Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Convention

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Name four powers given to the NATIONAL government under the AOC

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AOC- abbreviation for Articles of confederation NWO- abbreviation for Northwest Ordinance CC- abbreviation for constitutional Convention SR- abbreviation for Shay’s Rebellion VP- abbreviation for Virginia Plan NJP- New Jersey Plan GC- great Compromise

51 Terms


Name four powers given to the NATIONAL government under the AOC

  • Can declare war ~~~can’t draft soldiers

  • Can make peace treaties —- Every state had its own army

  • Could establish a navy

  • Congress can print money

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name four weaknesses of the AOC

  1. Couldn’t enforce laws

  2. Couldn’t tax states - lead to major debt

  3. No court system

  4. Cant get involved in boundary disputes

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Why does it make sense that the states wanted to limit the power of the national government

They wanted to avoid a monarchy like Great Britain they also wanted to avoid being taxed like how they were by Britain

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Explain northwest ordinance

Provided an orderly way of settling the West

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What was not allowed in the territory - NWO


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What was promised in the territory- NWO (5)

  1. Education

  2. Freedom of religion

  3. Trial by jury

  4. Is area east of the _____

  5. can determine statehood

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What did they make the NWO so ideal?

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What caused Shay’s Rebellion?

  • Farmers couldn’t pay debt and taxes

  • to free debtors and close courts

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Where did SR take place?

Springfield Massachusetts

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How did the weakness in the AOC lead to the rebellion?

There wasn’t a national army and there wasn’t a common currency and the national gov couldn’t collect taxes

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What was the Annapolis Convention?

  • Took place in Sept of 1786

  • 5 states send representatives to discuss trade, fix government, and avoid another revolution

  • Decided a meeting is necessary in Philly, May 1787

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  • When?

  • Where?

  • May 25- Sept 17 1787

  • Philly- Pennsylvania State House

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  • How many states sent delegates

  • How many delegates

  • 12

  • 55

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Who were significant delegates at CC?

  1. James Madison

  2. Alexander Hamilton

  3. Gouverneur Morris

  4. Robert Morris

  5. Roger Sherman

  6. William Patterson

  7. Edmund Randolph

  8. John Dickinson

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Hamilton state and contribution

  1. Member of GWs staff during war

  2. NY delegate

  3. Didn’t believe in Democracy

  4. Favored a strong central government

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James Madison state and contribution

  1. Virginia

  2. Father of constitution

  3. Believed articles should be thrown out

  4. Some states had too much power

  5. Wrote VA plan

  6. Spoke every day

  7. Took 600 pages of notes

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Gouvernour Morris state and contribution

  1. PA

  2. spoke everyday

  3. Wrote the text of the CC

  4. beloved in strong national government and senators serving for life

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Robert Morris state and contribution

  1. PA

  2. Paid for 80% of bullets for the Continental army

  3. GW stayed at his house during CC

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Roger Sherman state and contribution

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William Paterson state and contribution

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Edmund Randolph state and contribution

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John Dickinson state and contribution

  1. Deleware

  2. Wrote Olive BP and AOC

  3. attended stamp act congress and CC

  4. Votes against Delclaration of Independence

  5. Fought for Continental army

  6. Opposed slavery

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What was the biggest/first challenge for the delegates?

Deciding a plan for the amount of delegates and power for each state

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What is a republic?

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  • How many branches in VP

  • What was representation for each state determined by

  • 3

  • According to the population or wealth of the state

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Purpose of each branch in VP

  1. Legislative- makes laws

  2. Executive - carries the laws

  3. Judicial - interpreted the laws

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How many houses in legislative branch VP —- what was it based on?


One for the senate and one for the House of Representatives

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NJ PLAN- how many houses in leg branch - based on

1 - each state gets one vote and equal representation

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Other name for Great Compromise?

Conecticut Compromise

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Explain GC

Proposed by Roger Sherman, legislative branch had two houses, senate= equal representation

House of Representatives = population

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What was the major issue about slavery

Since representation in the House of Representatives was based on population, the delegates had to decide how enslaved people would be counted because southern states had many slaves and some didn’t have any

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Who strongly opposed abolishing slavery? Why?

States in the south, they had many slaves which meant they would have more representation

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What was the 3/5 Compromise?

3/5 of all slaves would count when determining taxes and population

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What did the delegates agree to do regarding banning of slavery? Why?

They determined that slavery wouldn’t be outlawed until 1808 at the earliest. They would all be dead by then

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How many executives did the delegates believe was best?

One or three. Decided on a single executive called the president

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Why were delegates concerned with the people directly electing the president?

They thought they were too stupid

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Explain Electoral College

The number of electors was equal to the number of senators and number of representatives in congress

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How many states did it take to ratify the Constitution?


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What did federalists believe?

  1. Power in government is shared between federal/national government and the states

  2. Supported a strong federal government

  3. Divided the power between three branches

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Name two famous federalists

Hamilton, James Madison

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What did the anti federalists fear? What did they believe?

  1. Thought the constitution took too much power from states

  2. Feared presidents becoming too powerful

  3. Wanted legislative branch to have more power than executive

  4. Wanted protection or people’s rights

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How did the Bill of Rights solve the problem anti federalists were facing?

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Who wrote a pamphlet in response to the Bill of Rights?

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What were the Federalist papers?

  • A series of essays to counter the Anti federalists.

  • Government is limited

  • Power is divided

  • 85 essays in total

  • Published in newspapers

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Which four states were strongly opposed to ratification?

  1. MA

  2. NC

  3. RI

  4. NY

  5. VA

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Who were the leaders that had the strongest opposition to ratification?

  1. Sam adams

  2. John Hancock

  3. Patrick henry

  4. Mason

  5. Gerry

  6. Randolph

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Who were the first three states to ratify?

Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

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Who was the last state to ratify?

Rhode Island

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Under the AOC: states must _____ to survive


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Who wrote the AOC

John Dickinson

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CC - what do us Americans believe in?

  • Unalienable rights

  • Democracy

  • Consent of the governed—


    done through electing officials

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