besmirch (v.)
to soil, tarnish, discolor
contraband (n.)
anything forbidden by law from being imported or exported
doleful (adj.)
sorrowful; mournful; melancholy
emaciated (adj.)
abnormally thin by a gradual wasting away
expeditiously (adv.)
promptly and efficiently
feign (v.)
to pretend or fake; to represent fictitiously
inscrutable (adj.)
hard to understand; incapable of being analyzed
mutinous (adj.)
rebellious against authority
retinue (n.)
a group of supporters or attendants of a high ranking person
sagacity (n.)
wisdom; soundness of judgment
acquit (v.)
to declare not guilty
asseveration (n.)
a serious statement or declaration
barrister (n.)
a lawyer in England
cow (v.)
to intimidate; to frighten with threats or violence
indictment (n.)
a formal accusation by a grand jury; a charge with an offense or crime
politic (adj.)
showing good judgment; shrewd or prudent in practical matters
repose (n.)
the state of rest, sleep, or peacefulness
supplication (n.)
a humble request
visage (n.)
a face
garret (n.)
a little room at the top of a building; an attic