
preforms protective functions
voice box
stratified squamous epithelium
multiple cell layers and only in the deepest layer is indirect contact with basal membrane
keratinized squamous epithelium
superficial layer composed of cells that are dead filled with protein called keratin
tough protective protein that strengthens the tissue
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
lack keratin but remain alive
line oral cavity, pharynx, larynx esophagus,, vagina and anus
stratified cuboidal epithelium
contains 2 or more layers of cells
forms tubes and ducts
tissues found in the walls of most exocrine glands
stratified columnar epithelium
2 or more layers of cells
found in large ducts of salivary glands, conjunctiva covering the eye, and segment of male urethra.
transitional epithelium
limited to urinary tract
binucleated- 2 nuclei
able to stretch ensures urine does not seep to other organs
either individual or multicellular organs composed of epithelial tissue
secrete substances hormones, enzymes etc
endocrine glands
lack ducts and secrete hormones into the blood to be transported through the body
exocrine glands
excrete waste or other substances
sweat glands mammary glands and salivary glands
epithelium lined tube where secretion are discharged
unicellular exocrine glands
do not contain ducts
located close to the surface of epithelium
most common type is goblet cell
multicellular exocrine glands
multiple cells work together to produce a secretion
consist of acini- clusters of cluster of cells that produce secretions
simple glands
single unbranched ducts
compound glands
branched ducts
if the secretory portion and the duct have the same diameter
secretory portion forms and expanded sac
apocrine glands
produce secretory material when cells apical portion pinches off
releasing cytoplasmic content
holocrine glands
formed from cells that accumulate product
entire cell disintegrates
sebaceous glands oil glands
connective tissue
support, protect and bind organs
tendons - muscle to bone
ligaments-bone to bone
adipose, cartilage, bone and blood
resident cells
stationary cells housed with connective tissue
support/maintain/repair extracellular matrix
fibroblasts - produce fibers
adipocytes - fat cells
mesenchymal - embryonic stem cell
fixed macrophages
large irregular shape cell derived from leukocyte- white blood cell.
wandering cells
move through connective tissue
components of immune system
types of leukocytes
protein fibers
in connective tissue strengthen and support tissue
collagen fibers
unbranched long protein fibers that are strong and flexible
reticular fibers
similar to collagen fibers but thinner
abundant in stroma
connective tissue framework
lymph nodes, spleen and liver
elastic fibers
contain the protein elastin
recoil easily and abundant in the skin, arteries and lungs allowing them to be stretched back to their original shape
ground substance
molecular material produced by connective tissue cells
connective tissue and protein fibers reside inside
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
polysaccharides that have an attached amine group
negative charge and hydrophilic
attract cation (Na+)
can attract and absorb water
when a GAG is linked to a protein and becomes bigger
first type of connective tissue in developing embryo
all connective tissue comes from it
mucous connective tissue
immature protein fibers
located in the umbilical cord only
loose connective tissue
contains fewer cells and protein fibers than dense connective tissue
sparse and irregular shaped
areolar connective tissue
unconfined organization
present everywhere in the body
found in skin
protects and surrounds organs, nerve cells, muscke cells and blood vessels
adipose connective tissue
highly vascularized
loose connective
2 types - brown and white
brown adipose connective tissue
found in newborns and generate heat
white adipose connective tissue
long term energy storage
cushion against shocks
connective tissue proper
loose connective tissue - areolar, adipose, reticular
dense connective tissue - dense irregular, dense regular, elastic
supporting connective tissue
cartilage- hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage
bone- compact and spongy
fluid connective tissue
blood and lymph
reticular connective tissue
houses leukocytes and fibroblasts
forms stroma- structural framework
dense connective tissue
composed of protein fibers
dominant in collagen fibers
dense regular connective tissue
contains few fibroblasts
found in tendons where stress is typically applied in 1 direction
few blood cells- long heal time
dense irregular connective tissue
bundles and clumps of fibers
supply blood between collagen fibers
found in most of the dermis
elastic connective tissue
composed of numerous fibroblasts
provide stability for tissue to stretch and recoil
walls of large arteries, trachea and vocal cords
firm semisolid contains collagen and elastic protein fibers.
strong and resilient
more flexible than bone
mature cartilage cells
hyaline cartilage
provides flexible structures
most common type
found in respiratory tract
weight bearing
good shock absorber
elastic cartilage
flexible and stringy
helps ear spring back to original shape
bone connective tissue
makes up mass of most bone structures
bone tissue is vascularized
mature bone cells
compact bone
appears solid but has neurovascular canals
form osteons
spongy bone
strong yet light weight
houses hematopoietic - blood cells
blood cells- form reticular connective tissue that makes up blood - hematopoiesis
2 types of fluid connective tissue
blood and lymph
composed of foamed elememts
liquid ground substance
within are proteins and solutes
derived from blood plasma
contains no cellular components
3 types of muscle tissue
skeletal muscle, cardiac mule, smooth muscle
skeletal muscle
striated / voluntary
responsible for movement of skeleton
cardiac muscle tissue
thick middle layer of heat wall call myocardium
pumping action of the heart to move blood through cardiovascular system
smooth muscle tissue
lacks striations
appears smooth
involuntary we dint have control over this muscle
found in internal organs
nervous tissue
located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves through the body
cells called neurons - receive process and transmit impulses
contain glial cells- support cells - protection and nourishment
cell body
houses nucleus and other organelles
receive incoming signals and transmit info to the cell body
carries outgoing signals to other cells
body membranes
formed from epithelial layer bound to connective tissue
4 types- mucous, serous, cutaneous, synovial