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A human has…
44 autosomes and 2 sex chromsomes
An autosome…
has majority of the genes required for physical characteristics
Sex Chromosome
X and Y chromosomes
When a cell does not divide correctly in meiosis
Nondisjunction is ok in _ but not ok in _ . This is because _ die
body cells, gametes, body cells
If nondisjunction occurs in a sperm or a gamete…
a zygote will be born with an improper amount of chromosomes resulting in birth defects
An individual with an extra chromatid in one of its chromosomes
An individual who lacks a chromatid in one of it’s chromosomes.
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Extra X Chromosome (trisomy), small testes, develops breast, infertile, male
Monosomy (one X chromosome), infertile, short, webbed neck, broad chested
Triple X
Trisomy, p
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21, intellectually disabled, flat face, heart-shaped face
Edward Syndrome
Trisomy 18, mental disability, fisted hands, heart problems
Patau Syndrome
Trisomy 13, malformed ears, small eyes, cleft palate
As you grow older…
…there is an increased chance of issues during meiosis
A picture of a person’s DNA during Prophase 1 that shows the condensed DNA. Homologous pairs are then matched by the scientist from smallest to largest.
A karyotype can tell…
the sex and any chromosomal disorders
When a long needle is put into the mother’s womb and amniotic fluid is withdrawn. Can only happen in the fifteenth week of pregnancy.
Chorionic Villi Samping (CVS)
Using a needle to withdraw parts of the placenta tissue