First arriving officer will
Bodily injury
Render first aid and summon medical assistance when responding to crimes against a person involving bodily injury.
Lock down the scene by
Placing yellow crime scene tape around the perimeter of the crime scene.
Scene population
Remove all unauthorized persons, including officers, from the inner perimeter of the crime scene.
ingress egress
Ensure unauthorized vehicles do not enter the inner perimeter of the crime scene.
Red tape
Red crime scene tape will be placed around crime scenes where an officer-involved shooting (OIS), incustody death, or use of deadly force incident has occurred. The responding Force Investigations Team (FIT) supervisor or designee is responsible for placing the red crime scene tape after yellow crime scene tape has been placed. All personnel, regardless of rank, must obtain authorization from a FIT detective and a Crime Scene Investigations (CSI) director/supervisor before entering red-taped crime scene areas. (1/09, 4/23)■