External and Internal migration changed demographics and gender roles in societies they left.
Women gained authority and independence as men migrated and left their responsibilities to them.
Remittance: money sent in mail.
Male immigrants often provided remittance to their wives back home where they could reduce their working hours and manage their budget more.
Ethnic Enclaves: location where area an ethnic group is clustered yet socially and economically distinct from the majority group.
Immigrants spread their culture to their new communities and tried to live life like back home.
Chinese migration to Southeast Asia allowed them to thrive as business owners and eventually control trade in the region.
Chinese came to the Americas for the gold rush but became indispensable workers in construction under contract.
Gold Rush: discovery of new gold deposits in the Americas which caused massive migration.
Indians migrated to South Africa for construction labor where they spread their culture but also caused discrimination (apartheid) which Ghandi worked to remove.
Natal Indian Congress: Political movement started in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government.
Indians moved to Southeast Asia where they could work with their family (kangani system)
Indians sent to the Caribbean for sugar plantation work became largest ethnic group in most of the region
American Canal System: construction project that ran through the Isthmus of Panama connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Scots-Irish: Irish descendants of Scottish migrants to Ireland.
Irish immigrants in America had influence on dancing, holidays, and promotion of improved labor conditions.
Second generation Irish became icons in popular culture.
Italian mostly spoken in Argentina major cities today as 55% of population from Italian descent.
Italian migration improved standard of living in Argentina quickly.
California constitution implemented many policies discriminating against the mass Chinese worker population.
Chinese Exclusion Act: A 10-year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the United States.
Mexico promoted immigration for the banned Chinese.
Chinese Immigration Act (1855): Parliament of Victoria limited the number of Chinese passengers on a vessel.
Chinese attacked by white miner in South Australia, many killed.
Chinese immigration regulation and restriction act 1861: Attempted to restrict amount of Chinese immigrants into New South Wales.
Influx of Chinese Restriction act: Entrance tax to restrict Chinese immigration into New South Wales.
China towns: Chinese enclaves.
White Australia Policy: series of policies set to forbid/restrict immigration, Mainly Chinese.