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pick correct chronological order
Completion of Grand Coulee Dam; Wagner Act passed; CCC established
"Court packing" controversy; Social Security Act passed; NIRA established
Hoover Dam completed; PWA established; Stock market crash
Stock market crash; Bonus Expeditionary Force protests; Social Security Act passed
Stock market crash; Bonus Expeditionary Force protests; Social Security Act passed
Which of the following occurred during the presidential term of Herbert Hoover?
America provided aid to Belgium, a nation still suffering from the damages inflicted during World War One
The United States passed the Fordney-McCumber Tariff to protect American-produced goods
The Civilian Conservation Corps was created
The Farmer's Holiday Association formed and fought back against farm foreclosures
Farmer Holiday
Father Charles Coughlin believed that FDR's New Deal did not go far enough in terms of social justice, and advocated for government nationalization of the country's banks. By profession, Coughlin was:
The former governor of Louisiana
A farmer turned local politician from upstate New York
A Roman Catholic priest
A former commerce secretary who had overseen food aid to Europe during World War One
Roman Catholic Priest
What was the general ideological platform of the American Liberty League?
To investigate suspected political radicals who might be conspiring to overthrow the American government
To protest against what they believed to be government overreach of the New Deal, and push for less regulation of business by the federal government
To ensure that all New Deal programs were being effectively managed and that no public money was being wasted in their implementation
To fight for equal rights for workers of all races and ethnicities
To protest against what they believed to be government overreach of the New Deal, and push for less regulation of business by the federal government
Which of the following was a term used to refer to many of the Dust Bowl migrants who migrated west after the dust storms ruined their farms?
Alphabet Soups
Which of the following was NOT a major endeavor under New Deal relief programs like the TVA, PWA, WPA, and CCC?
Taking measures against soil erosion
Harnessing the power of water sources
Harvesting specific cash crops for export
Reforesting national parks
Harvesting specific cash crops for export
While "classical" economic liberals favored a more laissez-faire approach to government-business relations, New Deal economic liberals believed that:
The government should take control of all major industries in the nation
Members of the labor movement would eventually oust the business class, and seize control of national industries through worker-controlled cooperatives
Individual states needed regulate business operations, but the federal government should not play a role in economic regulation
The government should regulate the economy to a reasonable extent and provide a social safety net for citizens
The government should regulate the economy to a reasonable extent and provide a social safety net for citizens
Which demographic group reaped the LEAST benefits overall from New Deal relief programs?
Young women
Land-owning farmers
Industrial workers
All of the following were prominent African-American figures during the 1930s EXCEPT:
Mary McLeod Bethune
Richard Wright
Zora Neale Hurston
John Collier
John Collier
Which pairing correctly matches the historical personality to his or her background description?
Mary McLeod Bethune: first female cabinet member ever who served as FDR's Secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins: African-American activist who worked alongside Eleanor Roosevelt to help African-Americans access New Deal relief programs
Harold Ickes: head of the American Liberty League who frequently butted heads with FDR
Harry Hopkins: former New York social worker and head of the WPA
Harry Hopkins: former New York social worker and head of the WPA
Which of the following was NOT ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935?
National Industrial Recovery Act
Frazier-Lemke Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Social Security Act
Social Security Act
Which of the following developments predated the New Deal infrastructure projects?
Grand Coulee Dam
Hoover Dam
Tennessee Valley Authority
Pacific Crest Trail
Hoover Dam
Which of the following groups of people would have been the LEAST likely to support FDR's presidency?
Farmers without electricity access
Unemployed carpenters
Widowed mothers with young children
Prosperous investment bankers
Prosperous Investment Bankers
This organization was a key opponent of New Deal policies, because they believed that they would undercut business profits.
National Industrial Recovery Act
Congress of Industrial Unions
American Federation of Labor
National Association of Manufacturers
National Association of Manufacturers
Which of the following actions by FDR was the most controversial in terms of appearing to be a major overreach of executive power?
The 1937 attempt to sway Congress to allow him to "pack" the Supreme Court with supporters
The last minute passage of the 1935 Social Security Act
The creation of the federal deposit insurance program as part of the 1933 Banking Act
Support of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act
The 1937 attempt to sway Congress to allow him to "pack" the Supreme Court with supporters
Which of the following was supported by Dr. Francis Townsend and eventually incorporated into the 1935 Social Security Act?
A network of national clinics for those in need of healthcare but lacking private insurance
An old age pension for senior citizens
A program of child care subsidy payments for working parents
Mandatory job training for any adolescent whose parents were receiving any kind of public relief
An old age pension for senior citizens
Direct government control of a nation's major industries is best defined as:
Keynesian economics
Laissez-faire economics
Conservative economics
Herbert Hoover, who was president during the stock market crash, supported which of the following approaches to dealing with poverty resulting from the onset of the Great Depression?
National health insurance plan to keep all Americans healthy
Equal wages for women in the workforce
Expansion of government aid to unemployed workers
Volunteerism through private charity without much government involvement
Volunteerism through private charity without much government involvement
Select the individual below who espoused this general economic belief: a government should provide a social safety net to help disadvantaged people, because when disadvantaged people spend money and have opportunities to improve their financial situation, a nation's economy will grow in the long run.
Calvin Coolidge
John Maynard Keynes
Herbert Hoover
John Jacob Raskob
John Maynard Keynes
Which pairing correctly matches the historical personality to his or her respective actions?
Al Smith: National Union for Social Justice
Frances Perkins: National Association of Colored Women
Huey Long: "Share Our Wealth"
Charles Coughlin: National Association of Manufacturers
Huey Long: "Share Our Wealth"
Which of the following men were NOT members of FDR's administration during the 1930s?
Harry Hopkins
Harold Ickes
Calvin Coolidge
John Collier
Calvin Coolidge
Which of the following hurt Herbert Hoover the most in terms of his credibility as a leader during the 1932 presidential election?
The legalization of buying stocks on margins
An effort to "pack" the Supreme Court with his supporters
Army cavalry firing on Bonus Expeditionary Force protesters
The collapse of the Hoover Dam's northside that killed several hundred workers
Army cavalry firing on Bonus Expeditionary Force protesters
Which pairing correctly matches the piece of legislation to its appropriate description?
1935 Wagner Act: allowed only government workers to form unions, which had to be represented by a court-appointed trustee
1933 TVA: renewable energy project taken over by the federal government with plans to use wind-power to provide electricity to farms in upstate New York and New England
1935 Social Security Act: created a system of national healthcare funded by general taxation
1933 Glass-Steagall Provision: seperated commercial and investment banking so banks could not gamble with their customer's savings deposits
1933 Glass-Steagall Provision: seperated commercial and investment banking so banks could not gamble with their customer's savings deposits
Which of the following is NOT true about the 1936 American presidential election?
The Republican candidate dropped out last minute due to a financial scandal
The passage of the Wagner Act the year before won FDR a lot of support from members of the labor movement
About seventy percent of African-Americans supported FDR
FDR won in a landslide victory
The Republican candidate dropped out last minute due to a financial scandal
Which of the following did NOT directly contribute to the onset of the Great Depression?
Irresponsible consumer lending
Overproduction in agriculture that depressed per unit crop prices
Inflated wages for domestic workers
Risky buying of stocks on margins
Inflated wages for domestic workers
All of the following nations remained under Soviet control after 1945 EXCEPT:
Which pairing correctly matches the historical figure to his actions during the World War Two?
J. Robert Oppenheimer: physicist who led American project to develop an atomic weapon
Erwin Rommel: Russian general who defeated German forces at the Battle of Stalingrad
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: signed the executive order in 1948 that desegregated America's armed services
Harry S. Truman: signed Executive Order 9066 which sent Japanese-Americans from America's West Coast into inland internment camps
J. Robert Oppenheimer: physicist who led American project to develop an atomic weapon
Which of the following was NOT true about rebuilding in the post-World War Two world?
West Germany benefitted greatly from Marshall Plan funds
Germany was divided into four zones of occupation immediately following the war
A prolonged American occupation of Japan saw many political and economic reforms made
East Germany was forced to pay heavy reparations to Britain and France for the decade following the end of the war
East Germany was forced to pay heavy reparations to Britain and France for the decade following the end of the war
Which pairing correctly matches the historical figure with his correct actions during the course of World War Two?
Enola Gay: leading propaganda artist credited with creating the "Rosie the Riveter" character
Harry S. Truman: American pilot who flew the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
J. Robert Oppenheimer: physicist who led American research teams to split the atom, thus developing atomic bombs
Werner Heisenberg: German general who waged the Nazis last stand at the Battle of the Bulge
J. Robert Oppenheimer: physicist who led American research teams to split the atom, thus developing atomic bombs
Which of the items below was NOT an example of a human rights abuse that occurred during World War Two?
Forced repatriation of Italian-Americans to Italy immediately following the end of the war
Internment of Japanese-Americans
Massacre of civilians in Nanking, China
Forced imprisonment and labor in Nazi concentration camp
Forced repatriation of Italian-Americans to Italy immediately following the end of the war
Which pairing correctly matches the historical event to its respective location?
Battle of the Bulge: Belgium into eastern France and western Germany
Bataan Death March: Manchurian province of China
Second Battle of El Alamein: northern Italian peninsula
Battle of the Midway Island: Baltic Sea off the coast of Nazi-occupied Netherlands
Battle of the Bulge: Belgium into eastern France and western Germany
Which of the following was NOT true about warfare in the Pacific?
Aircraft carriers were very important due to the scattered island geography of the South Pacific
Free French forces often served alongside American troops in the Pacific
Malaria was a constant threat due to the tropical climate of the South Pacific
Japanese pilots were willing to crash their planes into American targets, killing themselves in the process
Free French forces often served alongside American troops in the Pacific
Which of the following was a mutual military defense alliance created following the drama of the Berlin Blockade?
Which pairing correctly matches the leader to the nation he lead during World War Two?
Winston Churchill: Ireland
Josef Stalin: Poland
Benito Mussolini: Greece
Hideki Tojo: Japan
Hideki Tojo: Japan
Which of the following was an example of an amphibious landing?
The movement of Soviet troops from Stalingrad towards Berlin
The kamikaze tactics taken up by Japanese fighter pilots in the South Pacific
The last phase of the Battle of the Bulge on the banks of the Rhine River
The Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy
The Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy
What was the purpose of the 1924 Dawes Plan?
To prevent the annexation of Austria by Germany
To establish US control over trading markets in French Indochina
To ease the burden of Germany's war debt reparation payments to Britain and France
To prevent Japan from expanding its control of the Chinese province of Manchuria
To ease the burden of Germany's war debt reparation payments to Britain and France
Which pairing correctly matches the historical figure to the correct role he played in American history during World War Two?
General Douglas MacArthur: led American forces alongside British troops to defeat the German forces in North Africa led by Erwin Rommel
Admiral Chester Nimitz: American naval leader who lead raids over German-controlled islands in the Baltic Sea
Fred Korematsu: chief coordinator for the War Production Board in charge of pro-military propaganda
Henry J. Kaiser: defense contractor known for his efficient assembly line tactics that made it possible for an entire ship to be produced in two weeks time
Henry J. Kaiser: defense contractor known for his efficient assembly line tactics that made it possible for an entire ship to be produced in two weeks time
Victims of the Nazi Holocaust most often included all of the following demographic groups EXCEPT:
Protestant Christians
Roma Gypsies
European Jews
Protestant Christians
Which of the following words was used to describe American-born persons of Japanese descent, many of whom served their country in battle while their family members were sent to internment camps?
Which of the following American politicians led a commission that accused American weapons manufacturers of illicitly selling weapons to combatants overseas, leading to the passage of a series of neutrality acts.
Edouard Daladier
Gerald Nye
Henry Cabot Lodge
Neville Chamberlain
Gerald Nye
All of the following conferences occurred AFTER the US officially entered World War Two EXCEPT:
Yalta Conference
Casablanca Conference
Atlantic Charter Conference
Potsdam Conference
Atlantic Charter Conference
Which pair of nations were the first to receive "containment" aid from the United States as part of the Truman Doctrine policy?
Japan and Thailand
Poland and Hungary
France and Belgium
Greece and Turkey
Greece and Turkey
Which of the following represented a loss of positive leadership in the last year of World War Two?
The assassination of Josef Stalin by a Polish nationalist
The death of FDR by cerebral hemorrhage
Adolf Hitler's suicide in the Berlin bunker
The ousting of Mussolini in 1943
Death of FDR by cerebral hemmorphage
All of the following were problems at the Potsdam Conference EXCEPT:
Italy refused to participate in the conference
FDR had recently passed away
Stalin's Soviet troops remained in many Eastern European countries
Churchill had been replaced by a new prime minister
Italy refuses to participate in the conference
Which of the following places was NOT occupied by Mussolini's forces between 1923 and 1943?
The primary location of America's Manhattan Project atomic testing was:
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Midway Island
Upstate New York
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Chose the list below that has events that are in their correct chronological order:
Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbor, Second Battle of El Alamein, Battle of the Bulge, American bombing of Nagasaki
Battle of the Bulge, Allied landing at Normandy, Battle of the Midway Island, Second Battle of El Alamein
Battle of the Coral Sea, Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbor, Battle of the Bulge, Allied landing at Normandy
Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbor, Second Battle of El Alamein, Battle of the Bulge, American bombing of Nagasaki
Which of the following describes an accurate reaction by a Western democracy to aggression perpetrated by democratic nation during the 1920s or 1930s?
Both the US and Britain ordered airstrikes on Moscow after Stalin's invasion of Finland
Britain conducted airstrikes to prevent the German annexation of the Sudetenland
France sent military contingents to Italy to prevent Mussolini from seizing the island of Corfu
The US imposed a trade embargo on Japan after Japan's military invaded and occupied Chinese Manchuria
The US imposed a trade embargo on Japan after Japan's military invaded and occupied Chinese Manchuria
Which of the following battles did NOT occur in the Pacific theater of the war?
Battle of El Alamein
Battle of the Midway Island
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of the Coral Sea
Battle of El Alamein
Which of the following was NOT true about the American homefront during World War Two?
Federal law technically prohibited racial discrimination in the defense industry during the war
The Supreme Court ruled that Executive Order 9066 was acceptable due to wartime security concerns
Women were paid wages equal to that earned by their male counterparts in factories and shipyards
Japanese-Americans in Hawaii were not deported to internment camps because Hawaii's economy would have failed without them
Women were paid wages equal to that earned by their male counterparts in factories and shipyards
What new means of entertainment entered American homes en masse during the 1950s?
Personal computers
Mobile telephones
Television sets
Television sets
What event prompted the United States to become concerned about the spread of communism into the country that would become the independent nation of Vietnam?
The rise of Ngo Diem to political power in neighboring Thailand, who was thought to be funding communist factions in neighboring Vietnam
The shooting down of a US military craft over Southeast Asia by a political group that was believed to be Soviet-backed
The fall of French colonial forces in 1954 at the fortress of Dien Bien Phu to rebels, some of whom had communist leanings
The end of a decades-long civil war in Indochina saw the return of pro-communist exiles from China
The fall of French colonial forces in 1954 at the fortress of Dien Bien Phu to rebels, some of whom had communist leanings
Which of the following was NOT a feature of social and familial life in 1950s middle class America?
Dramatic increase in presence of women in the industrial labor force
Single-family home ownership
Ownership of at least one sedan vehicle
Access to convenient new home appliance technologies
Dramatic increase in presence of women in the industrial labor force
What action taken by Mohammad Mossadegh acted as an excuse for the US and Britain to accuse him of communist sympathies?
His acceptance of hydrogen weapons from China
His detainment of a British MI6 agent who was investigating communist infiltration in South Asia
His personal albeit non-political friendship with Nikita Khrushchev's son
His willingness to compromise with the Tudeh Party due to a shared belief in secularism
His willingness to compromise with the Tudeh Party due to a shared belief in secularism
What financial interest in Guatemala prompted American interference in that country's government during the 1950s?
The destruction of mines previously held by American companies by pro-communist rebels in the country's highlands
President Jacobo Arbenz's act of confiscating valuable agricultural lands that had previously been controlled by the American United Fruit Company
The Soviet acquisition of access to the Panama Canal via the Guatemalan lowlands in 1954
The seizure of British-controlled oil fields in the country by the nationalist president, Patrice Lumumba
President Jacobo Arbenz's act of confiscating valuable agricultural lands that had previously been controlled by the American United Fruit Company
What was the main domestic achievement of President Eisenhower's terms of office?
The creation of the interstate highway system
The end of American involvement in Vietnam
Strict laws forbidding CIA intrusions into the elections and political systems of foreign countries
The creation of a national health insurance plan
The creation of the interstate highway system
In the 1950s, what was NOT considered to be a hallmark of a middle class nuclear family?
Access to new modes of entertainment, including film, music, and television
Residence in a large urban center, usually in multi-family tenement complex
A male breadwinner who made enough to support a family
Membership in a union or a professional job title
Residence in a large urban center, usually in multi-family tenement complex
This valuable piece of infrastructure in the Middle East was nationalized by its country's leader, prompting outrage from the European countries who depended on access to it for their trade through the Red Sea.
The Trans-Mesopotamian Rail
The Suez Canal
The Bosphorus Strait
The Aswan Dam
The Suez Canal
Which pairing correctly matches the historical personality to his or her role in 1950s America?
Dick Clark: host of American Bandstand from 1956 onwards
Alger Hiss: head of the House Un-American Activities Committee between 1950 and 1959
Richard Nixon: American ambassador to the Soviet Union who was expelled after insulting Stalin in 1952
John Foster Dulles: US army general who oversaw the last year of America's occupation of Japan between 1958 and 1959
Dick Clark: host of American Bandstand from 1956 onwards
The divisions in the Democratic Party during President Truman's tenure in the White House led to:
The rise of the "Dixiecrats" led by Strom Thurmond who supported segregation
A prolonged political battle with the Republican party that compromised the status of American troops in Korea
A political scandal involving the misappropriation of funds by leading members of Truman's cabinet
The creation of the new American Proletariat Party by disaffected liberal Democrats who wanted to see better protections for unions
The rise of the "Dixiecrats" led by Strom Thurmond who supported segregation
The American government at first claimed that Francis Gary Powers' plane was a weather plane, but what in fact was Francis Gary Powers doing in Russian airspace?
He was moving American military supplies over the Soviet Union on his way to supply anti-communist rebels in China
He mistakenly landed in Russia thinking that he was in fact landing on a NATO base in Finland
He was flying a commercial jet over Russian airspace on his way to Pakistan, where he was planning on rescuing American hostages in the city of Peshawar
He was flying a U2 spy plane as part of an espionage mission
e was flying a U2 spy plane as part of an espionage mission
hat was the primary point of disagreement between President Truman and General MacArthur in the course of the Korean War?
MacArthur believed that the US needed to train Japanese soldiers to reoccupy the Korean peninsula, whereas Truman believed the US needed to do the job itself
MacArthur believed that the US needed to push through North Korea and into China in order to take out China's communist government, while Truman believed this was unwise
Truman wanted MacArthur to attack the Soviet Union from an American base in North Korea
MacArthur believed that beating the North Korean communists was a lost cause by 1952, and that the US should pull out of the Korean peninsula entirely
MacArthur believed that the US needed to push through North Korea and into China in order to take out China's communist government, while Truman believed this was unwise
Which genre of music was strongly associated with youth culture in the 1950s?
Rock n' roll
Rock n' roll
Joseph McCarthy's ultimate downfall came when he:
Committed suicide after being implicated in a financial scandal involving kickbacks from defense contractors
Began making baseless accusations of communist sympathies against prominent members of the US army, who retorted and in turn accused McCarthy of having no decency and just using the "red scare" as a smear campaign
Participated in a botched coup against the prime minister of Iran, resulting in his death in a helicopter accident
Had an affair with Eisenhower's wife, leading to his humiliating resignation
Began making baseless accusations of communist sympathies against prominent members of the US army, who retorted and in turn accused McCarthy of having no decency and just using the "red scare" as a smear campaign
Select the term below that is correctly matched to its definition:
Domino theory: belief that economic growth in one sector will eventually trickle down into adjoining sectors
Proxy war: when two superpowers support conflicting factions in different countries, leading to ideological confrontations that reflect the differences between the superpowers, even though those superpowers do not directly engage with one another in battle
Suburb: poor section of an urban center where most of the population resides in multi-family housing that is owned by the government
Coup d'etat: when a democratic election goes smoothly and the result is not contested
Proxy war: when two superpowers support conflicting factions in different countries, leading to ideological confrontations that reflect the differences between the superpowers, even though those superpowers do not directly engage with one another in battle
Prior to its independence in 1960, Congo was controlled by this European power, whose alliance with the United States prompted American intervention in the country to take out the nation's first independence leader.
Great Britain
Which of the descriptions below best describes Levittown?
It was the codename for the CIA mission in Guatemala that topped that country's democratically elected leader
It was a suburb that began development on Long Island in 1947, and conveniently allowed residents easy access to New York City by car and by train
It was a popular American soap opera in the 1950s produced by the Disney corporation
It was a powerful defense contracting company co-owned by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
It was a suburb that began development on Long Island in 1947, and conveniently allowed residents easy access to New York City by car and by train
This American state experienced a protracted two-year conflict surrounding the attempted integration of its schools after Brown v. Board of the Education of Topeka ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
Which event in 1953 signalled a potential if brief reprieve for US-Soviet relations?
The death of Josef Stalin and the denunciation of Stalin's brutality by Nikita Khrushchev
Withdrawal of Soviet support for China
The Soviet army agreement to allow democratic elections in Hungary
The fall of the communist government in North Korea
The death of Josef Stalin and the denunciation of Stalin's brutality by Nikita Khrushchev
Which of the foreign leaders below was backed by the United States during the 1950s?
Mao Zedong
Kim il-Sung
Ngo Diem
Ho Chi Minh
Ngo Diem
General Electric, Frigidaire, and Kenwood were all important in the 1950s because they:
Were companies that made modern home appliances that were highly desired by American families
Were independent spy agencies used by the American government to collect data on Third World countries
Were defense contractors that supplied planes
Were media companies that pioneered "sitcoms" in American television
Were companies that made modern home appliances that were highly desired by American families
What happened to the American-backed Chinese Nationalist Party leader Chiang Kai-Shek after he fled mainland China in 1949?
He committed suicide in shame at having been on the losing side of the Chinese Civil War
He was assassinated by a hit squad commissioned by Mao Zedong, China's communist victor
He died in a botched mission to transport him and his family from an American military base in South Korea to a safehouse in Japan
He retreated to the island of Taiwan where he set up a government that continued to be backed by the Americans
He retreated to the island of Taiwan where he set up a government that continued to be backed by the Americans
All of the following were accomplishments of the Truman administration EXCEPT:
The desegregation of the armed services
The dispatching of federal troops to Little Rock Central High School to aid in the desegregation of the school
The allocation of funds to Greece and Turkey to help those countries' governments fight against communist factions within their borders
The winning of the 1948 election despite having alienated many members of the working classes
The dispatching of federal troops to Little Rock Central High School to aid in the desegregation of the school
The belief that once one nation fell to communist factions that the nations surrounding it would become highly vulnerable to falling to the forces of communism was known as the:
Containment theory
Truman Doctrine
Domino theory
Eisenhower Doctrine
Domino Theory
All of the following contributed to America's economic boom in the 1950s EXCEPT:
Aid from the GI Bill that helped veterans gain more education, buy homes, and start businesses with government-backed loans
The growth of the nation's automotive industry and the subsequent building of interstate highways
The adoption of code-processing computers that eliminated the need for many manual labor jobs in the nation's urban centers
The ample funds funnelled into the defense contracting industry
The adoption of code-processing computers that eliminated the need for many manual labor jobs in the nation's urban centers
Which of the following was NOT created as a part of JFK's "New Frontier" program?
More Social Security benefits for unemployed workers with children
A federally-mandated health insurance program for the elderly
Increased federal water quality oversight
An increase in the federal minimum wage
Increased federal water quality oversight
Which of the following below was NOT generally associated with the counterculture atmosphere of late 1960s youth?
Liberal views on human sexuality
Following of anti-war folk music
Strong Protestant Christian religious observance
Use of recreational marijuana
Strong Protestant Christian religious observance
The Selective Service Act enabled which of the following:
A military draft of young men into the nation's armed services during a time of war
Punishment for anyone who verbally denounced American military actions in public
Joint CIA-Marine Corps secret missions into nations with active communist parties
Military aid for friendly foreign governments as part of the containment strategy
A military draft of young men into the nation's armed services during a time of war
What Soviet action in 1961 provoked US concern as far as the city of Berlin was concerned?
An outbreak of polio in East Berlin happened because the Soviets refused to allow the American-made vaccine into the city
The Soviets stopped East Berliners from crossing into West Berlin, and began constructing a wall to divide the city and contain East Berlin's population
A Soviet bomber struck key US targets in West Berlin
The Soviets placed missile launching pads on the outskirts of the portions of East Berlin that they controlled
The Soviets stopped East Berliners from crossing into West Berlin, and began constructing a wall to divide the city and contain East Berlin's population
Which of the following was NOT true about Cuba before the 1959 revolution?
Cuba had high rates of education and literacy, despite its economic inequalities
Cuba's telephone and electricity networks were controlled by American corporations
Fulgencio Batista's policies kept the country's wealth concentrated in the hands of a small elite
American agricultural companies controlled a lot of land in Cuba
Cuba had high rates of education and literacy, despite its economic inequalities
Which pairing correctly matches the historical personality to his or her respective actions?
William Westmoreland: Johnson's vice president who lost the 1968 election
George Wallace: liberal activist who organized protests at the Chicago Democratic national convention in 1968
Jerry Rubin: leading US general on the ground in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive
Tom Hayden: anti-war political activist behind the Students for a Democratic Society Group
Tom Hayden: anti-war political activist behind the Students for a Democratic Society Group
This major episode of the American presence in Vietnam was an important turning point in exposing the war's brutality and futility to the American public.
Operation Rolling Thunder
The Tet Offensive
The Viet Cong attack on a US base in the neighboring Philippines
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Tet Offensive
Which of the leaders below was supported by the American government during the late 1950s and early 1960s?
Fidel Castro
Fulgencio Batista
Ho Chi Minh
Nikita Khrushchev
Fulgencio Batista
This event pushed President Johnson to push for a surge of American military action in Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh's attack on neighboring neutral Thailand
The Gulf of Tonkin incident involving a US destroyer called the Maddox
A Chinese-backed coup in South Vietnam
Ngo Diem's temporary alliance with the Viet Cong
The Gulf of Tonkin incident involving a US destroyer called the Maddox
Which of the following groups of people turned against the Vietnam War during the late 1960s?
Senior American military advisors from the conservative political wing
Middle aged American women with young adult sons
Defense contractors with ties to the American military budget
Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and George Wallace's supporters
Middle aged American women with young adult sons
The popular quote "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" was most strongly associated with:
The American military's push to get young men to cooperate with the draft
JFK's launch of the "New Frontier" programs in 1961
The Republican presidential campaign of 1968
The mantra of the radical demonstrators at the 1968 Chicago National Convention
JFK's launch of the "New Frontier" programs in 1961
This spot on the island of Cuba was the landing site for a CIA-backed plan to have trained Cuban exiles retake the island from the Castro regime.
Santiago de Cuba
Guantanamo Bay
Bay of Pigs
Bay of Pigs
Which of the following was unique about the 1960 presidential election?
JFK won by a landslide
The Republican party had no viable candidate
The vote was so close that the Supreme Court had to step in to order a recount
It was the first election in American history to be prefaced by a televised debate between the two final candidates
It was the first election in American history to be prefaced by a televised debate between the two final candidates
Which of the following is TRUE about Cuba after the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved?
A number of members of the Bay of Pigs Invasion squad attempted a second unsuccessful invasion of Cuba in 1975
Cuba's communist government outlived the Cold War, since Fidel Castro did not die until 2016
Most of the Cuban exiles who settled in Miami after the 1959 Revolution chose to return to the island after the missile crisis resolved
Batista was granted refuge in the United States, where he was controversially awarded a US military pension
Cuba's communist government outlived the Cold War, since Fidel Castro did not die until 2016
Prior to his presidential ambitions in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy had served as:
The Republican Party national committee organizer
The attorney general in JFK's administration
A general in Korea
A military advisor in Vietnam
The attorney general in JFK's administration
During the 1960 presidential election, the JFK's Republican opponent was:
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Dwight Eisenhower
McGeorge Bundy
Richard Nixon
What was one key American concession made to the Soviet Union during the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
The US agreed to allow the Soviets to store their missiles at a military base in the nearby Dominican Republic
America agreed to remove its army bases from West Germany
The US agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey
The US agreed to deport Cuban exiles in the US back to Cuba
The US agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey
What was unique about JFK as far as his background as a president was concerned?
He was the first Roman Catholic to hold the office of president
He had only served for two years as a representative from Massachusetts before running for president
He was the first World War Two veteran to hold the office of president
He came to the office of president with military and private business experience, but no prior government experience
He was the first Roman Catholic to hold the office of president
Direct US involvement in Cuba dated back to:
The period immediately following the end of the American Civil War
America's victory in the Spanish-American War of 1898
The end of World War Two
The beginning of World War One
America's victory in the Spanish-American War of 1898
Which pairing correctly matches the historical personality to his or her respective actions?
Ho Chi Minh: former French-backed puppet government leader in South Vietnam who later received a lot of American support for his anti-communist views
William Westmoreland: American anti-war activist who led a riot at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago
Ngo Diem: leader of the Viet Cong mission that sunk several American vessels in the Gulf of Tonkin
Robert McNamara: US Secretary of Defense who was stumped by the resilience of the Viet Cong even as America's war in Vietnam accelerated
Robert McNamara: US Secretary of Defense who was stumped by the resilience of the Viet Cong even as America's war in Vietnam accelerated
During the 1960s, the term "LIBERAL" in American politics referred to those who:
Believed that individuals, families, and communities, NOT the government, were responsible for people's well-being
Believed that the United States should pursue a pacifist foreign policy
Believed that racial issues were a state issue, and not a federal one
Believed the government should take a proactive approach to tackling poverty, preventing racial discrimination, and providing more social welfare services for the American public
Believed the government should take a proactive approach to tackling poverty, preventing racial discrimination, and providing more social welfare services for the American public
his conservative leader in 1964 challenged LBJ's platform of liberalism by positing the view that the federal government was growing too big and taking on too much of a role in redistributing taxpayers wealth.
McGeorge Bundy
Richard Nixon
Hubert H. Humphrey
Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater
The US bombing campaign on military targets over North Vietnam that began in 1965 was known as:
The Westmoreland War
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
McNamara's March
Operation Rolling Thunder
Operation Rolling Thunder
Job Corps, Upward Bound, and VISTA were all programs created specifically by the:
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
Medicare Act of 19651964 Civil Rights Act
Kennedy New Frontier program
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
This location became a popular site of demonstrations during the late 1960s, particularly when it came to anti-war protests.
NASA headquarters in Houston, Texas
Hollywood studios in Los Angeles, CA
Westpoint military academy in upstate New York
UC Berkeley campus in northern California
UC Berkeley campus in northern California