Chapter 18 - The Eighteenth Century: European States, International Wars, and Social Change

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eighteenth century

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eighteenth century

In the ________, France experienced an economic revival as the Enlightenment gained strength.

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Glorious Revolution

The success of the ________ in England had prevented absolutism without clearly inaugurating constitutional monarchy.

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The war was fought not only in Europe, where ________ seized Silesia and France occupied the Austrian Netherlands, but in the East, where France took place in Chennai in India from the British, and in North America, where the British captured the French fortress of Louisbourg at the entrance to the Saint Lawrence River.

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Enlightenment thought

________ had some impact on the political development of European states in the eighteenth century.

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________ did not have a monarchy, but a king elected by nobles.

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eighteenth century British political system

The ________ was characterized by a sharing of power between the king and Parliament, with Parliament gradually gaining the upper hand.

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Austrian Empire

The ________ had become one of the great European states by the beginning of the eighteenth century.

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peace treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

The ________ was signed, and all occupied territories except Silesia to their original owners.

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The city of ________, the center of the Habsburg monarchy, was filled with magnificent palaces and churches built in the Baroque style and became the music capital of Europe.

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Rapid population growth

________, expansion in banking and trade, and agriculture revolution: the stirrings of industrialization and an increase in worldwide trade and consumption characterized the economic patterns of the 28th century.

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________ had been experiencing a decline since the 16th century.

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Frederick William

________ I and Frederick II, two kinds of Prussia, developed the two major institutions- the army and the bureaucracy- that were the backbone of Prussia.

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Frederick William

________ served as a chief administrative agent of the central government, supervising military, police, economic, and financial affairs.

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The success of the Glorious Revolution in England had prevented ________ without clearly inaugurating constitutional monarchy.

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Marquis de Pombal’s

However, during ________ service, Portugal was temporarily revived.

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The most important factor to European industry in the 18th century was ________.

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William Pitt the Elder

The French had the initial success, but British fortunes were changed by ________.

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