Intrauterine device (IUD) -
A small, T-shaped copper device
Function of an intrauterine device -
Stops the sperm moving through womb towards the egg. The device is put into the uterus (womb) through the vagina by a specially trained doctor or nurse
An intrauterine device is __% effective if used correctly
An intrauterine device doesn’t…
interrupt sex
An intrauterine device prevents..
pregnancy for up to 3-5 years depending on the brand and can reduce periods in size and length
An intrauterine device doesn’t protect….
against STIs
An intrauterine device must be fitted by…
a trained professional
An intrauterine device can make periods…
heavier or longer in the first 6 months of use
An intrauterine system (IUS) -
A small, T-shaped plastic device, containing progestogen
Function of an intrauterine system -
Progestogen thickens the mucus as the cervix preventing sperm from meeting the egg. Its put into the uterus through the vagina by a specially trained doctor or nurse
An intrauterine system is __% effective if used correctly
An intrauterine system doesn’t…
interrupt sex
An intrauterine system (once fitted) prevents…
pregnancy for up to 3-5 years, depending on brand. It can also reduce periods in size and length
An intrauterine system doesn’t protect…
against STIs
An intrauterine system must be…
fitted by a trained professional
Contraceptive Implant (the rod) -
A small flexible plastic rod that is placed just under the skin in the upper arm
What does the contraceptive implant do?
It relasese progestogen to control fertility by stopping eggs being released and making the womb less likely to receive a fertilised egg
The contraceptive implant doesn’t….
interrupt sex
A contraceptive implant works for…
3 years before needing to replaced
A contraceptive implant needs to be…
inserted by a medical professional
A contraceptive implant can make periods…
irregular or create a change
Contraceptive patch -
A 5cm by 5cm beige patch applied to the skin like a plaster
How does a Contraceptive patch work?
It releases the hormones oestrogen and progestogen through the skin. This prevents pregnancy by thickening the mucus to prevent sperm getting through and thins the uterus lining to stop eggs becoming implanted
How often does the contraceptive patch need to be changed?
Weekly for 3 weeks then a week off
The contraceptive patch doesn’t..
interrupt sex
The contraceptive patch only needs to be changed…
every week
The contraceptive patch doesn’t protect…
against STIs
The Contraceptive patch can have side effects like…
headaches and raised blood pressure
Contraceptive injection -
Contains progestogen. This is similar to the progesterone naturally produced in women’s ovaries and works to control fertility
the contraceptive injection doesn’t…
interrupt sex
the contraceptive injection lasts for…
13 weeks meaning you don’t need to remember other contraception
The contraceptive injection doesn’t…
interrupt sex
the contraceptive injection can’t be….
stopped once given so you have to follow the full course