basics (structure)
ncc backbone w r group/side chain/residual group(polar/np), h, amine group, carboxyl cooh group
elements: CHON, sulfure, some phosphorus
proteins = folded polypeptides
folding + modification gives it function
multiple peptides
oligopeptides: <20 aa
dipeptides: 2 aa, condensation rxn bw nh2 and cooh
eg. insulin
small p, only 2 polypeptides
originally has 3 regions, but middle section is removed during modification → disulphide bonds created to connect strands
number of combinations
n = number of aa residues in the polypeptide
sequence of aas
determined by sequence of dna bases
impt because it determine the 3d conformation of the P which gives it its function
slight change can cause drastic alternations: eg. sickle cell anemia — glu → val.
dna → transcription → mrna codon → translation at ribosome → polypeptide
primary structure
peptide bonds
sequence of aas
secondary structure
folding of the polypeptide
h bonds
alpha helix: ribbon like structure, used in keratin (hair, nails, feathers, hooves). most common
beta pleated sheets: exist as stable sheets with high tensile strength, eg. spider silk. adjacent portions of polypeptides run in opposite directions to each other. common in insoluble Ps.
tertiary structure
h, ionic, disulphide bonds, van der waal forces, hydrophobic interactions
the folding that gives it a 3d conformation
essential for protein to function
quaternary structure
>2 polypeptide chains tgt
h, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions
eg. hemoglobins: 4 polypeptide subunits
fibrous vs globular
fibrous: long, narrow strands. secondary structure. structural role. parallel poly chains, cross-linked at regular intervals → form sheets. insoluble in water, tough. eg. myosin in muscle, collagen.
globular: complex & rounded shape. functional roles (eg. antibodies, hormones). tertiary structure. soluble in water.
eg. insulin
hormone: signals (liver) cells to absorb glucose → reduce blood glucose conc
affected cells have insulin receptors eg.
eg. spider silk
tough, high tensile strength, extensible
eg. rhodopsin
aka visual purple
a pigment that absorbs light
a membrane protein in the rod cells of the retina
consists of the opsin polypeptide surrounding a retinal prosthetic group