the British empire
the USSR (its fall lead to a unipolar world, lead by the USA)
USA (current)
large military power (eg USA spends more than the next 10 countries combined on military and has the most air craft carriers in the world- initiation)
large amount of resources / land (control of other countries without)
large population
culture (and its influence in the world, eg USA in media)
strong economy. (Can use money to project power)
Russia was a superpower 1945-1991
Russia's ability to attack Ukrainian in 2022
Russia's intervention in Syria
This theory had influence on many foreign policies (many in the Cold War) and so remains highly relevant today.
Russia is no longer a superpower
USA, china and India all have more power than Russia
geopolitical landscape has changed since 1904
land area is not necessarily a good indicator for power
low population in the ‘heartland area’
BELT + ROAD INITIATIVE (over 7 years)
write up separately
china invest in other countries (60+) infrastructure to make it easier for china to sell trade Eg big port in Pakistan, channel in Nicaragua (planning underway) , roads across Africa (Kenya and Uganda Eg possibly spratley islands- protecting shipping route
some think this is their way to ‘take control of the world’
cultural globalisation
promoting ideology
promoting a country as being a role model
publicly traded- they are owned by numerous stakeholders
state owned- are owned by the government, Eg Saudi Aramco
as developing countries want their investment, they have the power to influence government policies
their large scale (can outcompete smaller companies) (and they are well know)
their large bank balances
they have benefitted from free market capitalism
modernisation theory
dependency theory
world systems theory
A theory developed by Wallerstein, It can also been knows as the core periphery model. Core= Rich countries. Per= poor countries
the per provides core with materials
and the core provides per with money (with strings attached) or goods (Shows development gap)
It can explain why not all countries can follow the modernisation theory.
applying military or diplomatic sanctions
requiring authorisation of military force against another country
authorising a UN peace keeping force
large emissions (USA and China have largest emissions)
this is due to employment distributions eg many factories ( secondary employment) in china = high emissions
or due to level of development- whether or not renewable energy can be afforded. Eg India which disagreed with initiatives at cop26
also due to population / level of consumption eg USA and China
finally, developing or corrupt countries have less laws and regulations to allow for more economic benefit
oil spills
land degradation for urbanisation, agriculture and timber
air pollution
1- manufacturing for export 2- constriction eg railways and bridges ect 3- consumption- growth sweet spot (make middle class richer)
more emissions
less malnutrition
deforestation to keep up with housing and goods demands (eg meat consumption)