Semester 1; group 4
7 innovations developed during the Age of Industrialization:
Electric washing machine
Incandescent light bulb
Steel production (Bessemer process)
What is urbanization?
The growth of cities as people moved from rural to urban areas for jobs.
How did Andrew Carnegie become one of the richest men in America?
By dominating the steel industry through the Bessemer process.
How did John D. Rockefeller become wealthy?
Through Standard Oil and monopolizing the oil industry.
What is laissez-faire capitalism?
An economic system with minimal government intervention.
How did monopolies and trusts harm consumers?
By raising prices, lowering quality, and stifling competition.
Why did labor unions begin to organize in the late 19th Century?
To advocate for workplace reforms, including better wages, hours, and conditions.
What is collective bargaining?
Negotiation between workers and employers for better working conditions.
What was the cause and result of the Homestead Strike & Lockout?
Cause: Wage cuts and weakened steelworkers’ union.
Result: Violence, deaths, and a defeat for the union.
What is scientific management, and how did it help American businesses?
An efficiency method that broke tasks into smaller steps, increasing productivity.