Janson's History of Western Art: Chapters 1,2,3,4

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Hall of the Bulls

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Hall of the Bulls

Prehistoric ca. 15,000-13,000 BCE. Lascaux Cave, Dordogne, France

<p>Prehistoric ca. 15,000-13,000 BCE. Lascaux Cave, Dordogne, France</p>
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Prehistoric Hybrid figure with a human body and feline head

ca. 40,000-35,000 BCE. Mammoth ivory, height 12 1/4". Germany.

<p>ca. 40,000-35,000 BCE. Mammoth ivory, height 12 1/4&quot;. Germany.</p>
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Woman of Willendorf (Venus)

Prehistoric ca. 28,000-25,000 BCE. Limestone, height 4 3/8'' (11.1 cm). Vienna.

<p>Prehistoric ca. 28,000-25,000 BCE. Limestone, height 4 3/8&apos;&apos; (11.1 cm). Vienna.</p>
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Neolithic plastered skull

Prehistoric ca. 7,000 BCE. Life size. Jericho, Jordan.

<p>Prehistoric ca. 7,000 BCE. Life size. Jericho, Jordan.</p>
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Jericho, Jordan

aerial view

<p>aerial view</p>
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View of Town and Volcano

Prehistoric ca. 6,000 BCE. Wall painting. Çatal Hüyük.

<p>Prehistoric ca. 6,000 BCE. Wall painting. Çatal Hüyük.</p>
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Prehistoric ca. 2400 BCE. Diameter of circle. 97' (29.6m). Salisbury Plain, England.

<p>Prehistoric ca. 2400 BCE. Diameter of circle. 97&apos; (29.6m). Salisbury Plain, England.</p>
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Statues from the Abu Temple

Mesopotamian Tell Asmar, Iraq. ca. 2700-2500 BCE. Limestone, gypsum, and alabaster, height of tallest figure approx. 30''. Iraq Museum and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

<p>Mesopotamian Tell Asmar, Iraq. ca. 2700-2500 BCE. Limestone, gypsum, and alabaster, height of tallest figure approx. 30&apos;&apos;. Iraq Museum and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.</p>
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Royal Standard of Ur

Mesopotamian ca. 2600 BCE. Wood inlaid with shell, limestone, and lapis lazuli, height 8".

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 2600 BCE. Wood inlaid with shell, limestone, and lapis lazuli, height 8&quot;.</p>
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Bull Lyre, from the tomb of Queen Pu-abi

Mesopotamian Ur, Iraq. ca. 2600 BCE. Wood with gold, lapis lazuli, bitumen, and shell, reassembled in modern wood support.

<p>Mesopotamian Ur, Iraq. ca. 2600 BCE. Wood with gold, lapis lazuli, bitumen, and shell, reassembled in modern wood support.</p>
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Head of an Akkadian Ruler

Mesopotamian Iraq. ca. 2250-2200 BCE. Copper, height 12".

<p>Mesopotamian Iraq. ca. 2250-2200 BCE. Copper, height 12&quot;.</p>
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Stele of Naram-Sin

Mesopotamian r. 2254-2218 BCE. Height 6'6".

<p>Mesopotamian r. 2254-2218 BCE. Height 6&apos;6&quot;.</p>
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Great Ziggurat of King Urnammu

Mesopotamian ca. 2100 BCE. Mud, brick, and bitumen. Ur, Muqaiyir, Iraq.

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 2100 BCE. Mud, brick, and bitumen. Ur, Muqaiyir, Iraq.</p>
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Stele inscribed with the Law Code of Hammurabi

Mesopotamian ca. 1760 BCE. Diorite, height of stele approx. 7', height of relief 2'4"

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 1760 BCE. Diorite, height of stele approx. 7&apos;, height of relief 2&apos;4&quot;</p>
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Reconstruction drawing of the citadel of Sargon II

Mesopotamian ca. 721-705 BCE. Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Iraq.

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 721-705 BCE. Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Iraq.</p>
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Gate of the citadel of Sargon II

Mesopotamian 742-706 BCE. Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Iraq.

<p>Mesopotamian 742-706 BCE. Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Iraq.</p>
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Ishtar Gate (restored)

Mesopotamian Babylon, Iraq. ca. 575 BCE. Glazed brick originally 40' high.

<p>Mesopotamian Babylon, Iraq. ca. 575 BCE. Glazed brick originally 40&apos; high.</p>
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Palace of Darius and Xerxes

Mesopotamian Persepolis, Iran. 518-460 BCE.

<p>Mesopotamian Persepolis, Iran. 518-460 BCE.</p>
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Palette of King Narmer

Egyptian From Hierakonpolis. ca. 3150-3125 BCE. Slate, height 25".

<p>Egyptian From Hierakonpolis. ca. 3150-3125 BCE. Slate, height 25&quot;.</p>
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Egyptian Step pyramid and funerary complex of King Djoser. Saqqara. 3rd Dynasty. ca. 2681-2662 BCE.

<p>Egyptian Step pyramid and funerary complex of King Djoser. Saqqara. 3rd Dynasty. ca. 2681-2662 BCE.</p>
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Papyrus-shaped half-columns, North Palace

Egyptian Funerary complex of King Djoser. Saqqara.

<p>Egyptian Funerary complex of King Djoser. Saqqara.</p>
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Pyramids of Giza

Egyptian The pyramids of Menkaure, Khafra, and Khufu. ca. 2600-2500 BCE.

<p>Egyptian The pyramids of Menkaure, Khafra, and Khufu. ca. 2600-2500 BCE.</p>
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The Great Sphinx of Giza

Egyptian ca. 2570-2544 BCE. Sandstone, height 65'

<p>Egyptian ca. 2570-2544 BCE. Sandstone, height 65&apos;</p>
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Menkaure and his wife, Queen Khamerernebty II

Egyptian From Giza. ca. 2515 BCE. Slate, height 56".

<p>Egyptian From Giza. ca. 2515 BCE. Slate, height 56&quot;.</p>
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Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Egyptian Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. ca. 2510-2460 BCE. Painted limestone relief, height approx. 45".

<p>Egyptian Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. ca. 2510-2460 BCE. Painted limestone relief, height approx. 45&quot;.</p>
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Temple of Hatshepsut

Egyptian Deir el-Bahri. ca. 1478-1458 BCE.

<p>Egyptian Deir el-Bahri. ca. 1478-1458 BCE.</p>
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Temple of Ramses II

Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279-1213 BCE.

<p>Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279-1213 BCE.</p>
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Interior of Temple of Ramses II

Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279-1213 BCE.

<p>Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279-1213 BCE.</p>
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Egyptian From Karnak, Thebes. 1353-1335 BCE. Sandstone, approx. 13'

<p>Egyptian From Karnak, Thebes. 1353-1335 BCE. Sandstone, approx. 13&apos;</p>
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Akhenaten and His Family

Egyptian ca. 1355 BCE. Limestone, 12" x 15".

<p>Egyptian ca. 1355 BCE. Limestone, 12&quot; x 15&quot;.</p>
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Queen Nefertiti

Egyptian ca. 1348-1336 BCE. Limestone, height 19".

<p>Egyptian ca. 1348-1336 BCE. Limestone, height 19&quot;.</p>
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King Tutankhamun coffin cover

Egyptian 18th Dynasty. Gold, height 72".

<p>Egyptian 18th Dynasty. Gold, height 72&quot;.</p>
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The Weighing of the Heart and Judgement by Osiris

Egyptian From The Book of the Dead of Hunefer. 1285 BCE. Painted papyrus, height 15".

<p>Egyptian From The Book of the Dead of Hunefer. 1285 BCE. Painted papyrus, height 15&quot;.</p>
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Wounded Bison,

Prehistoric Altamira, Spain. ca. 15,000 10,000 bce, wall painting

<p>Prehistoric Altamira, Spain. ca. 15,000 10,000 bce, wall painting</p>
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Bear, Recess of the Bears

Prehistoric Chauvet Cave, Vallon-Pont-d Arc, Ardèche Gorge, France. ca. 30,000 28,000 bce

<p>Prehistoric Chauvet Cave, Vallon-Pont-d Arc, Ardèche Gorge, France. ca. 30,000 28,000 bce</p>
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Chinese Horse

Prehistoric LascauxCave,Dordogne,France. ca. 15,000 13,000 bce

<p>Prehistoric LascauxCave,Dordogne,France. ca. 15,000 13,000 bce</p>
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Rhinoceros,Wounded Man,and Bison

Prehistoric Dordogne,France.ca.15,000 13,000bce

<p>Prehistoric Dordogne,France.ca.15,000 13,000bce</p>
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Spotted Horses and Human Hands

Prehistoric Pech-Merle Cave, Dordogne, France. Horses ca. 16,000 bce; hands ca. 15,000 bce. Limestone,

<p>Prehistoric Pech-Merle Cave, Dordogne, France. Horses ca. 16,000 bce; hands ca. 15,000 bce. Limestone,</p>
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Overlapping animal engravings

Prehistoric Les Trois Frères, France. ca. 40,000 10,000 bce. Rubbing of the panel done by Abbé Breuil from Begohen Collection

<p>Prehistoric Les Trois Frères, France. ca. 40,000 10,000 bce. Rubbing of the panel done by Abbé Breuil from Begohen Collection</p>
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Hybrid figure with a human body and feline head

Prehistoric Hohlenstein-Stadel (Baden-Württemberg), Germany. ca. 30,000 bce. Mammoth ivory, height 111*2" (29.6 cm). Ulma Museum, Ulm, Germany

<p>Prehistoric Hohlenstein-Stadel (Baden-Württemberg), Germany. ca. 30,000 bce. Mammoth ivory, height 111*2&quot; (29.6 cm). Ulma Museum, Ulm, Germany</p>
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Prehistoric Vogelherd Cave, Germany . ca. 28,000 bce. Mammoth ivory, height 2" (5 cm). Institut für Urgeschichte, Universität Tübingen

<p>Prehistoric Vogelherd Cave, Germany . ca. 28,000 bce. Mammoth ivory, height 2&quot; (5 cm). Institut für Urgeschichte, Universität Tübingen</p>
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Spear Thrower with Interlocking Ibexes

Prehistoric Grotte d Enlène, Ariège, France .ca. 16,000bce. Reindeer antler, 312 +234"(9+7cm).Musée de l'Homme, Paris

<p>Prehistoric Grotte d Enlène, Ariège, France .ca. 16,000bce. Reindeer antler, 312 +234&quot;(9+7cm).Musée de l&apos;Homme, Paris</p>
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Two Bison

Prehistoric Le Tuc d'Audoubert Cave, Ariège, France. ca. 13,000 bce. Clay, length 23 1/4" (60 cm)

<p>Prehistoric Le Tuc d&apos;Audoubert Cave, Ariège, France. ca. 13,000 bce. Clay, length 23 1/4&quot; (60 cm)</p>
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Woman from Brassempouy

Prehistoric Grotte du Pape, Brassempouy, France. ca. 22,000 bce. Ivory, height 11*2" (3.6 cm). Musée des Antiquités Nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye

<p>Prehistoric Grotte du Pape, Brassempouy, France. ca. 22,000 bce. Ivory, height 11*2&quot; (3.6 cm). Musée des Antiquités Nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye</p>
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House at Mezhirich, Ukraine.

Prehistoric 16,000-10,000 bce. Mammoth bone

<p>Prehistoric 16,000-10,000 bce. Mammoth bone</p>
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Human figures

Prehistoric Jordan. ca. 6750-6250 BCE Height of larger figure 33" (84 cm). Department of Antiquities, Amman

<p>Prehistoric Jordan. ca. 6750-6250 BCE Height of larger figure 33&quot; (84 cm). Department of Antiquities, Amman</p>
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View of Town and Volcano

Prehistoric Shrine VII.14, Çatal Hüyük. ca. 6000 bce. Wall painting

<p>Prehistoric Shrine VII.14, Çatal Hüyük. ca. 6000 bce. Wall painting</p>
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Animal Hunt

Prehistoric Restoration of Main Room, Shrine A.III.1, Çatal Hüyük. ca. 6000 bce (after Mellaart)

<p>Prehistoric Restoration of Main Room, Shrine A.III.1, Çatal Hüyük. ca. 6000 bce (after Mellaart)</p>
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Female and male figures

Prehistoric Cernavoda, Romania. ca. 3500 bce. Ceramic, height 4 1*2" (11.5 cm). National Museum of Antiquities, Bucharest

<p>Prehistoric Cernavoda, Romania. ca. 3500 bce. Ceramic, height 4 1*2&quot; (11.5 cm). National Museum of Antiquities, Bucharest</p>
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House at Skara Brae

Prehistoric Orkney, Scotland. ca. 3100 2600 bce

<p>Prehistoric Orkney, Scotland. ca. 3100 2600 bce</p>
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Menhir alignments at Ménec,

Prehistoric Carnac, France. ca. 4250 3750 bce

<p>Prehistoric Carnac, France. ca. 4250 3750 bce</p>
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Babylonian deed of sale

Mesopotamian ca. 1750 bce. This deed graphically shows the impressions made by the stylus in the soft clay. Department of Western Asiatic Antiques, No. 33236. The British Museum, London

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 1750 bce. This deed graphically shows the impressions made by the stylus in the soft clay. Department of Western Asiatic Antiques, No. 33236. The British Museum, London</p>
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Remains of the White Temple on its ziggurat

Mesopotamian ca. 3500 3000 bce. Uruk (Warka), Iraq

<p>Mesopotamian ca. 3500 3000 bce. Uruk (Warka), Iraq</p>
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Female Head

Mesopotamian Uruk (Warka), Iraq. ca. 3200-3000 BCE Limestone, height 8" (20.3 cm). Iraq Museum, Baghdad.

<p>Mesopotamian Uruk (Warka), Iraq. ca. 3200-3000 BCE Limestone, height 8&quot; (20.3 cm). Iraq Museum, Baghdad.</p>
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Goat in Thicket (Ram and Tree)

Mesopotamian one of the pair from the Great Death Pit in the Royal Cemetery of Ur, Muqaiyir, Iraq. ca. 2600 bce. Wood, gold, lapis lazuli, height 20" (50.8 cm).

<p>Mesopotamian one of the pair from the Great Death Pit in the Royal Cemetery of Ur, Muqaiyir, Iraq. ca. 2600 bce. Wood, gold, lapis lazuli, height 20&quot; (50.8 cm).</p>
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Inlay panel from the soundbox of lyre

Mesopotamian (Muqaiyir), Iraq. ca. 2600 bce. Shell and bitumen

<p>Mesopotamian (Muqaiyir), Iraq. ca. 2600 bce. Shell and bitumen</p>
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Priest-King Feeding Sacred Sheep

Mesopotamian vicinity of Uruk (Warka), Iraq. ca. 3300 bce. Cylinder sealing,

<p>Mesopotamian vicinity of Uruk (Warka), Iraq. ca. 3300 bce. Cylinder sealing,</p>
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Stele of Naram-Sin

Mesopotamian 2254 2218 bce.

<p>Mesopotamian 2254 2218 bce.</p>
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Head of Gudea

Mesopotamian Lagash (Telloh), Iraq. ca. 2100 bce. Diorite

<p>Mesopotamian Lagash (Telloh), Iraq. ca. 2100 bce. Diorite</p>
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Seated statue of Gudea holding temple plan

Mesopotamian irsu (Telloh), Iraq. ca. 2100 bce. Diorite

<p>Mesopotamian  irsu (Telloh), Iraq. ca. 2100 bce. Diorite</p>
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Fugitives Crossing River

Mesopotamian Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud (Calah), Iraq. ca. 883 859 bce. Alabaster

<p>Mesopotamian Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud (Calah), Iraq. ca. 883 859 bce. Alabaster</p>
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Lion Hunt relief

Mesopotamian the North Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh. ca.645bce

<p>Mesopotamian  the North Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh. ca.645bce</p>
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Ishtar Gate

Mesopotamian Babylon, Iraq. ca. 575 bce. Glazed brick

<p>Mesopotamian Babylon, Iraq. ca. 575 bce. Glazed brick</p>
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The Lion Gate

Mesopotamian Bogazköy, Anatolia (Turkey)

<p>Mesopotamian Bogazköy, Anatolia (Turkey)</p>
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Phoenician ivory plaque depicting a winged sphinx

Mesopotamian Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Iraq. ca. 8th century bce

<p>Mesopotamian Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Iraq. ca. 8th century bce</p>
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Temple of Solomon

Mesopotamian Jerusalem. ca. 457 450 bce

<p>Mesopotamian Jerusalem. ca. 457 450 bce</p>
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Painted beaker

Mesopotamian Susa. ca. 4000 bce.

<p>Mesopotamian Susa. ca. 4000 bce.</p>
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Achaemenid rhyton

Mesopotamian 5th-3rd centuries bce. Gold.

<p>Mesopotamian  5th-3rd centuries bce. Gold.</p>
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Darius and Xerxes

Mesopotamian Persepolis, Iran. ca. 500 bce

<p>Mesopotamian  Persepolis, Iran. ca. 500 bce</p>
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Bull capital

Mesopotamian Persepolis. ca. 500 bce.

<p>Mesopotamian Persepolis. ca. 500 bce.</p>
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Darius and Xerxes Giving Audience

Mesopotamian 490 bce. Limestone

<p>Mesopotamian 490 bce. Limestone</p>
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Shapur I Triumphing over the Roman Emperors Philip the Arab and Valeria

Mesopotamian Naksh-i- Rustam (near Persepolis), Iran. 260-272 ce

<p>Mesopotamian Naksh-i- Rustam (near Persepolis), Iran. 260-272 ce</p>
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Palace of Shapur I

Mesopotamian Ctesiphon, Iraq. 242 272 ce

<p>Mesopotamian Ctesiphon, Iraq. 242 272 ce</p>
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Peroz I (457 483) or Kavad I hunting ram

Mesopotamian 5th 6th century ce. Silver, mercury gilding, niello inlay,

<p>Mesopotamian 5th 6th century ce. Silver, mercury gilding, niello inlay,</p>
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People, boats, and animals

Egyptian decorated tomb chamber showing people, boats and animals in the late predynastic Tomb 100 at Hierakonpolis. ca. 3000 bce

<p>Egyptian decorated tomb chamber showing people, boats and animals in the late predynastic Tomb 100 at Hierakonpolis. ca. 3000 bce</p>
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Imhotep. Step pyramid and funerary complex of King Djoser, Saqqar

Egyptian 3rd Dynasty. ca. 2681 2662 bce Rock

<p>Egyptian 3rd Dynasty. ca. 2681 2662 bce Rock</p>
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Papyrus-shaped half-columns

Egyptian ,North Palace, funerary complex of King Djoser, Saqqara

<p>Egyptian ,North Palace, funerary complex of King Djoser, Saqqara</p>
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Egyptian,Giza. ca. 2500 bce. Diorite

<p>Egyptian,Giza. ca. 2500 bce. Diorite</p>
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Prince Rahotep and His Wife, Nofret

Egyptian 2580 bce. Painted limestone

<p>Egyptian 2580 bce. Painted limestone</p>
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Relief Panel of Hesy-ra

Egyptian Saqqara. ca. 2660 bce. Wood

<p>Egyptian Saqqara. ca. 2660 bce. Wood</p>
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Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Egyptian Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. ca.2510 2460bce. Painted limestone relief

<p>Egyptian Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. ca.2510 2460bce. Painted limestone relief</p>
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Seated Scribe

Egyptian Saqqara. ca.2400bce .Limestone ,

<p>Egyptian Saqqara. ca.2400bce .Limestone ,</p>
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Senwosret III

Egyptian ca. 1850 bce. Quartzite

<p>Egyptian ca. 1850 bce. Quartzite</p>
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Lady Sennuwy

Egyptian 1920 bce. Granite

<p>Egyptian 1920 bce. Granite</p>
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Rock-cut tombs

Egyptian Beni Hasan, ca. 1950 1900 bce

<p>Egyptian Beni Hasan, ca. 1950 1900 bce</p>
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Interior hall of rock-cut tomb

Egyptian ca. 1950 1900 bce, hard rock

<p>Egyptian ca. 1950 1900 bce, hard rock</p>
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Feeding the Oryxe

Egyptian Tomb of Khnum-hotep ca.1928 1895bce.Wall painting

<p>Egyptian Tomb of Khnum-hotep ca.1928 1895bce.Wall painting</p>
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Female Figurine

Egyptian Thebes. 12th Faience

<p>Egyptian Thebes. 12th Faience</p>
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Pectoral of Mereret

Egyptian tomb in pyramid complex of SenwosretIII at Dahshur. Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise

<p>Egyptian tomb in pyramid complex of SenwosretIII at Dahshur.  Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise</p>
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Kneeling Figure of King Hatshepsu

Egyptian Deir el-Bahri. ca.1473 1458bce.Red granite

<p>Egyptian  Deir el-Bahri. ca.1473 1458bce.Red granite</p>
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Hypostyle hall of Temple of Amun-Ra, Karnak

Egyptian Thebes. ca. 1290-1224 bce, sandstone

<p>Egyptian Thebes. ca. 1290-1224 bce, sandstone</p>
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Temple of Ramesses I

Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279 1213 bce, cliff relief carving

<p>Egyptian Abu Simbel. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1279 1213 bce, cliff relief carving</p>
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Senenmut with Nefrua

Egyptians Thebes. ca. 1470-1460 BCE Granite

<p>Egyptians Thebes. ca. 1470-1460 BCE Granite</p>
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Musicians and Dancers

Egyptians The Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes. ca. 1350 bce

<p>Egyptians The Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes. ca. 1350 bce</p>
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Mai and His Wife, Urel

Egyptians Tomb of Ramose, Thebes. ca. 1375 bce. Limestone relief detail

<p>Egyptians Tomb of Ramose, Thebes. ca. 1375 bce. Limestone relief detail</p>
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Queen Tiy

Kom Medinet el-Ghurab.ca. 1352 bce. Yew, ebony, glass, silver, gold, lapis lazuli, cloth, clay, and wax

<p>Kom Medinet el-Ghurab.ca. 1352 bce. Yew, ebony, glass, silver, gold, lapis lazuli, cloth, clay, and wax</p>
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Frying pan

Aegean Chalandriani, Syros. Early Cycladic II. ca.2500 2200bce.Terracotta

<p>Aegean Chalandriani, Syros. Early Cycladic II. ca.2500 2200bce.Terracotta</p>
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Aegean Cyclades. ca. 2500 bce. Marble

<p>Aegean Cyclades. ca. 2500 bce. Marble</p>
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Aegean Amorgos, Cyclades. Latter part of the 3rd millennium bce. Marble.

<p>Aegean Amorgos, Cyclades. Latter part of the 3rd millennium bce. Marble.</p>
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Aegean, place complex Knossos, Crete

<p>Aegean, place complex Knossos, Crete</p>
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