Lesson 1: Introduction to Data Structure

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Why Data Structure Matters

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Why Data Structure Matters

  • serves as an architectural blueprint

  • dictates how data is organized and accessed by the elegance of the software system

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Data Structure

A systematic way of organizing and storing data in a computer so it can be efficiently accessed and modified

  • arranging data in a computer

  • like a container or a format that enables us to work with data effectively

  • fundamental building blocks

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Classifications of Data Structure

  1. Primitive and Non-primitive Data

  2. Linear and Non-linear Data

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Primitive Data Structure

  • fundamental type of data structure

  • store one data or single type of data

  • EXAMPLES: integer, float, character, and pointer

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Non-primitive Data Structure

  • type of data structure that the user can define that store on a different type in a single entity

  • EXAMPLE: arrays, lists, and files

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Linear Data Structure

  • static and dynamic

  • a type of data structure that is sequential

  • all data or element are stored in a sequential manner

  • EXAMPLES: array, list, stack, and queue

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Non-linear Data Structure

  • form of data structure that doesn’t stay arranged sequentially

  • doesn’t involve a single level

  • not easy to implement

  • utilization of computer memory is efficient

  • EXAMPLES: graph and tree

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Basic Data Type (or Primitive Data Structures)

  • represents a set of individual data and is frequently used to create a program

  • also called atomic data structure because it represent a data where it can no longer be divided

  • can store a single value in a variable

  • divided into two: Simple Type and Pointer Type

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Simple Type

  • declared according to syntax rule of programming language

  • stores value that the users input

Example declaration:

DataType VariableName = value;

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Pointer Type

  • can hold or store memory address of another variable

  • when declaring, it has to specify the data type it points to

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Structure Type (or Simple Data Structure)

  • a data structure that contains a basic data type or any of the defined data types as its elements

  • useful if we want to organize a collection of data but does not want to manage the data separately

  • EXAMPLES: arrays, strings, and records

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Trees (Non-primitive - Non-linear)

  • hierarchical data structure with root nodes and branches leading to various child nodes

  • used for task-like organizing data

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Graphs (Non-primitive - Non-linear)

  • used to represent connection between objects

  • consist of edge and vertices

  • crucial for modelling complex relationships

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Hash Table (Non-primitive - Non-linear)

  • uses hash function to map keys allowing for the rapid data retrieval

  • often used in databases and implementing data dictionary

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Benefits of Data Structures

  • efficiency of the program

  • exhibits time complexity

  • reusable

  • data storage

  • access the data anytime

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Disadvantages of Data Structure

  • complex

  • time

  • cumbersome (complex)

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Traversing (Data Structure Operations)

accessing or visiting each storage location where the data is stored

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Searching (Data Structure Operations)

finding the location/s of data that satisfies one or more conditions

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Inserting (Data Structure Operations)

adding new data into the data structure

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Deleting (Data Structure Operations)

removing existing data from the data structure

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Sorting (Data Structure Operations)

arranging the data in a specified order, either ascending or descending

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Merging (Data Structure Operations)

combining the data from two data structures

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Searching for Min/Max

  • finding the minimum or maximum element in the data structure

  • often used in priority queues or finding extreme values in datasets

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