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Lower Cretaceous
Fossils of angiosperms appear first in rocks of which geological age?
Rocks of the Earth
The science of geology is concerned with which part of the globe?
Rober, Lowell, 1661
The term 'geology' as a distinct branch of physical science was used first by whom and in which year?
The earliest Greek philosopher to write a treatise on minerals and rocks titled concerning stones was?
What is the basic principle of geology?
How many million years old is the Earth according to the latest determinations?
What is the outer, rigid part of the Earth's crust consisting of the sial and the upper part of sima known as?
Zone just below the crust
Which part of the Earth is called the Mantle?
what is the estimated thickness of the Earth's mantle
What is the zone within the upper mantle underlying the lithosphere called?
It is the interior of the Earth beneath the lithosphere
30-40km (30-70km)
What is the average thickness of the continental crust?
Which is the largest component of the Earth's crust?
solid nickel-iron
What is the core of the Earth made of?
What is the name of the instrument for measuring the angle between an inclined surface and the horizontal surface called?
A device to measure the direction of dip of rock beds adjacent to the borehole
About 30%
The total land surface of the Earth is what percentage of the surface area of the globe?
wearing away of land by various natural agencies come under the ambit of...
4 billion years
The oldest rocks are dated from about?
what is the percentage of non-sedimentary rocks on the Earth's surface?
Which is the most common mineral in the Earth's crust?
Which is the most abundant economic element in the Earth's crust?
If not for this element, the present day IT (information technology) revolution would not have been possible.
Molten silicate fluid in the Earth's crust
What is magma?
Entire body of water on the Earth's surface
Hydrosphere is which part of the Earth?
The branch of science concerned with the shape and size of the Earth, its gravitational field and location of fixed points is called?
it is the study of the forces that affect Earth
Aerolite, siderolite, and siderites are terms used for which celestial objects that strike the Earth from time to time?
For dating rocks potassium-40 decays to argon 40 with a half-life of how many billion years?
Geologic time
Rubidium-strontium method is used for which measurement in geology?
dating of minerals
Fission-track method is used for what purpose?
in radioactive dating
For what are isotopes of an element used in geology?
age of glacial deposits
Varve analysis is done to calculate what?
Rocks that are not transported and occur in situ are said to be...
country rock
what is a nonigneous rock surrounded by an igneous intrusion called?
crystalline core of a sedimentary rock fold
What is a geological 'envelope'?
Mohole project
What was the name of the project of drilling through the Earth's crust?
part of Earth's crust consisting of a stable mass of rock
What is a craton?
separation between crust and mantle
What is Mohorovicic Discontinuity?
Guttenburg Discontinuity
what is the name of the break marking the mantle-core boundary?
The upper and lower crust
Seismic evidence marks Conrad Discontinuity between what?
A line joining points of equal time intervals or ages is known as..?
compacted volcanic ash
what is a tuff?
magmatic processes
Pyrogenic deposition is due to which geologic process?
rocks of diverse character mingled together
- What is understood by melange?
- what best describes a melange?
Henryr Sorby
Name the scientist who pioneered the study of rocks in thin section under the microscope
construction of a scale of mineral hardness
What was the contribution of Austrian mineralogist Friedrich Mohs to the science of geology?
Edward Suess made several basic contributions to geology. He was a national of which country?
C. E. Dutton
Who was the geologist who advanced and named the "Theory of Isostasy" ?
Pierre Bouguer
A gravity anomaly that takes into account the effect of topography but not isostatic compensation is named after which mathematician?
Alfred Wegener
The Theory of Continental Drift was basically developed by whom?
James Hutton
The Theory of Uniformitarianism was developed by whom?
Principles of Geology
The title of the book by Charles Lyell which laid the foundation of modern geology is...
continental drift
what crucial theory of science of geology, now a part of the theory of plate tectonics, has an Indian connection?
A.G. Werner
The now-discarded neptunean theory of the origin of the origin of the Earth was developed by which geologist, who otherwise was a great teacher of the subject in his time?
W.H. Wollaston
Name of the great mineralogist who invented the goniometer
J.L. Agassiz
Which paleontologist advanced the theory that vast areas of the Earth had once been covered by ice?
polarizing microscope
What do the geologists owe to the invention by William Nicol?
What is the ability of anisotropic minerals to split plane-polarised light into two rays as it passes through them called?
Charles Darwin
Natural selection of the species is the basic principle of evolution of life. Name the naturalist who enunciated this principle.
The very first Nobel Prize for Physics was won in 1901 by W.K. Rontgen for a discovery that has a bearing on the study of mineralogy. what was it?
Piltdown Mystery
The great forgery that shook the geological world in the early 20th century is known by the name of...
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
A European traveler wrote an extensive account of the diamond mines in India during his visit in medieval times. who was he?
Where are the headquarters of the International Union of Geological Sciences located?
angle of inclination in beds
A clinometer is required to measure what?
to view aerial photographs in three dimension
A stereoscope is used for which purpose?
petrological microscope
An instrument used by geologist has a rotating stage. which is it?
a fossil
A postage stamp was issued in the year 1951 on a geological object. what was it?
William Hopkins
'Physical Geology' was the term coined by which British scientist?
Physical relief of the Earth's surface
Orography deals with which branch of geology?
What is the process of mountain building called?
fold mountain
The Himalayan Mountain is placed in which category?
The summit of Mount Everest us made up of which rock?
in Eastern Nepal
The Mahabharat Range lies in which part of the Himalayas
Godwin Austen (K2)
What is the name of the prominent peak that is situated on the Karakoram range
New Zealand South Island
Where are the Southern Alps situated?
Mt Aconcagua in the Andes
Which is the tallest mountain peak outside the Himalayan
Mauna Kea
Name of the tallest mountain peak on the surface of the planet Earth
Mid-Atlantic ridge
Which is the longest mountain range on the globe?
What is the maximum difference in elevation on the Earth's surface between Mount Everest (the highest point) and the Challenger Deep (the lowest point) in the Marianas Trench in the pacific?
seaward slope on the outer border of continents
Which part of the globe's surface is known as the continental shelf?
The sharp bend in a mountain chain is termed what?
narrow depression in a mountain ridge
One reads often a 'col' in descriptions of a mountain expedition. what exactly is it?
350km; 1900m
The Great Canyon in USA is one of the most remarkable features on the Earth's surface. What is its length and its maximum depth?
The basement formation exposed in the Grand Canyon is USA is named after a Hindu god. Which one?
residual, isolated hill-like feature
What type of landform is an inselberg?
What is a sugar-loaf hill?
What is a broad landscape of low relief broken by residual uplands in arid regions known as?
What is a plateau bordered by steep, cliff-like scarps called?
A landform that has a gentle dip slope on one side, and a steep scarp slope on the other is known as?
A small, rounded mound or mass of resistant bedrock?
In geology, what is a 'boss'?
tabular mass of resistant rock resting on undercut pillar of softer rock
Which interesting landform is known as a zeugen?
An isolated mass of well weathered and joined rock is known by which term?
A sharp-crested ridge formed by steeply inclined resistant rock product of differential erosion is known as?
Dead sea
What is the lowest point on the Earth's land surface?
The general process by which rocks and mineral are broken down at or below the Earth's surface is called?
building up of land surface by deposition
What is the process of aggradation?
What is the process of natural chemical removal of rock during denudation known as?
rivers and streams
Which are the principal agents of subaerial denudation?
karstic scenery
Extensive denudation of limestone and dolomite country produces a typical landscape. what is it called?