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What is the average costs
Total cost per unit of output
Total cost/ output
What is the average fixed cost
Total fixed cost per unit of output
What is the average variable cost
Total variable cost per unit pf output
What is diminishing returns
Addition of a variable factor to a fixed factor results in a fall in marginal product
What is a fixed costs
Business expense that does not vary directly with the level of output
What is the marginal costs
The change in total costs from increasing output by one extra unit
Short run
At least one of the factor inputs is fixed (usually capital or land)
In the short run businesses are constrained with fixed and varibale costs
Long run
All factors of production are variable and the scale of production can also change allowing the firm to benefit from economies of scale
Examples of fixed cost
Insurance- Fixed costs don’t vary as the level of output changes in short run
Software- Fixed costs has to be paid whatever the lev of scales achieved
Rental agreement- The higher the level of fixed costs in a business the higher must be the output in order to break even
What is total variable costs
The total variable cots increase as the businesses produces more
variable cost per unit x output
what is total costs
It is all cost incurred by a business
Total variable costs + total fixed cost
What are internal economies of scale
Arises when a firm grows larger
The firm has control over its own decisions which can lead to internal economies of scale
What are external economies of scale
Arises when an entire industry expands not just one business and the firm benfits
The internal economies of scale
Purchasing economies of scale
A business is likely to be able to negotiate a lower cost for purchasing raw materials and perhaps even capital items the more it purchases
Somtines known as bulk buying
Technical economies of scale
A business that is producing many priducts is likely to be able to buy better technology which can reduce average costs
Technical economies of scale
A business that is producing many priducts is likely to be able to buy better technology which can reduce average costs
Marketing economies of scale
A business that is producing more is likely to be able to afford mass marketing promotion
Likely to have a lower average cost per potential customer
Management economies of scale
Many small business cannot afford to employ specialist managers whereas larger business can afford specialist managers who are likely to be more effiient and therefore have a lower avergae costs
Financial economies of scale
A larger business is likely to be able to negotiate lower financial cost such as the rate of interest on a loan
External economies of scale
Concentration economies of scale
Infrastructure economies of scale
Technology and skill economies of scale
Concentration economies of scale
As an industry increases in size tye business within that industry may benefit from being close to one another
E.g. new restaurant located near other restaurantssaves moeny on marketing
Infrastructure economies of scale
As the industry in a particular area increases there is leilly to be better transport and communication links which benefit all businesses in that area and reduce costs
Technology and skill economies of scale
As an industry increases in size more people are likely to train to work in tgat industry and other businesses are liekly to develop better technology for that business
Bothe factors likely to decrease avergae costs of a business
Diseconomies of scale
Increases average costs that can occur from the growth of a business
This is due to a business growing to large and gets to a point where benefits of growing are overtaken by the limitation
Reasons for diseconomies of scale
Communication diseconomies of scale
Coordination diseconomies of scale
Motivation diseconomies of scale
Communication diseconomies of scale
As a business increases output communication may become difficult
E.g.a business that opens a second factory may have to spend money to make sure both factories get the same message
Coordination diseconomies of scale
As a business increases output organising a complicated production process may get more difficult and businesses costs may increase to overcome this
Motivation diseconomies of scale
In a small business it is easy to make sure all of your employees are motivated and therefore produce to their best ability
If a firm increases output not ever manager is likely to be able to motivate all employess
This is likely to increase average costs of production
Minimuk efficient scale
Lowest point on the average cost curve
Evaluation of economics and diseconomies of scale
Demand of the product or service- Economies and diseconomies of scale are based on increase in output- however the market may not demand this output if firm increases production then it needs to be able to seel all of this output
The nature of production- e.g. a car manufacturer benefits from technical economies of scale however it is unlikely to be the case to the same degree fro a hairdresser
Technological advancements- technological chnages have led to some smaller firms being able to access savings that were once only available to larger firms
The importance of price- economies of scale allow a business to charge a lower price however if product is price inelastic there may not be the incentive for a firm to produce at the minimum efficient scale
The nature of the product or service- Some products and services tend to benefit from economies of scale more than others e.g. kany taxi drivers operate their own because there are few economies of scale to be gained through growth
What is average fixed costs
total fixed costs/ output
It reduces as the business produces more because he cost is spread over more units