Euro Unit 9 Key Terms

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Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution

Revolution where people increasingly turned to machines for work

Was a gradual but dramatic change

Created the working class

AKA Industrial working class AKA Proletariat

Resulted in rapid Urbanization

No control was exercised over the consequences of the revolution which led to problems

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Putting out / Domestic system

AKA Proto-industry

The attempted increase of productivity through more workers

Textile work was done by hand at home

Was very inefficient and slow

Demand growing quickly due to population growth

Wool / cotton dropped at houses

Farmers and commoners spun textiles in free time

Provided a linear increase to production but was not enough to keep up with exponential population growth

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Working Class

Class created by the Industrial Revolution

Composed of the poor who get factory jobs

Worked in factories owned by the Middle class and was controlled by the Middle class

Dirty living conditions, subsistence earnings, horrible working conditions

Because they were so replaceable and plentiful

Factory owners could cut costs down as much as possible since the jobless would always provide labor

Huge wealth inequality between Aristocracy and Middle Class and Working and lower classes

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Factory Act of 1833

Act that reduced child labor by increasing minimum working age and maximum working hours for children

One of the few actions taken to attempt to reduce horrible working conditions

Was not effective because it was not strictly enforced

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Mines act of 1842

Prevented women and children from working in coal mines

Was not effective because it was not enforced

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Increase of the number of people living in cities due to the IR

Industrialization created more jobs in factories which resulted in more people near factories

Cities grow at an incredible rate

Result of Rural emigration to cities, not increased births

Population up because of the agricultural revolution which also decreases the number of jobs


Not enough jobs or food or living space

Horrible, unsanitary living conditions

Tenement housing (large houses divided into tiny living spaces)


No sewers, air is polluted from coal, and water is dirty

No running water

Chamber pots dumped everywhere and washed into rivers which are used for drinking water

No municipal services


Spreads quickly due to Excememt dumping

Cholera epidemics 1830-1832 and 1847-1851

Called the most horrifying disease, killed quickly

Tuberculosis was the biggest killer

Gap between rich and poor greater than ever

People moving to cities can witness how the upper classes act which breeds hate between them

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The Social Question

Deep and wide-felt concern brought by industrialization

React to try to solve new issues

New working class is struggling immensely

Effects of urbanization are prevalent

Society, art, literature, and religion change

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Charles Dickens

Was in the working class in his youth but was one of the lucky few who escaped it through his talent in writing

Had first-hand experience of revolution due to this

Writes about daily life and the misery of industrial life

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Charlotte Bronte

Writer in the industrial revolution

Wrote about and depicted women's struggles

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George Sand

Pseudonym of a female writer

Went in public acting like a man to go against social norms

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Sunday School Movement

Movement undertaken by upper classes who thought lower classes were uncultured and unfaithful

Promoted all children to attend Sunday school

Upper classes thought that Working class did not attend church because they were invirtuous

Actually was because they did not get enough time off to attend church

Partially worked, some more children attended Sunday School

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Temperance Movement

Movement to prevent the drinking of alcohol

Another attempt, mostly by the upper classes and mostly women, to "fix" the lower classes

Posters, Protests, Pamphlets, some people would sit in bars and protest.

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Women were still relegated to domestic tasks

Almost everything in their lives were limited

The "Victorian Woman" was the ideal and those who strayed from it were looked down upon

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Victorian Women

The "ideal" woman at the time of the Industrial Revolution

Dealt with only private affairs

Raised children, held private parties, managed the house

Did not have any power and could not get involved in politics

Were greatly restricted

Were relegated almost solely to the house

Could not even talk about things they could not participate in such as politics

Had to wear specific clothes such as a corset

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Domination of other countries

Industrial Revolution provides more demand for resources so Europe prepares for a second wave of colonization

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Opium War

England sold opium, a highly addictive drug, to China through its only open port, Canton

China's citizens were becoming addicted, so China refused to trade with England.

War followed

England was victorious and China was forced to give them spoils

England was allowed to trade opium

China opened up more ports than just Canton for trade

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Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian nationalist

Created Young Italy

Pushed for a unified nation

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Trade system in Germany

Made trade within Germany extremely easy

Created economic unity in Germany

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Polish Legion

founded by Adam Mickiewicz to reform the nation

Peasants attacked landowners but failed

differences between Polish nationalists made it difficult to be united

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Young Ireland

Group of young and opportunistic nationalistic Irish citizens

Since they were young, they wanted more change than the older people

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Jeremy Bentham

Founded the movement of Utilitarianism

Small political movement

Philosophy that government laws should do the greatest good for the greatest number of people

Implied that no laws would be perfect but the government should do their best

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Corn Laws

Laws in Britain that placed high tariffs on grain imported from outside the country

Allowed British farm owners to dictate the price of grain since they could control the tariffs of other grain

Were reformed by liberals which was a good example of British liberalism at work

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Political movement created by the Industrial Revolution

Applies directly to the working class unlike Liberalism and Conservatism

Was a reaction to offset the harsh developments of the Industrial Revolution

Most fundamental ideal was to reduce the gap between the rich and poor

Wanted better wages, hours, control of rent prices, and working conditions

Didn't want pure equality like communists, just wanted to close the gap between rich and poor

Starts out as slightly revolutionary and then turns into a political ideal

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Pierre Joseph Proudhon

Radical socialist and early communist

Says that property is theft

People use rent, interest, and wages to control workers

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Robert Owen

Factory owner who thought Socialism could result in a Utopia

Started a factory using Socialist ideals

Had good working conditions

Good hours, good wages

Factory was actually successful in the beginning

Made profit, albeit slightly less than other factories

Fails because of investors / greed

Investors want more profit and if they pull funding, the operation collapses

To increase profit, he reverts back to bad conditions, more hours, etc.

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Early and influential socialist thinker

Thought that socialism could create a utopia

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Early socialist

Thought that socialism could create a utopia

Wanted to give women more rights

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Karl Marx

German who spent a lot of time in England

Saw the worst of the worst of the Industrial Revolution

Wrote the Communist Manifesto

Says that history is the struggle of rich and poor

Economy shapes social life and the antagonism between rich and poor too great

Embraces the IR because he thinks it will lead to the Proletariat Revolt

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Friedrich Engels

German communist

Helped Marx come up with ideas and write the Communist Manifesto

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Communist Manifesto

Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Outlined the ideas of Communism and the Proletariat Revolt

Proletariat revolt

Says that the Bourgeoisie should be overthrown

A new society should be created where

there are no classes or private property

Government owns everything and controls everything

Government distributes everything to everyone equally

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The rich middle class

Most factory owners were middle class

Communists wanted to overthrow in the Proletariat revolt

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Working Class

Were very poor and worked for subsistence earnings

Worked in horrible conditions

Had overcrowded housing

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English radical political movement

Want to expand on the Reform Bill of 1832 which allowed all middle-class males to vote

Aim to close the gap between upper and lower classes

Wrote The People's Charter

Listed the things they wanted

Did not actually benefit / represent the people

Wanted universal male sufferage, voting by secret ballot, equal electoral districts, and no property requirements for Parliament

Parliament completely ignores them

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Revolutions of 1848 - France

1848 demonstrations by liberals who erect barriers in Paris turn violent

Louis Philippe abdicates in fear

A Provisional government is established, the 2nd Republic

Republic put liberal reforms in place which the people support but they are scared the reforms are too radical

People elect a conservative National Assembly to stop the revolution becoming radical and they remove all liberal reforms

The people respond to the removal of reforms with the June Days

They were incredibly violent

Revolts were crushed by the National Guard

Louis-Napoleon-Bonaparte was elected president because he was not involved in the June Days

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Revolutions of 1848 - Italy

Fueled by nationalists who want unification of Italy

Revolts in Palermo, Venice, and Milan spread

Mostly Anti-Austrian revolts who own some of Italy

Young Italy gets involved

Start to battle Austria and revolt against landowners

Revolts are successful at first

Revolutionaries seize Rome and establish the Roman Republic

Cannot make progress since there are so many ideas on social and political reforms

They try to reform everything at once and get nothing done

Austria and France crush the republic

Nationalism remains and resurfaces later

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Revolutions of 1848 - Austria

Austrian Empire is huge and made up of many ethnic groups

Individual places are nationalistic and want independence which makes them hard to unify

Hungarians (Magyars) are the largest problem

Many things happen at once

Metternich retires since he is tired of fighting

Italian revolts need to be suppressed

Magyars are aggressively pushing for independence

Vienna is also becoming violent

Francis Joseph, the emperor, uses the army to defeat Italy and stop Vienna

Magyars are actually allowed to make their own government but it collapses after the landowners are angered

Austria takes the land back

Revolts are quelled but none of the ethnic problems are fixed

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Revolutions of 1848 - Prussia

Want a united, constitutional Germany

Frankfurt Parliament is elected to unify and write a constitution

Is extremely slow and ultimately fails

Parliament is inexperienced politically and does not have an army to back it

Frederick William IV of Prussia crushes the rebels

Spirit of nationalism lives on and Germany unifies next time

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Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Was elected president of France because he had nothing to do with the June Days

Was a conservative monarch

No liberal reforms were made or maintained

Named himself emperor after ruling for a while

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Hungarians who are part of the Austrian empire

Aggressively push for independence from Austria

Emperor of Austria actually allows them to become independent

They govern themselves but anger the landowners which causes the system to fall apart

Austria takes Hungary back

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