CIS3050 Midterm 2

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Provides a command interface to an operating system

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A shell operates in a loop

  • Waits for input

  • parses input into separate commands

  • executes each command

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What is the CLI Input

string (ASCII or Unicode)

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What is the command in CLI

"first" token is program name

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What is CLI arguments

any other tokens (after the first) • flags are "decorated" in some way: Unix-style with '-' • anything not a flag is usually considered to be a filename

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calling ls, cat, grep, etc. from the terminal prompt, e.g. ls -al

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Shells scripts

short programs containing shell / command line command and executed by an interpreter

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Standard means of specifying data (that does not require human interaction)

• command line arguments • filenames • environment variables (much more uncommon, and can have side effects due to their global nature)

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Some standard for input/output + file handling

• streaming using stdin and stdout • filesystem standards • known file and filesystem structure

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Testable program results

exit status byte: • '0' is success • nonzero is different types of failure

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Commands (first token)

what are we doing

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what we are operating on • Piped input, files names, etc. • Maybe implied or explicit

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Arguments / flags / options

Additional information controlling the execution of the command

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Return status to indicate success of failure

possibly with some options for different error types

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ls on *nix

lists directory contents

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Use: ls [,OPTION/]... [,FILE/]...

• It may accept 0 or more file names (arguments, if we want to thing of them that way) • It may accept 0 or more options

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$ls - displays "non-hidden" files in the current directory

Defaults: • FILE is the current directory • Ignores all entities starting with .

  • which are assumed to be hidden • This includes files prefixed with . • The link to the current directory: . • The link to the parent directory: ..

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ls common flags

E.g. two flags: • -a to display all files and ignore nothing • -l to display the long listing format and include file size, creation date, permission, etc. • ls -a -l, or just ls -al

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ls other uses

• ls file1 file2 - displays the names of the files if they exist • ls -al file1 file2 - displays the details of the files if they exist • ls dirName - displays the contents of the directory if the path is valid and the user has theread permission for it

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ls Exit status

• 0 if OK, • 1 if minor problems (e.g., cannot access subdirectory), • 2 if serious trouble (e.g., cannot access command-line argument).

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As you know, the *nix systems contain the manuals for their commands and functions

Accessed using the man (manual) command

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sh - the Bourne Shell: the shell on the first popular Unix

• bash - the Bourne Again Shell - adds the command-line extensions of tcsh to sh, as well as someprogramming niceties • zsh - the Z-Shell: named after the author's teaching assistant at the time. Now the default login shell onMacOSX. Asserts backward compatibility with bash

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csh - the "C" Shell attempt to look more like a C program in its loops, etc.

tcsh - added in lots of good things for command line use that later shells take for granted: [TAB]completion, history, rollback, history editing

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We can also execute shell commands as a complete program

• Written in the language if the shell • Saved in a script file

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you can run bash by...

We can run with bash ./

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The first line of a shell script usually begins with the combination of #! is commonly known by


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Bash variables Assign to variables with no spaces around the '=' sign

• i=123 • ANIMAL=cat • PROBLEM=This is a test # does not work • DATA="This is a test" # must assign only one token

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Access the value of the variable using the $ operator

echo $ANIMAL

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Encase the variable name in curly brackets {} for clarity

• echo an${i}mal - inserts value of variable i instead of the variable

• echo an$imal - attempts to access variable imal, fails, and replaced it with an empty string

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Replacing a variable with its value is referred to as


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Placing characters in double quotes allows variable expansion and preserves spaces

echo "I like my ${ANIMAL}" produces: I like my cat

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Using single quotes prevents variable expansion

echo 'I like my ${ANIMAL}' produces: I like my ${ANIMAL}

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Inside the shell script, the command line parameters can be accessed by the positionparameters $0, $1, $2, etc.

• The first 10 command line parameters can be accessed as $0 to $9.

• Other parameters must be referenced as ${10} to ${n} for n≥10

• You can see the "value of" operator $ in action again

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is the filename of the script

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$1 and up

are the command-line parameters

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Some useful shorthands

• $# - the number of command-line parameters (0 if none)

• $* - all command-line parameters, i.e. all parameters starting from $1

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Branching takes two forms

  • if-then-fi

  • if-then-else-fi Different control statements in Bash have adifferent keyword to indicate where they end• For if, it is fi

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This is a built-in command Test Syntax

test expression or [ expression ] • The test command evaluates an expression • Returns a condition code indicating that the expression is either true (0) or false (not 0)

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Expression contains one or more criteria

• Logical AND operator to separate two criteria: -a • Logical OR operator to separate two criteria: -o • Negate any criterion: !• Group criteria with parentheses • Separate each element with a SPACE

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integer comparison

Operator Description -gt Greater than -ge Greater than or equal to -eq Equal to -ne Not euqal to -le Less than or equal to -lt Less than

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The expression $?

returns the exit code of the last command

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Bash Loops

While loop while [ condition ] do commands done

For loop for VARIABLE in string1 string2 .... stringN do commands done

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To increment in bash do

i=$(( $i + 1 ))

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An expression in double parentheses (( expression ))

performs arithmetic

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if (( something equal to zero ))

evaluates to 1, which is false

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if (( something not equal to zero ))

evaluates to 0, which is true

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let varName=expression

also performs arithmetic

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There are various options to control where input/output are directed

• | pipe stdout of one program to the stdin of another • < redirect stdin to come from a file • > redirect stdout be saved into a newly created file • >> redirect stdout be appended onto an existing file

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redirect stdout onto the numbered file descriptor (here 2)

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collect stderr and stdout together, e.g.,:ls -l > output.txt 2>&1

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$find / -name fileName >out.txt

• Search for the specified filename starting from the root directory /, i.e. on the entire drive • Redirect stdout into the file out.txt • equivalent to $find / -name fileName 1>out.txt

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$find / -name fileName >out.txt 2>/dev/null

• Search for there specified filename starting from the root directory /, i.e. on the entire drive • Redirect stdout into the file out.txt • Redirect stderr to /dev/null • Anything saved to the file /dev/null is erased • This allows us to suppress all the "Permission denied" the errors

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Blocks of script can be created using group commands, subshells or functions

• {...} a group command is constructed by putting scroll braces around the block of code. • commands within group terminated by newline or semicolon

• (...) a subshell is constructed using parentheses creates new execution environment • variable assignments and builtins do not affect the parent

• Braces must be separated from the list of commands by space or metacharacter • Return status is that of the list of commands

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Any expressions in back ticks (`) is calculated, and the standard output produced issubstituted into the line

• echo There are wc jabber.txt | cut -c7-9 words • echo "There are "wc jabber.txt | cut -c7-9" words" • echo "There are wc jabber.txt | cut -c7-9 words" • echo 'There are wc jabber.txt | cut -c7-10 words'

• The first three examples produce the same output: back-ticks are substituted beforecomputing double quoted strings • The last one just prints the string - the back-ticked expression is never evaluated

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Commonly used to set a variable

today=dateecho "Today is $today"

echo "Text files: ls *.txt"

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We can redirect stuff into a loop

while [ someCondition ] do #do things here done <fileName

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Special values

• $$ the process ID of the shell (but not a subshell)

• $? the exit status of the most recently completed (and waited upon) command

• $# number of arguments passed to this shell ($1 and up, since $0 is the name of the script)

• "$@" list of all of the arguments, where arguments that have spaces are preserved as one value

• $@ list of all of the arguments, where arguments that have spaces are further split into words

• "$*" similar "$@" but use $IFS (input field separator) as the delimiter instead of a space between words• result is a single token

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Defining functions in bash

{# function body}
• or
{# function body}
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Functions info in bash

Special parameters $1 through $9 and $@, $* now refer to the function arguments

Variables from parent scope are accessible within the function

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When a sub-process (through fork(2)) is created, environment variables are copied into the new environment

BVAR and CVAR are environment variables

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Other common environmental variables

• $USER - the login name of the current user • $HOME - the home directory of the current user • $PATH - the list of directories to search for programs • $CWD - the current working directory • $EDITOR - name of (and optionally full path to) your favourite editor (e.g.,"vi", "/usr/bin/vim", /usr/bin/atom) • $LANG - name of your language setting character set if you are working solely in English, thisis typically "en_US.UTF-8"

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the value of the shell symbol ~ also expands

~ is the home directory of the current user (i.e. whoever is running the shell)

~someUser is the home directory of someUser

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Steps in creating a shell script

• place the code in a file • ensure the shebang is set up correctly • made the file executable: chmod a+x

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Each shell has its own "resource" file that will be in your $HOME directory.

• For bash it is .bashrc (note the leading dot) • For csh it is .cshrc • These files are run in your interactive environment once before giving you the first prompt, soany commands or settings put here will take effect for all of your sessions.

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The shell that gets created when you log in, is called a "login shell" and it is controlled bythe .bash_profile file

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Later interactive shells created within your login shell will inherit environment settings, but arecontrolled by the .bashrc file

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is the profile of the sh (Bourne) shell

• IIRC, it was automatically created, since the default shell is sh, not bash

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contains a history of commands you have entered in the terminal

• On Docker, it might be reset every time you start /stop the container - check

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is optional - contains the commands that execute when the shell terminates • e.g the you log out

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A filter is a command that processes stdin and writes on stdout • these allow us to build command pipelines • they usually take an optional file list

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order data in various ways, potentially removing duplicates

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look for things within files. • Comes from "go to regular expression and print." • Available with "basic" and "extended" regular expression support via grep and egrep

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copy the contents that were piped into it two destinations: • a file • to standard output • It's a "T splitter" - the input gets sent to two destinations

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copy the command line arguments to standard output

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Useful filters: selecting and combining content

• Separate by lines: • head print the first N lines of each file (default 10) • tail print the last N lines of each file (default 10); also print the last all but N lines (i.e.; trim aheader) • cat concatenate the contents of all files together

• Separate by columns: • cut by delimited column or character position • paste combine input as columns of data, concatenating lines together • join perform an "equality join" on the specifier files, combining lines

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compare two files to see if they are the same

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print the differences between two files

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apply a set of editor commands to update a file based on differences

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sed: stream editor

• edit a stream programmatically! • anchors - provide ranges for command action: • line number : absolute coordinates, beginning at 1 • /pattern/: match text• if none given, whole file is implied • editing commands:• s: search and replace • a, i, c: add, insert or change data • d: delete lines • p: print line after edit (used with -n, which suppresses default output)

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system stores the mostsignificant byte of a word at the smallest memory address and the least significant byte at the largest

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system stores the least significant byte of a word at the smallest memory address and the most significant byte at the largest

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Intel 32-bit and 64-bit architectures

are little-endian

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Older Motorola 68* series and PowerPC architectures


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More commonly used to densely load bytes with flags or small integer values

• e.g. the status value in pid_t wait(int *status); • It is a 32-bit int, where different bits have different meaning: • 24 bits are used to store several pieces of information about how the process terminated • 8 bits store the returned status - i.e. the value from the child's return or exit() statement

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| :

bitwise OR - for each bit in the output number, the result bit is 1 if any of the bits are 1 inthe input

0100 0101 | 1100 0000 = 1100 0101 0100 0101 | 0000 1111 = 0100 1111

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& :

bitwise AND - for each bit in the output number, the result bit is 1 only if both bits are 1 inthe input

0100 0101 & 1100 0000 = 0100 0000 0100 0101 & 0000 1111 = 0000 0101

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^ :

bitwise XOR - for each bit in the output number, the result bit 1 if the two bits in the input are different

0100 0101 ^ 1100 0000 = 1000 0101 0100 0101 ^ 0000 1111 = 0100 1010

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~ :

bitwise NOT - inverts every bit of the inout number ~ 0100 0101 = 1011 1010 ~ 0000 1111 = 1111 0000

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<< :

left shift - shifts the bits of the first operand to the left by n bits, where n is the second operand • 0100 0101 << 2 = 0001 0100 • 1100 0000 << 2 = 0000 0000

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right shift - shifts the bits of the first operand to the right by n bits, where n is the secondoperand • 0100 0101 >> 2 = 0001 0001 • 1100 0000 >> 2 = 0011 0000

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header file defined flags combined with bitwise OR

reading and writing: 00000002

• create and truncate to zero bytes if file exists: 00000100, 00001000

• do not follow symlinks (no filesystem level redirection): 00400000

• close this file descriptor if this process calls exec: 02000000

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Colour pixel data is often stored in 32-bit ints - RGBA format

• RRRRRRRR GGGGGGGG BBBBBBBB AAAAAAAA • 8 bits for each colour channel • 8 bits for Alpha, or transparency

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If we don't need the alpha, we can pack more colour information into a 32-bit int:R10G10B10

• RRRRRRRRRR GGGGGGGGGG BBBBBBBBBB UU • Where we have 10 bits per colour and 2 unused bits

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Vararg functions must be declared with at least one argument, followed by 3 dots

int func(type arg1, ...) // n = last specified parameter

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Inside the function, parameters can be accessed by the C library macros

• void va_start(va_list ap, last); // start param list from lastnamed parameter

• type va_arg(va_list ap, type); // type = next parameter type

• va_end(va_list ap); // clear parameter list

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Based on the known type of at least one initial argument

va_arg lets you pull off the nextargument as an iterator based on the type of the argument

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Using vararg functions So how does printf() do this?

• It has a wide mix of types! the first argument to printf() provides the list of all of the remainingargument types!

• provided an earlier argument indicates the type of a later one, this works - because the C stackis ordered left to right

• modern linters have special handling for printf() to try and make sure that they types match —but this won't be true for other vararg functions

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strconcat prototype

• Needs to describe how the argument list starts: char * strconcat(const char *, ...);

• We also need to specify the end of the argument list

• In out function, we pass a NULL pointer as the last argument

• Please note that the term "list" is a bit of a misnomer - the varargs are actually a contiguousblock of memory with no intrinsic terminator

• We need to pass the type to va_arg, so it knows how to advance its next element pointer

• The implementation details are compiler-specific, however

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Inner workings of vararg functions

• Each function has its own stack frame

• In order to call a function, the parent sets aside memory for the parameters for the child call

• Each function sets aside memory for its own local variables

• Parameter and local variables can be found relative to the frame pointer (FP)

• The previous frame pointer and program counter are stored as part of the frame

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Varargs vs unspecified number of parameters

• C allows the following syntax:type funcName()

• In this case, funcName() has an unspecified number of arguments

• The compiler will not check the number or type of arguments

• However, the arguments of arguments if not variable - it's fixed

• This is not equivalent to a variable number of arguments

• This is old, pre-ANSI style of writing C

• It prevents the compiler from doing proper type/signature checking and can lead to undefinedbehaviour

• I would recommend again it

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