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hydrologic cycle
an open system
residence time
how long water resides in a location
atmosphere (hydrologic cycle)
short residence time
Evaporation: net movement of free water
Transpiration:water moving from surface or transpired through stomata
Evapotranspiration: accounts for 14% of atmosphere
surface (hydrologic cycle)
water interacts with surface many ways
Intercepted: plants, ground cover, not touching ground
Infiltrate: reaches ground, moves through soil
Runoff: land cannot absorb water and flows away into a basin or channel
subsurface (hydrologic cycle)
after infiltration
After a very long time, groundwater
High residence time
Base flow: GW discharging into stream
Flow to ocean
water budget
used to determine portions of water in different parts of the cycle
too much water initiates flooding from runoff
not enough water causing drought
largest freshwater lake by volume in the world
lake Baikal
Aral Sea disaster
the lake has been greatly reduced in size because of irrigation withdrawals from the rivers that feed it
groundwater mining/ mining an aquifer
to pull out more water than is recharged
No recharging is effective
confined aquifer
an aquifer that is bounded on the top and bottom by confining beds
artesian well
water under pressure reachers potentiometric surface
unconfined aquifer
permeable layer above with impermeable underneath
rock or sediments with low permeability
allows water to flow through it
high porosity
large pore spaces- sit, sand, gravel
cone of depression
pumping of well faster than the water can replenish
lowering the water table due to stress on the ground water system due to pumping
ground water overflows onto the surface
Hillside, valley, quarry hits ground water
evapotranspiration- in relation to water budget
moisture demand (withdrawal)
precipitation- in relation to water budget
addition to budget (deposit)
impact of groundwater mining
land subsidence
land subsidence
pore spaces collapse when water is removed
Cannot reinflate with water
Land compacts and sinks
Ogallala and High Plains
Aquifer aquifer that supplies the great plain states of the U.S.