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Short-term memory
A temporary storage system that holds information for a short period of time, typically around 20 to 30 seconds.
Digit span tests
A measurement of short-term memory capacity, where individuals recall a sequence of numbers.
Phonological loop
A component of working memory responsible for processing and storing auditory information.
Visual-spatial sketchpad
A component of working memory that holds visual and spatial information for processing.
Central executive
The part of working memory that coordinates and manages information from the phonological loop and visual-spatial sketchpad.
Episodic buffer
A component of working memory that integrates information from different sources and adds a temporal tag regarding when information was experienced.
Articulatory suppression
A task that involves speaking or articulating words to prevent the rehearsal of other information in memory.
Proactive interference
When previously learned information interferes with the ability to remember new information.
Retroactive interference
When new information interferes with the ability to retrieve previously learned information.
Anterograde amnesia
The inability to form new memories after a brain injury.
Retrograde amnesia
The loss of memories formed before a brain injury.
Declarative memory
Memory that can be consciously recalled, such as facts and events.
Non-declarative memory
Memory that is not consciously recalled, such as skills and habits.
Semantic memory
A type of declarative memory that includes general knowledge and facts.
Episodic memory
A type of declarative memory that involves personal experiences and specific events.
Transient global amnesia
A temporary condition in which an individual experiences significant memory loss.
Interference theory
The idea that forgetting occurs because other memories interfere with the retrieval of the target memory.
Delaying responses
A method to study memory that shows how quickly one can recall information after a time period.
Task switching
The ability to alternate attention between multiple tasks or mental operations.
A cognitive framework that helps organize and interpret information.