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enquiry question
how successful are the groynes on Swanage beach
S - simple
enquiry question has one command word (how)
enquiry question looks at one type of coastal management on one beach
M - measureable
enquiry question allows us to measure tangible primary data and cross reference with secondar data
criteria for ‘successful’ is unknown
A - achievable
we have the equipment needed
we have access to the secondary data online
beach can be really busy
R - realistic
area of study is near to our accomodation
T - time
collecting primary data from just 2/18 groynes
easily can be completed in a few hours
hypothesis 1
there will be more sediment on the south of the groynes
as they successfully prevent longshore drift
and increase deposition
hypothesis 2
the area of the beach with groynes
will have more sediment
and less erosion
than the coastline that is unprotected
hypothesis 3
the groynes on Swanage beach
are a cost-effective coastal management strategy
justification for hypothesis 1
south-westerly prevailing wind
results in swash transporting sediment up the beach
in the direction of the prevailing wind
process results in longshore drift from south to north
groynes will interrupt this process
and sand will be deposited by the waves
on the south side of the groyne
justification for hypothesis 2
where the coastline is unprotected by groynes
sand will be transported by longshore drift in a northerly direction
meaning there is less sediment in front of the cliffs
as sediment absorbs the waves energy and reduces the impact of hydraulic action and abrasion
there will be more erosion on the unprotected coastline
justification for hypothesis 3
groynes are one of the best and most commonly used hard engineering coastal management strategies
cost ~£100,000 per groyne
making them one of the cheapest defences
with a life span of above 30 years
chosen sampling strategy for data collection
pragmatic sampling
as some of the groynes may be damaged
and some groynes may have people near - it’s considerate to avoid these
data collection method - hypothesis 1
beach profile
data presentation method - hypothesis 1
cross section
describe how to measure a beach profile
place a ranging pole at the high tide mark 2m to the side of the groyne and another 2m up the beach
use a clinometer to measure the angle from the same point on the first ranging pole
move first ranging pole 2m up the beach from the second one and start again
data collection method - hypothesis 2
annotated field sketch
data collection method - hypothesis 3
secondary data analysis
state rate of erosion on Swanage beach if no defences were in place
state number of properties lost if no defences were in place (50-100 years)
state value of properties lost if no defences were in place (50-100 years)
what does secondary data show about the effectiveness of groynes in Swanage
shows groynes are cost effective
£2.2 million spent to protect
vs. potential £7 million in losses
over 20-30 years
describe the effectiveness of rock armour
cost - £2000 per m
life span - 25 years
cost (50 years, Swanage) - £6 million
describe the effectiveness of sea walls
cost - £6,000 per m
life span - 100 years
cost (50 years, Swanage) - £4.5 million
describe the effectiveness of gabions
cost - £500 per m
life span - 10 years
cost (50 years, Swanage) - £3.75 million
describe the effectiveness of timber revetments
cost -£2000 per m
life span - 25 years
cost (50 years, Swanage) - £6 million
data presentation method - hypothesis 3
bar graph
state whether we accept/reject hypothesis 1
state whether we accept/reject hypothesis 2
state whether we accept/reject hypothesis 3
positive of beach profile method
repeated clinometer reading to make it more accurate
held tape measure taught for accuracy
2 different groynes so reliable sample
pragmatic sampling
negative of beach profile method
inaccurate analogue clinometer
wind affecting tape measure
hard to keep ranging poles in sand at exactly the same height
cross sectional area calculation is an estimate and not exact
positive of annotated field sketch method
able to focus sketch on hypothesis
detailed annotations
included title, directions, scale
negative of annotated field sketch method
depends on sketching ability
difficult to be objective
only shows one view at one time
positive of secondary data analysis method
used government sources for data so likely to be accurate
very easy to access and quick to do
negative of secondary data analysis method
BBC News article could be inaccurate as newspapers are often written with agenda
data for coastal management is a UK average and very variable
positive of cross section presentation
very visual
shows profile clearly
very easy to do online
calculate cross sectional area for you
negative of cross section presentation
have to estimate between data points
can’t compare both profiles on one graph
positive of bar chart presentation
easy to construct and interpret
negative of bar chart presentation
not geo-located
can only use discrete data